Search results

  1. fishboy619

    Betta To A Bigger Tank, Need Info Please!

    i second all the info given, just to add thu, kuhliis may be hard to find and need a sand substrate, but i bought some a while back, they hid for the first few days, but are always out now, very active and intresting to watch, in my tanks it had lots of caves,plants and sand. in a 10g heated and...
  2. fishboy619

    Planting Real Plants

    should i remove all my foam things from around my plants, even tho they are already planted? if you should remove all things around from the plant base, how will the plant stay at the bottom, some plants arent planted like java fern, which i weight and drop into the tank. i usally loosen the...
  3. fishboy619

    Feeding Corys...

    tetra tabimin, algea wafers, pellets, tetra prima, bloodworms,brineshrimp and flakes that fall to the bottom. i rarely see them eat, but they must be as the foods dissapering and the cories are still alive.
  4. fishboy619

    Betta Tankmates - Harlequin Rasboras?

    personally i wouldnt put rasboras in that 5 gallon tank, they are active fish that need more room to swim about,a few pygmy cories would go well. also, just a note, they are shoaling fish and i dont think 3 is enough, i would say 5 min. other tank mates are ottos, pygmy cories, snails, ADF's and...
  5. fishboy619

    Betta To A Bigger Tank, Need Info Please!

    5-10 gallons is a good size, for the cories aswell, maybe nearer 10g. go for 3+ with the albinos, most bettas dont bother cories or other bottom dwellers, maybe add a few ottos at a later date. great your getting a bigger tank though. your betta will almost deffinately be better off
  6. fishboy619

    Dwarf Puffers

    personally an airstone isnt nessary, i use a small 1 gallon jar and leave them to it, feed algea wafers, lettuce or cucumber every few days and bingo, over run with snails. water change every week, snails are never ending for me,
  7. fishboy619

    Feeding Adf

    well, for feeding your frogs, some good ways are buying yourself a turkey baster and squirting the food above the frogs, dont feed pellets, get some or frozen, NOT freeze dried other ways are putting lots of bloodworms next to the frog, and putting a jar over the frog and food...
  8. fishboy619

    Pics Of My Aqurium

    oscars nedd bigger tanks then 20g bala sharks are shoaling fish and still grow too big for 55g IMO
  9. fishboy619


    i suggest getting another one, while they can live alone, a friend to keep them company does them well.feed bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphina using a turkey baster to squirt them over the frogs. other methods are to put the food in caves etc where frogs will eventually find them, sand is need...
  10. fishboy619

    Crayfish Fry

    i wouldnt release into the wild again, problems could occur. personally i wouldnt have cought the mother in the first place, i like to leave the wild alone, and bought a captve bred crayfish instead, saying that, the shrimplets are cute and look ace, and the mother must be happy to have them...
  11. fishboy619

    Planting Real Plants

    why do you have to remove it? will it do any harm, or what i mean is, do i have to put up my plants and take them off?
  12. fishboy619

    Humane Killing

    i personally think taking them to the lfs is the best idea, but for killing them, which i frown upon, probally for fry, feeding to other fish, or flushing down the loo. as for adults, again flushing, head chopping or crushing. all these ways are making me sick
  13. fishboy619

    Cherry Shimp Help!

    my mistake then, i always thought they were tropical shrimps that needed warm water. still, mine are in heated water and do very well.
  14. fishboy619

    Pics Of My Aqurium

    not a bad tank, but i agree with the other posters, your stockings a little off, the tropical and coldwater fish should never be mixed, and you have some aggressive fish in there already such as the tiger barbs who will nip fins of other fish. maybe a lot more plants in, i hate to see a bare tank.
  15. fishboy619

    Pygmy Cories Under Attack

    i see no problems with them in the 180lt, they might struggle to find food at first, just feed plenty and keep watching., should be ok
  16. fishboy619

    Dwarf Puffers

    cheers, i havent fed my fish any bugs, just wanted to check first. i dont think you Can cultivate your own bloodworms, arent they the young of mosquitos?or someting simular as for the other foods, look at the post above by mlawson,they do accept meats such as chicken, and crab and clam i think...
  17. fishboy619


    as long as the species or cories are more then 3 then i dont see a problem, for example, 3+ albinos, 3+ bronze, 3+ panda, etc. as for the plec, depends on what species your after, some will get far too big for a 40 gallon
  18. fishboy619

    15gg Oddball Tank...

    it sounds fine, not sure how aggressive the red eyed puffer is, but i doubt they will be any problems with the ottos or snail.the snail may be eaten though. the decor sounds good too, caves, rocks, plants are the best thing to have, lowers aggression and looks better IMO sorry i cant be more help
  19. fishboy619

    8 Gallon

    the tank needs to be cycled first. personally i would add a filter, lots for sale that would do a 8gallon, its less hastle with one, other wise compleate a water change every 4-5 days. a heater is nessary though. well done for thinking of upgrading him, i assum hes in a small tank other wise it...
  20. fishboy619

    Planting Real Plants

    i always leave mine on, loosen it a little bit to allow the plant to grow, then plant
  21. fishboy619


    i wasnt saying they were crap, just ive heard bad reviews, depends on what your after if they are for you or not, still, they are expensive for what they are
  22. fishboy619

