Hows My Decoration? *lots Of Pictures*

Oh that's a BUDDAH! LOL, I stared forever trying to figure out what that strange clump of red rocks was LOL!
Yeah, it's usually a bad idea to put things like that in a tank as they may leech off harmful dyes and goodness knows what else.

Off topic, I had to tell you Amunet, the cat in your profile image looks uncannily like my little spoiled boy. :D
Depending on the females, you can easily keep fewer than 7 together, even as few as two if you have a large enough tank with enough hiding spots. I have two females in a 20 gallon with several other fish myself, but it's well planted with bogwood and rocks on the bottom to provide caves and other hiding spots. Busy is going to be better when keeping females together as it breaks up the line of sight and provides each fish with a retreat.

Your tank is very busy and a bit gaudy (not exactly to my tastes but the theme is pretty funny) but I'd say that's a good thing when keeping females together. I would be a bit worried about them trying to get into the bottles and getting themselves stuck, and you'll want to watch out for stagnant stinky water building up in any of your hollow decorations. The only thing I'd be really worried about is tank size, hopefully that's at least 5 gallons? While I wouldn't go any smaller than ten, so long as you keep a sharp eye out for agression and keep other containers handy, you could probably do this so long as you've got at least 5 gallons but it looks a bit smaller to me.
Thanks for looking everyone,

I am indeed a college student, and I chose to have Betta fishes as my first pet because they are very easy to take care of and I am sometimes not at home everyday. And for everyone that thinks the tank is too small, I realize the picture does not do justice to the size of the tank. The tank is a 5 gallon, and the Bettas seen VERY blown up due to the flash and the water and the angle of the glass to where it seems like the Bettas are cramped up but trust me, there is more than enough room for them swim. My female Bettas get along together very nicely. Some of you guys have said to use clay pots, and the very first arrangements I had was using clay pots. I even custom cut the clay pots for them, but since they are top dwellers, they dont use the clay pots, so I had to take those out and find other ways of building them a home. I thought of the glass because glass does not have contaminates that could poison the fish and it is fairly easy to clean. The corona bottle is actually quite nice because my fish actually goes in there, I have videos I will post for you guys. I do plan on taking out the corona bottles when they outgrow it. And my fat fish did claim the Spaghetti Factory cup , where she sleeps at night. The new addition to the fish tank are the rocks in the front. I realized some people spoil their fishes too much and domestic them where the fish can not even feed on the bottom and that I think is wrong. I purposely added rocks so the fishes would have to scavage for their food instead of training them to only feed at the top. And the buddha decoration I got was from Petco which is water safe, and the metal cup I is stainless steel so that shouldn't be a problem. And again, this is my first experiences with keeping fishes as pets and I am learning as I go along. And for everyone thats saying 5 gallon is way too small, I do try to clean my water at least every week to keep the water clean. I personally think a 10 gallon tank is overkill for 3 Bettas from personal observations. To everyone who says my tank is too busy, I dont understand the definition of too busy... my tank has plenty of hiding spots, places to swim in the middle, and caves to explore. My fishes are always active, and that I like that because it keeps them moving and healthy. I have a friend who has a tank with only 1 plant and 1 ornament like most you do, and his fish does nothing all day but sit there dumbfounded and slow to react whereas my fishes are always looking for food everywhere and playing around with each other and always alert for one another. I personally think keeping these fishes in a tank with emptyness is cruelty. How would you feel if I left you in prison with only a bed?

