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  1. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    Found 21 more eggs this morning. All in the Java Moss near the corner where the water current hit.
  2. N

    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    Last few days, I came to the conclusion that the Melanotanias frys are pretty similar with the frys from the Sterbais when they are about month old or so. For a while I wasn't sure what happened to all the frys from Melanotanias. I was start to wonder if they all perished since I only see the...
  3. N

    Pepperd Cory

    How many are you going to put? Also how many of what fish is going to be the tankmate? Also what water parameters? If all the things above is acceptable, I don't see anything wrong with they going to be in 20H. But 20H is deeper than 10 or 20L so I would make sure there are enough oxygen...
  4. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    I got 30 more eggs this morning although 3 was darker so I missed from last batch. They were all in the Java Moss except 1 on the leaf of Java Fern. Also I got 30 wigglers from bacth from few days ago.
  5. N

    Think I'm Finally Getting My Hastatus!

    I assume they were shipped. How long were the trip, a day, 2 days? Also how many were in the bag? Sorry about the questions but I think I need to learn how to ship fish sooner or later. And try to learn what works. I know quicker the better but I also curious about how long they can...
  6. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    I found 12 eggs this morning although 2 was darker so I assume they were from last batch I missed to collect. Anyway, 5 were on the glass and 7 in the Java Moss.
  7. N

    Think I'm Finally Getting My Hastatus!

    I was thinking about getting dwarf corys for a while. And among the 3(well some claim there are 4) dwarf/miniature corys, I like the look of Hastatus best maybe because I see the pygmaeus more often. But now all my nano/small tanks are occupied by frys from Pandas/Sterbais and Melanotanias...
  8. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    I did collect 33 eggs in the Java Moss this morning. But it was different. The eggs were little smaller than usual. Which made me wonder if these eggs came from the younge female.
  9. N

    C Sterbai And Bristlenose Fry

    Although this is purely my guess and no scientific validation whatsoever. If the frys are free-swimming and healthy enough, they should be fine with Corys. I would think they would jump out of the way before the cory have chance to wisker and suck into theit mouth. Although I never had any...
  10. N

    Coldwater Plecos

    How cold is your "cold water set up" anyway? I assume the tank is inside the house and not outside. And unheated so the temperature hover around the near the room temperature. Maybe heat up a little from the light(s). Also your location weather and tank size influence the temperature...
  11. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I am pretty happy to find all 83 eggs except 1 on the glass in the spawning mopyesterday evening. (it is easier to collect) Maybe they are learning. :rolleyes:
  12. N

    15 Gal Tank, What Cories?

  13. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    I guess he found a partner or 2 last night. I noticed there are few eggs on the corner of the front glass. I found 5 on the glass, 3 on the leaves of Java Fern at the corner and 23 eggs in the near by Java Moss. The total of 31 eggs. It wasn't there when I went bed. So they must be made...
  14. N

    Strange Eggs... Or Somethingelse?

    It usually you can use the "worm feeder" for live worm like blood worms, grindel, white , black and such. Then they wiggle out of the small hole and fish can eat them. Especially for the top or middle feeding fish so the worms don't sink too quick for them to catch. Usually do not need...
  15. N

    Finally - Albino C. Sterbai Spawning

    First, congratulation for the new spawn. And second, you mentioned you waited for 5 years. That made me curious what trigger the spawn. Do you have any idea? Or it just happened. I have been want to get the group of Albino Sterbais since I start getting eggs from the regular Sterbais...
  16. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    There weren't many but I just collected 39 eggs. And I saw her drop eggs few times. And I actually tukey bastered some eggs from the bottom before some vaccum cleaner suck them up. :rolleyes: I guess some fish is crumsier than another. Probably I would had more eggs if she didn't drop so...
  17. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    I guess the male couldn't convinced any female one day but I saw this morning one of the female is carrying egg. SoI wait little while before go look for the eggs. I guess she is one of the good Mom that place the egg near the water movement. I found 4 on the corner of the glass near the...
  18. N

    Otto Babies!

    I guess one of the people that come to this forum bred Oto. Here is the link for their record/article of the breeding.
  19. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I knew they are doing some nooner today. And I saw they are still frisky at 2. So I leave them alone and do some errand of my own. And came back and collect those eggs. I saw a single tiny egg on the top of driftwood and rest were in the spawning mop. All 106 of them. If I don't know...
  20. N

    False Bandit Cory Please Help!