    Dwarf Puffers

    yeah what i was going to say :P lol just out of intrest, would a puffer eat bugs and insects such as spiders anf flies? i have never tried flakes with my puffers, they only eat live or frozen, and they dont eat live shrimps either.or apple snails,lol mine dont anyway
  23. fishboy619

    Cherry Shimp Help!

    lol, they are about this big _________ (App.) the are tropical and need a heater, personally they need a bigger tank than 11l, 5 gallons if the smallest i will go light in the daytime is fine,but it must be turned off at night, strong light may annoy them they eat what other shrimps eat...
  24. fishboy619

    Siberian Husky's, Any Pic's?

    just an update: so much for getting a husky,lol. there is this beautiful black lab at work and its only young, not even fully grown, its looking good. i would still like any extra info about norwegian elkhounds, if archer you are willing to share thanks everyone for your help, will try to get a...
  25. fishboy619


    some people like them, others dont, personally i dont like them, more of a typical rectangle tank person myself ive also heard bad reviews, not good for bottom dwellers as small floor space, same for top dwellers, but a few small fish are ok, livebearers, tetras, dwarf gouramie and bettas are ok...
  26. fishboy619

    Dwarf Puffers

    dwarf puffers need excellent water quality the dont eat vegs (why the hell did the lfs tell you that :crazy: )meaty foods such as bloodworms, brineshrimp, daphina, little bits of household meats like beef heart and chicken. put 2 in 10g, i have 3 in 15 with lots of real plants and caves and they...
  27. fishboy619

    Would You Buy Shrimps Online ?

    i dont really want to explain it, but yeah a ebay seller due to that, i always like to see what im buying for real, and know that if anything goes wrong, i can go back and find out.
  28. fishboy619

    15gg Oddball Tank...

    i second the puffers, freshwater with 2-3 dwarves, or brackish with figure 8 and bumbleebee gobies however, what about killifish, they are some really colorful killifish that will breed easy
  29. fishboy619

    Food Waste

    how many fish do you have in your tank? the more fish, the longer you should leave it. i agree that i never have any wafers or pellets to remove the next morning, are you sure your fish eat what your feeding them, are they fish in the tank that will live of algea wafers? if any is still there in...
  30. fishboy619

    Could I Get Away With Some Otos?

    they need very mature tanks, they ae wild caught so arent perticulary strong. the PH of 8 shouldnt be that bad, my ph was high in one tank and they survived, feeding is an issue, those foods you mensioned are good the best you could do is buy 2, float ing tank, add tank water ever 20 mins and...
  31. fishboy619

    Meet Goober

    how can anyone want to feed that cutie to a snake. well done for saving him.
  32. fishboy619

    Would You Buy Shrimps Online ?

    i understand how they get to the fish shop, i cant stop that, but i can stop my fish being transported around for me, its a personal opinion, i dont expect you to follow it, just respect it, if its in my hands when moving it from store to homw, i know its ok, if i cant see it, it could be dead...
  33. fishboy619

    Easy To Keep, Personal Pet?

    i didnt realise they were endangered where you are, i think i am taking very good care of them, i love them to bits. i always give them the best care. i understand how you feel, most of the time they are out of their cage anyway, running around my bedroom.
  34. fishboy619

    Ghost Shrimp

    havent got a clue how to tell the difference, didnt even know about the other species your on about, i bought a few a while back and added to my communities, great shrimps they were, cleans up my tank a lot, i think they require brackish and marine to breed, but live in freshwater as...
  35. fishboy619

    My First Fish Tank

    28 litre tank with built in light and undergravel filter. It has 3 snails, 1 honey dwarf gourami, 1 baby emerald barb, 1 dalmation mollie, 1 albino rainbow shark, 1 baby bristle nose catfish, 2 bronze corys and 3 neon tetras. It has a background and one plant. 28lt isnt that big, with all those...
  36. fishboy619

    Ok... This Just Wasn't Cool...

    its good to hear experiences of fish shops from other people, not many fish from there have died on me before a few weeks of having them so i havent had to get a refund, isnt leeds to far to travel, its an hour with good traffic, more if traffics bad, wont the fish get cold or something in the...
  37. fishboy619

    Goldfish For A Ten Gallon Tank

    no goldfish grow huge and need atleast 30 gallon for one, and an extra 10 gallon per more goldfish. the are heavy waste producers and need excellent filtration keeping fish in small tanks just stunts their grown and slowly kills them
  38. fishboy619

    New Tank Fish Mix

    wey over stocked kissing gouramies grow big and i think pearls do too. the 10 neons are fine, and the guppies, get more of the cories(what you call catfish) of one species, either the bronze or lepard, and return the other, they are shoaling fish that need atleast 3 fish of the same kind to feel...
  39. fishboy619

    How Often To Feed ?

    feed twice a day, morning and late afternoon feed a varity of foods, including flakes, pellets, live/frozen (bloodworm, etc) fast for one day, usally water change day
  40. fishboy619

    Feeding Fish

    i feed most of mine 2 times a day, once in morning and once at late after noon some fish, such as fry, get fed littler amounts more often