Lots Of Dying Fish


New Member
Jun 1, 2007
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North Dakota
I have a problem with two different tanks... My five gallon was previously occupied by four corydoras, and two black skirt tetras. this was a happy healthy tank... I realized that was not fair to them however, because the tetras are schooling fish, and need more than two, and it was already overstocked. I did not have the money to buy a huge tank, so setteled for the next best thing. I bought a ten gallon tank, and a few more fish. I now have the ten gallon tank occupied by four black skirt tetras, a frog (one died :( ), and i think the other is either an otto or a chinese algae eater. the parameters were way messed up in this tank, because i was stupid, and i put all those fish in at once, and i apolagize... I think that's why my frog died... i checked the parameters about a week ago when i saw my suckerfish had redder gills than before, and the ammonia had been spiked dangorously high... (i only have test strips, but it was showing between .5 and 3.0) the rest were relatively normal. I then added jungle ammonia clear, checked again, and it was still high, and the box said it was safe to do a double dose and it was between .25 and .5 after that... My algae eater still has reddish gills, but it is looking better... Hopefully that tank is doing better...
In my 5 gallon tank, i had five neon tetras, and four bronze corydoras (two were albino if it matters) the corydoras are fine, and it was an established tank for almost a year, and i've been changing the filter every month, and doing partial (25%) water changes every two weeks it was a healthy tank... Previously, i had white clouds (they died while in transit for winter bresk) in with my betta (he died of many diseases that were present when i bought him) and the corydoras that are still in the tank.Once those other fish died, i did a 80% water change, and added 3 plattys and the two black skirts.the black skirts unfortunately ate my plattys, and we are back to where we started the post. I moved the black skirts, and added 5 neon tetras 3 of which died this week, and were added over the weekend. the other two are acting very strange. the water parameters were 0 ammonia, nitrate 40, nitrite .5-1.0, hardness 75-150, alkalinity 40-80, and ph 6.2-6.8... i put the two remaining neons in a cup with water from the other tank, hoping it was just the water. no chemicals were added to the 5 gal tank, and the corys have been acting sluggish. It is warm here, but the thermometer says it is within normal range. The neons have displayed a loss of the blue color, and they have been separating from the school and swimming erratically before death... I looked online and i found neon tetra disease which looks to be a perfect fit, but my sister got neons from the same tank along with glo lights, and they are doing fine... shehas had no deaths, and no sicknesses in her tank, and I think that if i got fish that were sick when i got them, then hers would be sick too... especially with neon tetra disease... Is it possible to get it from an uninfected tank?? i have seen green spots on my white porcalin decoration, it looks kinda like algae, and i'm not sure if that could have caused it either...
If you got to here, thank you very much for reading this much, and taking this much time out of your life, and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
When you say you've been changing your filter, do you mean actually throwing away the sponge and replacing it with a new one?. If so, that would explain your problems. The only thing you need to do is rinse the sponge out in some old tank water, then put it back in the filter. If you throw away the sponge, you're throwing away all the necessary bacteria that have built up in there. I know manufacturers sometimes say replace the sponge every month, but it's simply not needed, just rinse the old one as I've described. You can use them until they almost fall apart. When you do have to replace one, cut it in half and put it back in the filter with half of the new one, then replace the old half again 3-4 weeks later.
yes i throw away the previous filter cartridge... i am not really sure how i would cut it in half... I use a tetra whisper one with activated carbon inside the filter packet. It shows that i can replace the carbon, but i cant put 1/2in the slot with a new one... Is it starting the whole ammonia nitrogen cycle again? is that the same as what you are talking about with a sponge?? should i keep using the same one for longer?
If you're throwing the cartridge away then yes, unfortunately, your tank will just keep mini-cycling. I'm not familiar with the cartridges you describe, but there must be a way of squeezing the dirt out instead of throwing it away; if you have to keep doing that, it'll never properly cycle. Do you have a photo of the filter and cartridge?.
oh... that's not good... thanks so much for letting me know... the pictures i have are from the tetra catalogue website since i can't get a good one from my tank, and i want it to keep filtering. I haven't changed my filter yet this month, so i guess i just wont for now...
http://www.tetra-fish.com/catalog/product.aspx?id=565 for the filter
http://www.tetra-fish.com/catalog/product.aspx?id=58 for the cartridge
my glow tetras are now in my sisters tank with her school after a three day quarantine with no problems, and they seem to be doing fine and are schooling with the rest... I don't think she changes her filter, and she seems to go with only evaporation changes, but she hasn't had any unexplained deaths for two years... i guess i just care too much about my fish, and try too hard to keep them alive... In my ten gallon tank, it looks like three of my black skirt tetras are attacking or nipping at the fourth, although i am not sure why... it seems that he/she is staying away from the group... what could cause this?? is it a problem?? also, my suckerfish (i think it's an otto or a chinese algae eater) has been bugging my black skirts... Is that a problem? it seems like he's trying to school with them sometines, and others like he's trying to clean them too... i'm not sure what to do...
in my five gallon,i have my corydoras (bronze and albino bronze) who have been through everything with me, and continue to do well... I worry about the tank though... There are green spots on my arch decoration that are about quarter size, and i'm not sure what to do about it...
Thanks for everything...
Hmmm. That's a strange one - I've never actually seen the cartridge type before. If it were me, I'd try to squeeze them out as best I can ( in some old tank water, of course) every couple of weeks; it's much more important to keep at least SOME of the bacteria you need. Is there any chance you could buy one of the smaller Fluval internals (the 1 or 2)?. Is there anything else in the filter apart from those catridges, or would there be room for at least some filter sponge alonside the cartridges?.
I don't know... I'll check to see if there is some type of filter sponge i can use... my power filter fo the 10 gallon tank that is the same brand as the smaller onehas a little black sponge type thing by the biobag cartridge... maybe i can find one that is like that to go in it... thanks!!!!
Hmmm I have the same filter and I've been wondering about the cartridge system. IF you pull the cartridge out and stick your hand down the chute you'll find a little box with what looks like black balls inside. This is where your bacteria colonies are. However, and this is the bit I don't get on these cartridge. It says on the package "lasts up to 4 weeks" err what does? On all other filters I've used I just wash the filter in some aquarium water to get rid of the solids. the foam is mechanical filteration but it will also contain the bacteria thats good for the tank. They do have some carbon stones inside (or something) but I'm not sure what there purpose is. Something to do with removing nitrate??? I don't know.

I'm not going to change my cartridge. I'll wash it now and again (in aquarium water :p) but I think its just tetra trying to squeeze a few more bucks out of you every month. :shifty:

I'm not going to change my cartridge. I'll wash it now and again (in aquarium water :p) but I think its just tetra trying to squeeze a few more bucks out of you every month. :shifty:


I think that's about the top and bottom of it; throwing cartridges away every month is going to cause trouble in the tank.
is that in the tetra internal filter?? if so that is very good!!! thank you very much!!! i just read the box of cartridge replacements, and it says to replace them when the filter stops working,... hmmm.... lol. anyway, i think i will just rinse the cartridge out, and check on the purpose of the carbon to see if i need to add more each month...
yay!!! my fish are all doing well now!!! my frog is even swimming around the tank!!! it is wonderful!!! thanks!!!!

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