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  1. T

    Re-stocking By Tank After Heater Broke And Fish Got Fried

    15 fry.... in a 20 gallon tank...i do not really see how that is overstocked. But also when they're older, yes it definetly will be overstocked. But by the end of the month they're all going to my friend. We established a deal about 30 secondes ago. She's going to take most if not all of them
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    What Fish Would Go With Tetra's And Guppys?

    Hmm i would get 5 or 6 cory catfish! they're beautiful athletics little darlings, they get to only 2" in size and they come greet you when you walk in the room!
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    Re-stocking By Tank After Heater Broke And Fish Got Fried

    Well I came home to a broken heater and 20+fried guppies. And now i've got about 15 guppy fry left in a 20 gallon tank. I don't really want guppies anymore [except i'll see if the fry do survive--i'm surprised they didn't fry too] Anyways, i definetly want 5ish cories, i do like angel fish...
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    Help! Heater Broke, Most My Fish Are Fried!

    yup i checked everywhere but under the rocks...i've swished around them though, but i haven't literly taken them all out.. And so far all my stats are good 0 all around.
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    Help! Heater Broke, Most My Fish Are Fried!

    Alright, jsut thought i'd let you all know i got the water down to about 82/83 degrees put the fish back in [acclimating them of course] And that 20 died, and i have 23 in the water, but i'm still missing 3 or 4 fish...they're most likely dead, will this be a big problem?
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    Help! Heater Broke, Most My Fish Are Fried!

    Yes well so far now the death toll is 19 [17 guppies&my 2cories] and 22 survivors... ones floating upside down though...hopefully they make it! It's odd though, all the adult guppies died, leaving the fry/teenage guppies still alive [And to think, this morning i was oging to buy an angel to eat...
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    Help! Heater Broke, Most My Fish Are Fried!

    Actually i'm not sure of the brand of the heater, but it came iwth my 20 gallon tank [i upgraded to a larger tank] and i only got the tank 2 maybe 3 months ago!
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    Help! Heater Broke, Most My Fish Are Fried!

    ...the temperature doesn't change that fast. it's still at 100degrees farenheight.
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    Help! Heater Broke, Most My Fish Are Fried!

    By the way, i right away threw out the heater. And i'll be putting in my spare one as soon as i get it to regular temperatures.PLEASE HELP ME!!The water is the temperature that i would probably take a shower in! Actually it might be hotter than that... considering it is 100degress Farenheight
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    Help! Heater Broke, Most My Fish Are Fried!

    Alright i left over night to visit my dad, and my mom called me this afternoon to tell me my tank was hot, i thought it was normal but i came over anyways and found my tank at about 100F. I guess my heater broke or something!!!, there's NO way that could have happened by it self. I'm doing water...
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    Erm Dont Clcik

    My birthday is in december tooo! Anyways i'm not coming back to this thread anymore, sorry for any trouble i may have been to the people on this thread, i hope you don't use it against me in any way i did not come here to fight, i came to learn more about my fish.
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    Riickyomd - Catfish W/ Huge Stones

    I think you're quite right, i'm sorry everyone for talking back to this thread. Hope i didn't make to much trouble! I will not return to this thread anymore, or to any of the others made by ricky.
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    Riickyomd - Catfish W/ Huge Stones

    I'm actually quite confused by you, because i don't know what is the truth or not from you. So sorry but i don't think i can help you with your fish anymore because i really feel sorry for them but i don't know if they really are what you're even saying they are.
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    Erm Dont Clcik

    Sorry, uhmm i don't know if that's sarcasm or what... are you saying i hurt peoples feelings?
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    Riickyomd - Catfish W/ Huge Stones

    Long? i don't know what long's like..tall, short, fat, wide? And please just stop, i don't appreciate people saying lies about me to a whole forum. Either pm me, or just leave me alone.
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    Erm Dont Clcik

    Okay that one stands out, you do not hit on random people on a fish forum. That is actually sick.
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    Riickyomd - Catfish W/ Huge Stones

    A fag? In canada, i don't know if it's different in england, but a fag is just a gay man. Who cares? If i really wanted to be racist i probably would have thought of different words, but i do not say racist remarks, and you've called me more than your share of things but i do not bring things to...
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    Erm Dont Clcik

    I have nothig more to say besides the fact that i am not racist, and i have no clue where you got this from. I'm sorry that you feel rejected by this forum but no one randomly decides "Let's pick on thsi person" It was your own doing, and before i get banned or something, i am leaving this thread.
  19. T

    Stocking Questions

    Well i wouldn't mind if the bettas ate the guppies... haha i'm mean, just they reproduce way to much. It bugs me. But if i get an all female betta tank, maybe getting around 6 or 7 ? Then get some more cories and then i'll give away the adult guppies and the fry the bettas can munch on for some...
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    Riickyomd - Catfish W/ Huge Stones

    I do not appreciate people adding me on msn, especially without asking and i really don't appreciate it when they're rude to me.I love english people, i'm best friends with an english girl, so i don't know where you actually got the english ##### from.i don't even know a 5 lettered word that...
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    Erm Dont Clcik

    I'm sorry. But i have a really hard time beleiving that in one day you got a 5gallon tank and starting it all up and everything. you're probably lying again, like you lied to me telling me you had another tank so you knew that your "new fish cycling tablet things" worked because you tried it on...
  22. T

    What Should I Put In My Fry Tank?

