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  1. fishboy619

    New To Fish, New To Cory's

    any dept you want really, 1 inch is fine, for digger such as cories and kuhliis deeper is better, of course dont go over the top with 5 inches, lol 2 cm is good.
  2. fishboy619

    Cory Substrate

    usally sand wont stay on top of gravel for long, it will mix and look a mess. plants can grow in either gravel or sand your right about cories not liking big sharp gravel, unless its small rounded, its not useful, even then i prefer sand. i use argos playsand, and its really good. plant roots...
  3. fishboy619

    2 Albino Corys In A 20litre Tank?

    not sure how many gallons 20 lt is, but usally good fish for small tanks are ottos, dwarf cories, shrimps and snails.
  4. fishboy619

    Pygmy Puffer Tank

    some puffer will take a while to get eating. most will eat when hungry. just offer food each day i would. some puffers will only eat live foods.luckily mine wil eat frozen or live. JackoUK: if your puffers are being aggressive towards each other, buy a devider instead. its a lot cheaper then 2...
  5. fishboy619

    5 Gallon

    in a 5 gallon, the only fish i can think of that would live happily are: betta, dwarf puffer, shrimps, ADF's, ottos, pygmy cories, snails and some people say dwarf gouramies. im not sure, but what abut kuhliis, that arent that big and like to group together? personally i would either go with...
  6. fishboy619

    New Member, New Nano

    great looking tank there, are just shrimps living in there? hundreds of species of shrimps, cherry, tiger, bumble bee, amano, ghost etc etc well done overall, lovely tank, look forward to see it all finished.
  7. fishboy619

    Stowaway Fry In My Fishless Cycle

    maybe try putting a few crushed flakes in?
  8. fishboy619

    What Species?

    i second the platies. the top looks like a sunset platy and the bottom a full orange.
  9. fishboy619

    Algea Feeder

    try a little hard graft and buy a algea scraper, or failing that, use a rough sponge and scrap away the algea. no shrimps do well in cold water, but amanos are good at eating algea in tropical tanks, donno about them and triops eating habits tough.
  10. fishboy619

    You Never No?

    i have lots of platy fry, but im in skipton, west yorkshire.
  11. fishboy619

    I've Been Donated A Tank

  12. fishboy619

    New Geckos

    you should NEVER take animals from the wild, not only is it cruel to stress them out, but you could also be introducing diseases into your home, or worse, a illness to the animal. unfortunly you can never release them, as its too risky. please i beg you to NOT take any more animals from the...
  13. fishboy619

    What To Put In My Tank?

    with all the livebearers you will be having a lot of fry, make sure you can prepear for them. i agree that the flying fox and rosy reds arent suited for your tank. if you chose corys, make sure sand is chosen instead if gravel.ottos are nice to have, but need mature well maintained tanks.
  14. fishboy619

    New Kuhli Loaches

    have a look here: most kuhliis will group together, usally you wont tell the difference between them.
  15. fishboy619

    Tank Separation

    cherry barbs are usally fine. like you said, if anything should happen, you can always move the betta for a temporarly measure (certainly not for long periods) if the bettas becomming aggressive and say its saturday evening andf the fish shops closed (and closed tomorrow) the betta could live in...
  16. fishboy619

    Brackish Water

    i second that, cories are true freshwater, no brackish. but well done for giving your mollies brackish, not many people do.
  17. fishboy619

    Tank Separation

    personally i have kept bettas in communities for ages now and not many problems have occured, and most of then have been from other fish towards the bettas, the bettas been fine.neons are usally fine, sometime they nip, what barbs do you have, i really hope not tiger barbs, they are a really bad...
  18. fishboy619

    How Many Girlies In A 15 Gallon

    i wasnt commenting on how many bettas in a 15 gallon tank, i know 6-10 bettas can live good in there if they get a long, what i was complaining about was having 20 bettas in a 10 gallon tank, they fish must have been unhappy having such little room, probally scared to move far as to lose there...
  19. fishboy619

    New To Fish, New To Cory's

    for the food, tabimin is a good food to give them, if its going, there are eating it. they may be small now, but they will grow and eat it quicker. try bloodworms,brineshrimp, daphina and tetra prima for the cories, they like them, if feeding any i just mensioned, feed on the sanded area so it...
  20. fishboy619

    I've Been Donated A Tank

    dwarf puffer would look good, but a high number of then would be needed so you would see them often.i have 3 in my 15 gallon if that helps. as for other sugestions, a hugh female betta tank, though i doubt you would donate the whole tank that big to just female bettas. other suggestions are a...
  21. fishboy619

