Stocking Questions


Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
British Columbia, Canada
So i've already had my tank for quite a while and everything, but i'm INCREDIBLY bored of guppies...
When i finish getting rid of some of my guppies, i'll have the right amount and everything, i'd say i'll probably have
7guppies [4/5females + 2/3males]
4/5 peppered cory catfish

that is what i'm aiming for, i'm giving quite a few guppies to my friends [you can see i've got way to many in my signature already]
but i would like maybe a few more livebearers or an angel fish to clean up the guppy babies
what would you all recomment?
oh by the way, my tank is a 20 gallon.
How about platies or swordtails, they are nice fish and have wonderful colors. What about trying some neon/cardinal tetras. Also try adding 3 more Peppered Cory catfish. :nod: :nod:
2-3 peppered cories like Fishkies said.
I'm not sure but I think an angel would get too big for that tank.
Maybe some tetras or other small shoaling fish. Like neons or black neons. Remember to get at least 6 though.
what about a betta? or like...if my lfs ever get some female bettas in, what about them?
[i don't mind if they eat ALL the guppies....i don't like guppies anymore ...ahaha i'm mean]
To be honest I cannot see the Bettas as the answer to your problem, Cichlids would be the route to take if you want them eaten, but that in itself will hinder future stocking plans. I would just ditch the guppies altogether by whatever means.(Ideally find a fellow aquarist with large cichlids) Everyone knows or eventually learns that even 1 male and 1 female of the common livebearers (guppies, platies, swordtails and mollies) will lead to overcrowding in the long run.
I don't really like cichlids, so that's not quite an option for me, neither do i like dicuses or gouramis...just the way they look, i don't like them :(
Most predators weither it will be cichlids or otherwise will present you with problems as regards to future stocking plans.
Large adult golden wonders (Aplochelius lineatus Gold) would also suit in your case, left unfed for a couple of days would soon mop up the guppies. but again they will present you with the same problem.
I know what I would do, but they're are way to many moralistic people on this forum.
I don't really like cichlids, so that's not quite an option for me, neither do i like dicuses or gouramis...just the way they look, i don't like them :(
may i suggest large tetras or barbs of some kind i like the congo tetra there pretty and large and can go in with discus' but dont put barbs in with them there fin nippers
note: discus is a cichlid
hahhaa opps....,i didn't know discus were cichlids
I thought most tetras were only...about 2 inches?
same size as guppies..?

Depends on the tetra. They range in size quite a bit. I have seen congo tetras at arround 6inch, and they would be more than happy to take guppies. However, they would limit your future stocking possibilities. Discus are inded cichlids, and too large for your tank. They can grow to 8inch length, and are slightly taller than long. Even if you liked discus, you could not keep them long tearm.
Left unfed even guppies will eat guppies if they can find them...but I'm not sure if you'll actually have room in a 20 gallon for anything that could eat "teenage fry".

BTW...angels, discus, rams, apistos, and keyholes are all South American cichlids. Maybe it's central america and african cichlids that you don't like?
I think angels grow too big for a 20 gallon which i believe is around 75L? neon tetras are nice, I have recently just tried guppies, platies and neons all in the same tank with a red tail shark, a pakistani loach and a standard cory (I think it is :/ ) and they are doing fine although the red tailed shark has been picking on one particular platy. They are also amusing! just now as I am writing this 2 guppies and 3 platies are swimming in front of the filter outlet and getting a ride back to the other side of the tank! so im assuming they go well, as they seem to be playing together :)
I don't see bettas in that tank, they'll become too agressive with the guppies, and it will limit your other stock options greatly, even with females.
I don't think angels could fit in there either.. although I might be wrong. I know they need a tall tank.
So, with a couple more cories and only 7 gups, I would suggest (one option per line):
A couple of male platies, swords, or mollies
About 7 neon tetras, or cardinal tetras (they look almost exactly the same)
possibly some barbs..? not too sure on this but I know barbs will eat guppy fry.

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