Here are videos of me training my Bettas to jump to get their food, sorry it is dark

right click and save as 1.9 MB 2.0 MB 2.3 MB

Here is the video of the fish in the Corona bottle and leaving it 1.7 MB 1.4 MB
5 gallons isnt too bad for tank size, photos dont do much justice anyway.
10 gallons isnt a wast of space for 3 bettas if they are all happy and healthy.but it seems they are healthy and happ in your tank.
is your tank heated and filtered, if it isnt filtered, more water changes are needed IMO
again, personally i think having too much stuff on the bottom is a waste for bettas, yeah a few decorations such as the budda and maybe a cave looks good, but bettas are mainly top dwellers and only venture down sometimes.
i think what people meant by busy is theres a lot going on, but to me its a good thing, like you say, boring plain tanks with a plant is crap, yeah do have a lot of good things in your tank, but some not nessary.its your tank anyway, and aslong as your bettas are killing each other, and your happy with it, so be it.
i do also get the little feel that you are a offended by what members said, please dont be (and sorry if i misunderstood) people are just trying to give comstructive critism, and help you out a little, maybe saying what they think and not whats best, such as i would get rid of this ect, not there fault, i do it too, we all do it, its just what we ask for our opinion, so we give it
no offence, be training your betta to jump isnt hard, most bettas will do it, all mine do, not trying to put you down, just saying
the betta in a bottle looks cute
5 gallons isnt too bad for tank size, photos dont do much justice anyway.
10 gallons isnt a wast of space for 3 bettas if they are all happy and healthy.but it seems they are healthy and happ in your tank.
is your tank heated and filtered, if it isnt filtered, more water changes are needed IMO
again, personally i think having too much stuff on the bottom is a waste for bettas, yeah a few decorations such as the budda and maybe a cave looks good, but bettas are mainly top dwellers and only venture down sometimes.
i think what people meant by busy is theres a lot going on, but to me its a good thing, like you say, boring plain tanks with a plant is crap, yeah do have a lot of good things in your tank, but some not nessary.its your tank anyway, and aslong as your bettas are killing each other, and your happy with it, so be it.
i do also get the little feel that you are a offended by what members said, please dont be (and sorry if i misunderstood) people are just trying to give comstructive critism, and help you out a little, maybe saying what they think and not whats best, such as i would get rid of this ect, not there fault, i do it too, we all do it, its just what we ask for our opinion, so we give it
no offence, be training your betta to jump isnt hard, most bettas will do it, all mine do, not trying to put you down, just saying
the betta in a bottle looks cute

Thanks for the reply, you sure hit the points right on
Ever since I added the big rocks at the bottom, the Bettas sure have been crawling down more often looking between the rocks for food.
Thats why I do try and keep the space in the top open for them to swim, and keep the decorations at the bottom where they dont go as often and use the decorations as hiding spots for the fishes.
My bettas swim all over their tanks, I've found that they love having little caves, plants and piles of rocks to patrol; busy is not a bad thing for the fish at all! I think more people were complaining that it looks a bit gaudy visually, but that's just a matter of personal taste. As far as being set up to provide an environment to give the bettas something to do other than beat each other up, you've definitely got the right idea. I'm not a fan of the empty or very nearly empty betta tanks either, and neither are any of my fish. A bit worried about that Corona bottle since the fish can actually get in it, I have had a few fish in the past get themselves stuck in tank ornaments and die. Other than that, your setup looks perfectly safe. :good:

As I said before, you can probably get away with 5 gallons just fine though more space is always better for just about any fish, and especially agressive ones like bettas. You may encounter problems over time but then you may not. A heater and filter would defintely do your tank some good as far as keeping it clean and at the correct temperature, otherwise you'll want to do more frequent water changes and keep the room at a fairly constant temperature. Something as simple as a DIY sponge filter powered by an air pump would work fine in a tank your size.
Thanks for looking everyone,

