Search results

  1. fishboy619

    Live Moss Balls! Good Or Not?

    i'll have a look at the moss balls, think i'll miss the womans clothing as im a boy
  2. fishboy619

    How Long Will My Fish Live?

    you missed bettas! live for about 3-4 years i think and red phantoms
  3. fishboy619

    Is It Right?

    i disagree, ive used breeding nets for ages now, with fry growing up to full sized adults.(not in the net, relseased after 2 months) the fry i have in there are a month old ish and are small enough to be eaten i think, given another month or so and i'll release them i will release the 2 month...
  4. fishboy619

    Newest Additions

    great looking tank, im sure your frogs are very happy living there
  5. fishboy619

    Zen Garden Themed Tank

    dont take offence to it looking like fknm's tank, its a good think, its different anyway, i like it, just my first thought, but like someone said, anytank with a budda and bamboo will remind me of fknm's tank. i personally like it, the plants around the budda is good :good:
  6. fishboy619

    Would You Buy Shrimps Online ?

    i know some species of catfish can rip the bag and burst water all over, shrimps need something to hold onto while being sent, such as filter media or plant cuttings. personally i hate knowing about animals being sent in the post, its ok transporting them by yourself from shop to home because...
  7. fishboy619

    Ok... This Just Wasn't Cool...

    yeah i noticed them before, but doesnt look like they are injected, are they fed dyed foods? the guy who owns the place, ian knows a lot, but his wife, kath is much more friendly to talk to i think, certainly well knowledged, i agree they do hire some thick students to work at weekends (no...
  8. fishboy619

    Phantom Tetra And Bettas?

    ok cheers, just wanted to check, left the betta out, added a few kuhliis instead
  9. fishboy619

    Live Moss Balls! Good Or Not?

    whos mosymo? sound like a good seller, maybe i will beintrested in getting some more
  10. fishboy619

    Net Fry Traps

    i use breeding nets all the time with fry, good way to keep them alive from the parents.i keep them in there till just over 2 months, then usally they are big enough to escape being eaten. i only keep about 8-10 fry in one, but i will always use another if nessary.
  11. fishboy619

    Is It Right?

    i seperated the aggressive fry, all seems pieceful again, its in a small container thing with holes for water to pass though and a small snail to eat the leftovers, looks ok for now, big enough to hold the fry for a few weeks atleast, by then i will have released him. thanks for the help guys
  12. fishboy619

    Easy To Keep, Personal Pet?

    i think gliders are common pets now in UK, hard to find them in shops, but given time, you will find a good breeder. they do need trees etc to glide from, thats why my 2 are in a huge bird cage with plenty of room to glide about, with lots of trees and branches to climb.they are very good pets...
  13. fishboy619

    Ok... This Just Wasn't Cool...

    really!? they are now stocking dyed fish, thats my local too. if they are keeping the dyed fish i will have to look for another fish shop. i saw those posters too, when i sw them i was pleased that they wouldnt stock dyed fish, i really hope they dont get tatooed fish in. just out of curiosity...
  14. fishboy619

    Hows My Decoration? *lots Of Pictures*

    heaters are nessary for bettas, they are tropical fish and need warmer waters. sure the tank temperature might be at a good temp. during the day, but what about night, you really need to buy a heater designed for 5 gallon tanks. and a thermomiter. a filter to me is always nessary too, sure...
  15. fishboy619

    Is It Right?

    the attual chasing leasted only seconds, the older fry would chase the younger fry away then stop. it was going on a lot yesturday, and i was worried about my fry, so i removed the older fry for now, i think it will be ok for now, in a few weeks, it can be released into the main tank.wont the...
  16. fishboy619

    What's Your Favorite Aquatic Plant?

    got to be moss balls, you can leave them out of the water for hours (accident) drop them down the staires, picked on by the fish, and rool arounf endlessly and still going strong, fantastic or what. apart from that, other mosses i like, especially the common java moss, but also christmas moss...
  17. fishboy619

    Easy To Keep, Personal Pet?

    i knwo you need to get the nutrients right, thats why i said have a better look on the net, i was giving a brief outline of what they eat. guinea pigs are better IMO, love them. but gerbils are what your after i will help you. yes they do need an excersize wheel, one with out gaps.they like to...
  18. fishboy619

    My 29g Re-do~~lots Of Pics

    wow, looks like you had a right old fun time,lol looks a lot better now, i mean a LOT better, no offence but the whole freshwater looking like a marine tank didnt work for me, the wood gives it a real natural look. give it time with the plants, i know, i know, always give it time, but eventually...
  19. fishboy619

    Easy To Keep, Personal Pet?

    well i didnt mean easy pets, but not perticular hard i think if enough research is done and your willing to put in the effort. thet diet isnt difficult by anymeans, they are omnivores, they can eat fruits, vegetables, meats, insects, bread and cereal citrus fruits such as apples arent good for...
  20. fishboy619

    My First Betta! *pics*

    lovely betta, and nice tank, needs more plants and decor in my opinion, looks a little bare if you dont mind me saying.
  21. fishboy619

    How Many More?....

