New Tank Fish Mix


New Member
Mar 24, 2007
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I have been out today and bought fish for my tank thats been cycling for 4 weeks - I have had live plants in for 1 week. I now have 10 small neon tetras, 6 guppies, 2 catfish - one bronze, one leopard(?), a kissing gourami and a pearl gourami. They seem quite happy although the kissing gourami keeps swimming vertically up and down intermittently.
Basically does this seem a well mixed tank?
What size tank, and what procedure did you follow to cycle this tank?
70L tank
I filled the tank approx 4 or 5 weeks ago, put plants in a week ago, checked nitrite and nitrate levels and PH. Do you think I should have waited longer to bring in the fish?
Plan on bringing the fish back, and read this as well as

That tank is overstocked for a mature tank, and a disaster in the making with an uncycled tank. We like to see folks have success with aquatics here, the best thing for you & your fish is to return them & start a fishless cycle.

There is a list of members willing to donate cycled fiter media here;

The cycled filter media will help to speed up a fishless cycle, cutting down on the time you will have to wait before stocking your tank.
wey over stocked kissing gouramies grow big and i think pearls do too.
the 10 neons are fine, and the guppies, get more of the cories(what you call catfish) of one species, either the bronze or lepard, and return the other, they are shoaling fish that need atleast 3 fish of the same kind to feel happy. and thats it, no more fish, even that i think if borderline stocking, maybe cut the amount of guppies.

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