    Yeah definetly, just use some chunks of driftwood, it will change the color of your water though and it will either up or down your ph by a little aswell
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    What Size Tank Will I Need When My Fish Are Fully Grown?

    I'd say 50 gallon is good, i agree with J4MES, i would actually return the ghost knife because i wouldn't want a 5 foot fish..but that's totally up to you, maybe get a..hmm 1000gallon tank? lolActually, just buy a kiddie swimming pool for the ghost kinfe! I don't really know anyone with fish...
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    Erm Dont Clcik

    Just wondering, how can you be doing this? You've made at least 10 threads asking questions and you've just started a tank, so pretty much you're a beginner you shouldn't be advising people on stuff IMO. At least that's my opinion from what i've seen from you so far.
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    What Should I Put In My Fry Tank?

    Plants and Caves!
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    Tank Readings!

    Not bad, you're ammonia should be at zero though, do a few water changes and see if you can get it to zero. Also do you have a nitrIte, and nitrAte testing kit? If not i recommend you get one!
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    Riickyomd - Catfish W/ Huge Stones

    From all your other threads. You already have the max amount to stock in your tank. Don't get any more fish.
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    I Have 2 Cories..but I Need More For Them To Be Happy

    alright, maybe i'll go for 6 then. thank you :)
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    Jobs In Fishy World

    hmm well that sucks. but at least i can rearrange the fish around... they have some tanks that are empty, some way overstocked, so maybe i could even them out and everything, and SEPERATE the guppies... also they have bettas with random fish too, it's rather stupid.
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    Jobs In Fishy World

    sorry this isn't an answer to your question.. but next year when i'm old enough, i've decided to get a job in petcetera preferably just because then i can go through all the fish, and fix everythign up make sure everything is perfect! and not having 50 guppies in a tiny tank, and etc. also the...
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    Stocking Questions

    opppps i guess it discus, rams, apistos and keyholes that i don't like... i like angels! :) My favorites are angels and bettas!
  32. T

    Stocking Advice? Please This Is Crazy

    Actually just looking over your tank stockings :1 male betta =2"X1 =2gallons needed.5 silver tipped tetras =2"X5 = 10gallons if you need 2gallons for the betta and 10 for the tetrasin total you need 12 gallons to house though, i would not recommend getting anymore.Here is a good...
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    Five Gallon Tank Dillema

    I'm sorry, but that isn't very good advice... Mollies need at least a 20 gallon tank as some grow to 5/6". Harlequin tetras need optimum water qualities, and with only a 5 gallon tank, that will be hard to keep up with other fish. Without any other fish, you could fit 2 platies in, but IMO...
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    Five Gallon Tank Dillema

    Jakpip, if i were you i would add some cories! get a group of 2 or 3, three may be pushing it! But they're lovely creatures and are a great fish to come and greet you when you walk in the room! (also they're bottom feeders and will eat almost anything!)
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    Stocking Advice? Please This Is Crazy

    Wow uhmm no no and no. you should REALLY reserach. bettas....having two females is bad enough because the aggression wouldn't be spread out..but to add a male to that. it is absolutly INHUMAN.
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    Stocking Questions

    Well i like livebearers the mollies, platies eat guppies?
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    I Have 2 Cories..but I Need More For Them To Be Happy

    So i think i'll be probably getting 3 more corries? Is 5 a good number of them?
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    Stocking Questions

    hahhaa opps....,i didn't know discus were cichlids I thought most tetras were only...about 2 inches? same size as guppies..?
  39. T

    Got To Thinking Tonight...

    Clown Loach x3-4 =12"X3/4= 36/48" Bosemani Rainbow x3 =4"X3 = 12" Neon Tetra/Silver Tip Tetra/Cardinal Tetra x16-20 =2"X16/20= 32/40" Cory Cats x4 =2"X4= 8" Angelfish x1-2 =6"X1/2= 6/12" so you're DEFINETLY wayyyy overstocked. [and i hope...that you don't mean getting 16-20 neon...
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    Stocking Questions

    I don't really like cichlids, so that's not quite an option for me, neither do i like dicuses or gouramis...just the way they look, i don't like them :(