Feeding Adfs


New Member
Jun 1, 2007
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North Dakota
I bought an ADF, and it hasn't eaten anything for a week since i bought it... origionally it had a brother/ friend, but the other died of unknown causes (could have been the ammonia spike...) jerry (my frog) has not had anything to eat, and hasn't really been very active... e loves hiding on the little decorations, because he camoflagues well with them. I was told that they would eat the flakes or peas, but he hasn't had any... I can't get to the pet shop this week, as we don't have one in town... is there anything that i can feed himin the mean time?? would hamburger work?? some other sort of meat, or something i would be able to find in the grocery store??
I've never seen them eat flakes. Not sure who told you that - hopefully not the lfs.. :unsure:

I've not had good luck with the adfs I've picked up lately. 5 in total. Don't ask how many are still around.... (O) :blink: I do think that they are generally not very healthy from the stores, and also need very clean water. You might want to do a water change to start.

From my experience, pick the largest, plumpest frog available, and feed him fatter on bloodworms. Frozen. With a baster if need be. They need the food to be RIGHT in front of their face (sometimes ON it) to snap it up. I also saw mine eat shrimp pellets that had softened up first. If you have any, I'd give it a try. I don't know anything about hamburger... might have better luck in a bait store.
thanks!!! i will see if there is a bait store closer... do they only like bloodworms, or is there something else i can see if they have if they don't have them...
we don't have a bait store nearby, and in researching, i found that they could eat and like to eat tilapia, so i went to the grocery store to buy that, (a fish that a small town grocery store would have) and he seemed to like it... I also tried the baster idea, but this seems very difficult. I tried to feed him, but he didn't recognise that the food was there until it was right in front of his face, and i couldn't keep it in the baster while i was feeding him, because he couldn't get it then, and once i let it out, it got lost in the gravel. also, the ones he could get were too big, and he tried to tear it apart, but could not... any tips on how to cut the fish/ feed them so they can eat it??
Blackworms, chopped earthworms (not night crawlers), daphnia (waterfleas), Brineshrimp, Gammarus, and HBH frog and tadpole bites (the frogs are the decider with the bites). All the wiggly stuf can be live, or frozen. So you can choose that.
I read that if you put a terracotta dish in the bottom, the frogs will go to it to eat... have any of you tried it?? does it work?? how do you cut up the food small enough for them??
Yes, they will learn to do it. They will eat from the dish if you continually put their food there, somewhat like a dog's bowl. And a razor blade will do a perfect job in slicing their food into bite sized chunks.
so i tried a really sharp knife, and got it even smaller, but he still couldn't eat it... he got more than before, but he would lunge at it and try to eat it and spit it out... i'm confused...
Yeah bloodworms, black worms, flake food (mine eats that), Reptomin (in the reptile section often), frozen or freeze dried krill, HBH Frog and Tadpole Bites, earthworms or nightcrawlers chopped into small pieces.

Good Luck!
thanks for everything!!! i got mine a thing of bloodworms, but he refuses to eat it,but now will eat regular tetra fishfood... wierd frog.... he just had to make sure i would buy him other stuff if he wanted it... :) stinker... anyway, flake food has been working, so i think i will just give him that, as nothing else is eating the bloodworms either... i have to keep taking them out when i give it to them...
Have you tried HBH Frog and Tadpole Bites? They are soft, sinking pellets. My frogs love them. And it makes feeding them so easy because I can jsut put the pellets in a dish on the bottom of the tank and the frogs know right where to go for their food.

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