5 Gallon


Fish Fanatic
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Palmdale CA USA
can anyone give me ideas for a 5 1/2 gallon tank i like the ADFs and the ghost shimp would that be good
ADF's and ghost shrimp would be great for that tank! Do you know how to tell the difference between an African Dwarf Frog and an African Clawed Frog?
You could also add a couple mystery snails and a betta, though mystery snails poop a lot if you feed them (algae wafers), which you would have to do in that sized tank.

If you had a compact flourescent bulb you could also grow live plants in it.
Yeah i agree with iron man a betta and couple of oitos

Yeah i agree with iron man a betta and couple of oitos.
uhh paul he said snails, not otos :lol: I agree a betta (1 male) or 2 female bettas and a snail or 2 would be good
I've just bought a 5.5 gallon, My stocking plans are 1 Dwarf puffer and 2/3 ottocinclus. Heavily planted with Co2 and lots of light.

The filter is in my other tank cycling. I'll leave it there for a few weeks then fil the 5.5 gallon. Lots of snails breeding in my main tank to feed a DP!

Or the Betta tank.
in a 5 gallon,
the only fish i can think of that would live happily are: betta, dwarf puffer, shrimps, ADF's, ottos, pygmy cories, snails and some people say dwarf gouramies.
im not sure, but what abut kuhliis, that arent that big and like to group together?
personally i would either go with dwarf puffer, maybe a few ottos
a betta, a few pygmy cories and ottos
a shrimp tank with different species (ghost, amano, cherry,etc)
an ADF's tank
in most of the tanks, a snail or shrimp will fit in (puffers usally eat shrimps and snails, bettas might eat shrimps.)
but a lot of options to chose from.
just make sure water quality is good and its filtered and heated.
live plants help too.
Myself I'd divide it and add two bettas and maybe an ADF. You could have pygmies, ADFs, otos, snails, shrimp, and betta in there, but not all at once. You csn't have a female betta tank as they need a minimum a 10G and four females in a tank.
i wouldnt devide a 5g, that only leaves 2.5 gallons for each betta, too small IMO.
a full 5 gallon with just 1 betta, a group of dwarf cories, ottos and maybe some shrimp would look nice.
i wouldnt devide a 5g, that only leaves 2.5 gallons for each betta, too small IMO.
a full 5 gallon with just 1 betta, a group of dwarf cories, ottos and maybe some shrimp would look nice.
And I keep bettas in 1 gallon kritter keepers. :X

How about this, a nice group of MALE guppies. Lots of vibrant colors, they almost compare with bettas.
I'll roll out my usual list of nano fish: pygmy corydoras, corydoras hastatus, corydoras habrosus, ember tetras, heterandria formosa, various species of microrasboras, sparkling gourami.
guppies need bigger tanks than 5g IMO. atleast 10.
i dont agree with keeping bettas in 1g jars, but thats a different topic.
as much as there is many fish that can live happily in a 5g tank, i myself would suggest a shrimp tank as the top option too. they are lots of species of shrimps to chose from, and are intresting to watch. they dont produce much waste and are easy to keep.
but of course, fish are great too, like i said in my other post, bettas, pygmy cories, dwarf gouramie...
I'd go for a planted nano and turn it into a Crystal Red Shrimp colony. :)
Little piece of bogwood... A couple of windelov ferns... perhaps some kind of moss...

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