    i think so, 4 of each sounds fine saphphx do you have any photos of these shelves? sounds like a good idea i might be willing to try out
  22. fishboy619

    Easy To Keep, Personal Pet?

    i dont know any small none toxic snakes, maybe someone else can help out here, its one pet i havent got,lol Bearded dragons make great pets, can be expensive to start with, cost if tank and equipment isnt cheap, but usally a good deal can be found. birds can make good pets, i had bugies when i...
  23. fishboy619

    Hows My Decoration? *lots Of Pictures*

    is the tank heated and filtered?
  24. fishboy619

    Is It Right?

    i'll get right to the point... i have one, 2 month old fry in a breeding net with about 13, 1 month old fry in the same net, they are from different mothers, and they were getting along great, swimming around, feeding together and minding there own business, but lately (mainly today) i have...
  25. fishboy619

    Hows My Decoration? *lots Of Pictures*

    5 gallons isnt too bad for tank size, photos dont do much justice anyway. 10 gallons isnt a wast of space for 3 bettas if they are all happy and healthy.but it seems they are healthy and happ in your tank. is your tank heated and filtered, if it isnt filtered, more water changes are needed IMO...
  26. fishboy619

    Live Moss Balls! Good Or Not?

    really easy to care for IMO, i bought 3 from a ebay seller, added them to my tankm and left them, now they have grown and developed a oval shape, possabily because im not rolling them enough. they are tropical plants i belive, so wont do well in outdoor pools. dont do much for keeping algea down...
  27. fishboy619

    Feeding African Dwarf Frogs & Other Questions...

    squrting the food directly over the frogs is a good way, wait till the frog is looking at the baster, and then gently squeeze the end and alloq the food to come out slowly, giving the frogs time to grab it, putting food on the frogs decor isnt a bad idea either, give them time to eat them, and...
  28. fishboy619

    Easy To Keep, Personal Pet?

    hamsters - I've had pretty bad experiences lol guinea pig- possible sugar glider - I'll have to research snake - again family stands in the way hedgehog - again I'll research geckos - ooooh yeah, but i heard reptiles aren't as 'interactive'? hamsters arent the easist to look after than most...
  29. fishboy619

    Pics Of My Fish ( Discus, Parrots And More)

    great pics, loving the betta and discus. what size tank are they all in, or are they in seperate tanks?
  30. fishboy619

    Fish 'n Flush!

    not a very good idea i think, ive seen it before and think its a stupid idea, its small, akward shape and probally not making the fish happy. i admit it looks nice, and yeah, if heated and filtered (which i dont think it is) might make a good home for some bettas, goldfish is out of the question.
  31. fishboy619

    How Much For Amano Shrimp?

    my glass shrimp live with my dwarf puffer aswell, i bought it as a treat, but they werent intrested. my amano shrimps cast £1.99 each, or 5 £7.50
  32. fishboy619

    Easy To Keep, Personal Pet?

    (dwarf) hamster, mice, guinea pig, sugar glider (one of my personaly favourites, great pet), snake, african pygmy hedgehog, tortoises, bearded dragon lizards, geckos all i can think of now, :good:
  33. fishboy619

    Ok... This Just Wasn't Cool...

    i think any tatooed fish is sick, i still dont get why people have to mess with things like this, why cant they leave things be, the fish was great before, now it looks crap. luckly my lfs never sells dyed or tatooed fish, and even has posters around saying "no dyed or tatooed fish sold here"...
  34. fishboy619

    Finally A Second Tank!

    i second the puffers, but what about gouramies? i also think a huge female betta tank would look great, but i doubt you would fill a 29g with just bettas a tetra tank would look great, mine does, i think a few red and black phantom tetra along with a few other species would look great, and of...
  35. fishboy619

    How Many More?....

    not sure about everything, i can say its not the tank size for cories or any bottom dweller, its the floor space, its easier to judge by eye, but just make sure each cory has enough room on the floor, usally having groups of just 1 species of cories is best, i personally would wait for more...
  36. fishboy619

    Hows My Decoration? *lots Of Pictures*

    i agree with this statement, infact it i was thinking it, just too slow in posting. it does look a small tank, and only 3 females, aggression could be high, i also dont see a filter or a heater, is there one, if not can i ask why? the tank doesnt suit my liking, im not a fan of fake plants, or...
  37. fishboy619

    Zen Garden Themed Tank

    looks a bit like fishkiller...nomore's tank either way i really like it, what are you going to put in it fish wise?
  38. fishboy619

    Phantom Tetra And Bettas?

    i was wondering if a betta can live with red and black phantom tetra in a well planted tank. will the betta be annoyed by the reds and blacks? i know bettas can live with some other tetras, and some they cant, but i wanted to make sure before i did anything. cheers
  39. fishboy619

    What Is Your Favourite Oddball?

    dwarf puffer for me, apart from thats the only one i own out of the list, i also think its such a cool fish, with great personality.
  40. fishboy619

    Will It Ever Come To This ?

    god i really hope i dont walk into a fish shop and see bettas in a tit-tac container, that would be going to far, well, i think it passed the "to far line" wey not to sound snobby or whatever, but i never used to capture animals when i was younger, i suppose we never really went on...