Cherry Shrimp


Fish Fanatic
Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Glasgow, Scotland
would it be okay to keep a cherry shrimp with a betta, 3 danios and 6 harliquins in a 10gallon tall tank?

could i just keep one or should i have 2 or 3?
adult cherry shrimp might be ok in that tank, providing theres lots of plants and caves for them to hide in and feel safe.add about 3-4 as they dont produce much waste and help lower waste by eating left overs that would usally rot.
the betta would eat the shrimplets though, but a good way to keep population down.
how a look into amano shrimp and ghost shrimp, they are a little bigger than cherries and may last longer.
on an other note, i think your danios arent suited to your tank, they really require 20 gallons are they are very active and they may also nip your bettas fins.
but your betta and harliquins are well suited.they make good tank mates IMO.
I agree with FishyBoy about the Danios, but some types are more apt to leave shrimp alone than others (almost any hybrid Danio is OK, such as GloFish). Your Betta, I hear a lot about not putting Betta's in a tank with shrimp, when I had my Betta in the tank with my shrimp they dissapeared a lot faster then when he was not in the tank.

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