I am indeed a college student, and I chose to have Betta fishes as my first pet because they are very easy to take care of and I am sometimes not at home everyday. And for everyone that thinks the tank is too small, I realize the picture does not do justice to the size of the tank. The tank is a 5 gallon, and the Bettas seen VERY blown up due to the flash and the water and the angle of the glass to where it seems like the Bettas are cramped up but trust me, there is more than enough room for them swim. My female Bettas get along together very nicely. Some of you guys have said to use clay pots, and the very first arrangements I had was using clay pots. I even custom cut the clay pots for them, but since they are top dwellers, they dont use the clay pots, so I had to take those out and find other ways of building them a home. I thought of the glass because glass does not have contaminates that could poison the fish and it is fairly easy to clean. The corona bottle is actually quite nice because my fish actually goes in there, I have videos I will post for you guys. I do plan on taking out the corona bottles when they outgrow it. And my fat fish did claim the Spaghetti Factory cup , where she sleeps at night. The new addition to the fish tank are the rocks in the front. I realized some people spoil their fishes too much and domestic them where the fish can not even feed on the bottom and that I think is wrong. I purposely added rocks so the fishes would have to scavage for their food instead of training them to only feed at the top. And the buddha decoration I got was from Petco which is water safe, and the metal cup I is stainless steel so that shouldn't be a problem. And again, this is my first experiences with keeping fishes as pets and I am learning as I go along. And for everyone thats saying 5 gallon is way too small, I do try to clean my water at least every week to keep the water clean. I personally think a 10 gallon tank is overkill for 3 Bettas from personal observations. To everyone who says my tank is too busy, I dont understand the definition of too busy... my tank has plenty of hiding spots, places to swim in the middle, and caves to explore. My fishes are always active, and that I like that because it keeps them moving and healthy. I have a friend who has a tank with only 1 plant and 1 ornament like most you do, and his fish does nothing all day but sit there dumbfounded and slow to react whereas my fishes are always looking for food everywhere and playing around with each other and always alert for one another. I personally think keeping these fishes in a tank with emptyness is cruelty. How would you feel if I left you in prison with only a bed?

Here are videos of me training my Bettas to jump to get their food, sorry it is dark

right click and save as 1.9 MB 2.0 MB 2.3 MB

Here is the video of the fish in the Corona bottle and leaving it 1.7 MB 1.4 MB

people arent telling you to put only a couple of things in there. you asked for peoples opinion and thats what has been given to you. you can give a tank a lot of what you are talking about but make it more natural in the process. even if you are happy with what you have in there sometimes just rearranging a little can make things look 100% better
is the tank heated and filtered?

the tank is neither filtered or heated, i think it is too much work and money for a 5 gallon tank. i just change my water on a weekly basis and that hasn't given me any problems so far
IMO, looks to crapped and looks a little try-hardy with the corona bottle.

Also, it needs some nice fresh plants, you can really tell those are cheap plastic ones.

My betta used to eat lots of Elodea plant, so maybe put some of those in.

Dont take any offence to what I have said, I am more of a natural person with lots of live plants, natural colours, wood etc.

But if you are happy with it, go for it.
IMO, looks to crapped and looks a little try-hardy with the corona bottle.

Also, it needs some nice fresh plants, you can really tell those are cheap plastic ones.

My betta used to eat lots of Elodea plant, so maybe put some of those in.

Dont take any offence to what I have said, I am more of a natural person with lots of live plants, natural colours, wood etc.

But if you are happy with it, go for it.

I actually got live plants from Petco, but they were diseased and had black dots all over it, so I had to throw it away, so I'm stuck with these plastic ones for now.
I need to get into growing my own plants because I dont want to get any more plants from Petco that is diseased
Dont go to petco then, go to an aqaurium shop that deals with only fish. They generally always have fantastic, well looked after plants.

Make sure you give them a good rinse first before adding them.
is the tank heated and filtered?

the tank is neither filtered or heated, i think it is too much work and money for a 5 gallon tank. i just change my water on a weekly basis and that hasn't given me any problems so far

That really isn't the right attitude to have towards your fish.
I don't really understand the statement of too much work.... I can understand the money part sorta.. but work.. well... I dunno about that.
You should really think about saving up to get a filter and a heater (if the water doesn't stay a consistant warmer temp that is).

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