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  1. V

    Feeding Adfs

    thanks for everything!!! i got mine a thing of bloodworms, but he refuses to eat it,but now will eat regular tetra fishfood... wierd frog.... he just had to make sure i would buy him other stuff if he wanted it... :) stinker... anyway, flake food has been working, so i think i will just give him...
  2. V

    How Big Is Too Big

    mine are sooo cute!!! i just got another one,and they have each claimed one of the decorations... Ihave two more neutral color decorations in a bright tank... They LOVE them!!!! It's so cute watching them eat too... I watch them until they are done!!!
  3. V

    How Big Is Too Big

  4. V

    Outcast Danio

    do you have plants for him to hide in?? also, it is helpful to have more fish...
  5. V

    Power Cut

    first of all, your tank seems overstoked, although i am not familiar with measurements of tanks in feet... Because of this, if the filter dies, the fish will dirty thier tank quicker than a normal tank, and the waste will produce more toxins. i talkede to a person at my LFS, and they said the...
  6. V

    How Big Is Too Big

    about 10 inches...
  7. V

    How Big Is Too Big

    I read that ADFs shouldn't really have too big of tanks, because they need to go up for air, but i'm now sure of the definition of big... I have a tengallon, which should be okay, as there is gravel (BTW i need to know if sand is okay for my ten gal tank [tankmates in profile]) about 1 inch...
  8. V

    How Many Adfs In 2.5 Gal?

    cories eat algae wafers?? hmmm... i learn something new every day... anyway, i have a ADF, and he leaves a lot of his food to rot, which is very wasteful, and very bad for the tank specks... i would go for one or two providing you are willing to clean up after them regularly... also, stay away...
  9. V

    Feeding Adfs

    so i tried a really sharp knife, and got it even smaller, but he still couldn't eat it... he got more than before, but he would lunge at it and try to eat it and spit it out... i'm confused...
  10. V

    Lots Of Dying Fish

    yay!!! my fish are all doing well now!!! my frog is even swimming around the tank!!! it is wonderful!!! thanks!!!!
  11. V

    Should I Be Worried?

    they were quarentined for a while, but that was when they were just added... maybe they were just determining pecking order... they have many hiding places, and he would go an peck at others in return so i'm not sure... they are fine now, and it looks like he is leading the school now...
  12. V

    5 Gallon Stocking

    i baught a five gallon for my dorm, and so far it has been nothing but a disaster... I u[graded to a 10 gal, but still it's small... I would say go at least like 20 gallons, and keep the guppys (schools of them are awesome)... also, i would keep the 5 gal as a quarintine/ hospital tank... I wish...
  13. V

    Best Tank Sseparation

    In my profile, i have my list- o- fish, which includes black skirts, corys, a CAE, and an ADF... I have a 5 gal and a 10 gal tank... the 5 gal has an internal filter, and my 10 gal has a power filter... i'm wondering if i should move the frog into it's own tank, so i can see it more and it's...
  14. V

    Feeding Adfs

    I read that if you put a terracotta dish in the bottom, the frogs will go to it to eat... have any of you tried it?? does it work?? how do you cut up the food small enough for them??
  15. V

    Feeding Adfs

    we don't have a bait store nearby, and in researching, i found that they could eat and like to eat tilapia, so i went to the grocery store to buy that, (a fish that a small town grocery store would have) and he seemed to like it... I also tried the baster idea, but this seems very difficult. I...
  16. V

    Feeding Adfs

    thanks!!! i will see if there is a bait store closer... do they only like bloodworms, or is there something else i can see if they have if they don't have them...
  17. V

    Catfish Id Confusion

    okay... thanks!!! i wil try to return him... sorry for the confusion bloo... i named him otto when i thought he was one... :)
  18. V

    Should I Be Worried?

    there were two smaller ones added later (about 4 months after the first two) the one being picked on was one of the bigger ones (one of the older ones)... The older ones faught earlier, but they picked on eachother equally... now none of them are really schooling... is there anything i can do??
  19. V

    Lots Of Dying Fish

    is that in the tetra internal filter?? if so that is very good!!! thank you very much!!! i just read the box of cartridge replacements, and it says to replace them when the filter stops working,... hmmm.... lol. anyway, i think i will just rinse the cartridge out, and check on the purpose of the...
  20. V

    Feeding Adfs

    I bought an ADF, and it hasn't eaten anything for a week since i bought it... origionally it had a brother/ friend, but the other died of unknown causes (could have been the ammonia spike...) jerry (my frog) has not had anything to eat, and hasn't really been very active... e loves hiding on the...
  21. V

    Catfish Id Confusion

    so should i just return the otto?? I have corydoras in a different tank, and the otto in with the black skirts. I shouldn't put the corys with the blackskirts even though they will get along because they will be overstocked... also because of the gravel, but i have that gravel in the other tank...
  22. V

    Catfish Id Confusion

    would it be okay with corydoras catfish?? i have it with blackskirt tetras, and the reason i wanted to know what it was was to check if i should move it, because it is really annoying the blackskirts...
  23. V

    Catfish Id Confusion

    here are more pics
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  25. V

    Catfish Id Confusion

    i saw many like this in the store and they told me it was an otto, but i can't find any pics of an otto like that...(it was walmart so i'm not too sure about thier ids after they sold me four black skirt tetras as tiger barbs) there are more pics, and i'm sorry for the blurryness... The fish...
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  28. V

    Should I Be Worried?

    i have a ten gallon tank with four black skirts, a otto (i think) and a african dwarf frog... Three of the black skirts are ganging up and picking on the fourth... could they be male, and the other female?? are there other reasons they would pick on the other??
  29. V

    Lots Of Dying Fish

    I don't know... I'll check to see if there is some type of filter sponge i can use... my power filter fo the 10 gallon tank that is the same brand as the smaller onehas a little black sponge type thing by the biobag cartridge... maybe i can find one that is like that to go in it... thanks!!!!
  30. V

    Lots Of Dying Fish

    oh... that's not good... thanks so much for letting me know... the pictures i have are from the tetra catalogue website since i can't get a good one from my tank, and i want it to keep filtering. I haven't changed my filter yet this month, so i guess i just wont for now...
  31. V

    Lots Of Dying Fish

    yes i throw away the previous filter cartridge... i am not really sure how i would cut it in half... I use a tetra whisper one with activated carbon inside the filter packet. It shows that i can replace the carbon, but i cant put 1/2in the slot with a new one... Is it starting the whole ammonia...
  32. V

    Wierd coloration

    but if his changed color, it couldn't be a different breed... maybe mine, but it seems weird that they would change color...
  33. V

    Lots Of Dying Fish

    Hi, I have a problem with two different tanks... My five gallon was previously occupied by four corydoras, and two black skirt tetras. this was a happy healthy tank... I realized that was not fair to them however, because the tetras are schooling fish, and need more than two, and it was already...
  34. V

    Wierd coloration

    I'm not sure what it is, but mine seems to have the same thing... I was told mine was an otto, but the head was never the right color... i was trying to see if it was a different species, but i can't find anything... anyway, the tank i baught it from had about twenty, and they all had yellow...