    Cherry Shrimp

    adult cherry shrimp might be ok in that tank, providing theres lots of plants and caves for them to hide in and feel safe.add about 3-4 as they dont produce much waste and help lower waste by eating left overs that would usally rot. the betta would eat the shrimplets though, but a good way to...
  22. fishboy619

    Rotting Stem Plants?

    have any of them got weight around them, maybe they are too tight.
  23. fishboy619

    Crayfish Fry

    still 130 gallons is too small. a lot of companies make tanks not in 10's. 2.5 g, 5g, 7g, 8g, 55g etc etc.
  24. fishboy619

    Question About African Dwarf Frog

    yeah i agree, ADF's can go a long while without food. i doubt he died from starving. if he wasnt eating, it was probally something worng inside, possable a bacteria or fungus infection. neons and cories are good tank mates usally, they dont bother much and as long as the frogs eating, everything...
  25. fishboy619

    Whats Your Favorite Floating Plant

    i like amazon frogbit, its roots grow long into the water and the plant itself isnt small, but its great for cover and i think looks good, plus it doesnt get stuck in filters like duckweed.
  26. fishboy619

    Cherry Shrimp

    sorry but i have to agree, its almost definate that the shrimp was eaten, most fish you have would could have eaten it. have to ask, but what size tank do you have, clownloaches need hugh tanks, also not sure about the cichlid and the fight fish being together, by fighter fish i assume you mean...
  27. fishboy619

    A Few Of My Finned Friends

    nice fish, but the tanks are too bare, wheres all the plants and caves? IMO the tank needs to have a little decoration, and im not a fan of tacky decor either like the statues or whatever(take it you like the dinosaurs) and wheres the substrate, heater and filter in the betta tank? they are...
  28. fishboy619

    New Tank Arrangements

    ace tanks, lovely set-ups your moss ball is big, if looks good too. i love the DP tank, and the crayfish is an intresting addition. i usally like to see well planted tanks that dont look bare, but yours somehow amaze me, they arent planted lots but still look great all in all, well done for...
  29. fishboy619

    Have A Look At This

    only an muppet would sell it, and another to buy it. 1-2 goldfish in there? its worth crap for live fish, the only thing that could live in there are a few plants.
  30. fishboy619

    New To Fish, New To Cory's

    personally cories belong on sand, but in a newly cycled tank, im not sure if its a good idea to change from gravel to sand. the best thing i can think of doing is buying some play sand (argos £2.49) and having an area or the tank base covered in sand. wash the sand first though. maybe either...
  31. fishboy619

    Rate My Sand

    i stand by what i said, sharp or large gravel can injure the cories barbels and its mouth, as the fish digs looking for food, its mouth and chin/neck area are moving along the substrate and could easily hurt its self of rough gravel. if you ever watch cories on sand, you will see what i mean...
  32. fishboy619

    How Many Girlies In A 15 Gallon

    20 bettas in a 10gallon is stupid, and with females and males, none of the fish could be right happy, not only the small amount of space per fish, but the aggressive i bet was there, sure you didnt see it, but i bet the fish were very unhappy living there. why did you put so many together? its...
  33. fishboy619

    Got My 1st Betta!

    looks ok i guess for a 2yr olds chosing, not what i would have picked, but its your tank. well done. is it heated and filtered? what size tank is it? the bettas stunning, what a lovely red.
  34. fishboy619

    Rate My Sand

    i agree it looks more gravel than sand. to me it looks a little sharp. a cory might have an incident with it. for me, its fine sand, cories love digging to find food, and its easier on them, it is what they have in the wild.
  35. fishboy619

    Tank Stocking

    i would take back the silver tips and platies. the platies might breed causing lots more fish. that will reduce the bio-load a bit with 10 fish gone.the pandas seem fine, the groups big enough. the same with the kuhliis, have you got sand substrate, both kuhliis and cories benefit from this.not...
  36. fishboy619

    To Many Fish

    the common plec, silver sharks and maybe the angle fish will grow to big for the tank (using my memory to scale the size of tank) and the parrot fish may become aggressive, dont know much about them. the mollies prefer brackish. after a few fish have been taken from the tank (either to another...
  37. fishboy619

    Crayfish Fry

    are you sure your not making this up? :blink: 130 gallon isnt going to make a difference from 129 gallon
  38. fishboy619

    Cory's And Loach

    all are fine in planted tanks, may knock them, but if the plants are planted well, it shouldnt effect them.
  39. fishboy619

    Floating Plant Recommendation

    amazon frog bit is the best floating plant ive found, but it has long roots and grows wide.
  40. fishboy619

    Humane Killing

    i agree, while i can advise people on how to kill their fish, doesnt mean i aprove of it. the least you can do to a sick fish is give it a chance, and a healthy fish should NO WAY be killed, very least give it away for free. either way, people have there own opinions and will do what they think...