    I just noticed that you have light colored stone. What color of substrate(gravels or sands) do you have? Because sometime the fish can change color. It is not like red to blue or nothing but I see my fish change color sometime. Maybe color is not right word for it but change the tint of...
  21. N

    Mystery Oto

    For once, I think I got answer. :fun: I got same fish 2 years ago from local store and they were marked only as Oto. Since then, one of them got so wide and almost ready to burst(obviously she was female but never get eggs from them) so I did little research and looking for few more. But...
  22. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    I guess the hitting streak continue. I think it is 4 days in a row. Anyway, I found 12 eggs in the Java Moss this morning. :rolleyes:
  23. N

    Bronz Corys

    Here is the link to the article that give you basic idea of breeding cory.
  24. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    Thanks Sam, I'm glad you enjoy reading. Because this is no picture(my comp is ancient and no digi camera) thread. So that's all you can do. :shifty: Unfortunately no cute or interesting pictures to look at. But I figure someone might find it interesting enough to know that how often...
  25. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    Hi dane, You show off lucky d*g! Sump! Fishroom! I need a house with leveled basement I hope. Instead of this old apartment with thin walls(ceiling and floor also judging by the all the complain from the guy living down us although he is such a drama queen. He once complained that my...
  26. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    Unbelievable! :hyper: He did it again. :shifty: 3 days in a row. :shout: He must be the hardest working fish in cory business. He is here to please his ladies, day in day out. I found 16 more eggs this morning. Almost all the eggs were in small portion of Java Moss. It turns out I...
  27. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    Yap, my male got busy again. As usual, I saw him asking around last night but I didn't wait for them so turned the light off and went bed. And this morning, there are many eggs on the corner of front glass. Of course the side water current from the powerhead hit. But unusual thing was she...
  28. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Just about I thought I trained the female Sterbais to lay the eggs in the easy to collect location. The eggs on everywhere. :shout: I found more eggs at other place than in the spawning mop. There were even few on the backside of driftwood. I changed the driftwood with Java fern on it to...
  29. N

    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    I guess Friday is still same week as say Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. They made more eggs today. I collected about 130 eggs.
  30. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    so I saw the male chasing female last night although it seems he is chasing somebody every night. :shifty: I look closely if there is any eggs left this morning. And sure enough there are some in the Java Moss. I found 10 eggs. The related Panda news, I did gave 6 baby Pandas to fellow...
  31. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I guess I finally made up with my Sterbais. I knew they were kind of mad at me for last few days since I took out the drift wood with Java Fern and replaced with not high enough coconut shell to hide under. And again took that out and replaced with bigger driftwood with space to go underneath...
  32. N

    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    After I picked up the skunk corys(she end up lost 1 THIS MORNING!) so I got 3 of them. But I am still pretty happy about new members of family. :hyper: Although I may have to go find few more friends for them so they can start the family. They came home with me and released in the...
  33. N

    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    Hi folks, As you may know I do not have the mean to post the picture but I will try to find the similar design or picture from the web. It is basically the DIY brine shrimp hatchery made out of the usually 2lt empty pop bottle and some airtube. I can't do it now since I do need to go change...
  34. N

    I Dont Know What Happened

    I'm sorry to hear your loss. I am no expert of diagnosing the fish illness and problem. But here is a thing or 2 came to my mind. First what kind of filter system do you have. Is it possible, sometime during the day you are gone filter lost power and stopped for a while and killed all...
  35. N

    Bloody Angels Pairing Off.....

    Of course, I hope you told your missus that your 2 Angels need the biggest tank you can find at the store. Like 150G 8 foot tank. :hyper: :drool: Of course, you do want to make sure the building can support the weight of the monster tank you are going to get. But that would be the brightest-side.
  36. N

    Should I Be Worried?

    Hi vmsyvert, Since I never owned the black skirt before, I can't advice from the experience but generally most Tetras would do better in bigger school. However there is only so much room for your 10G tank. But I think it is possible to add 2 or 3 more and sometime the aggression would spread...
  37. N

    Is My Albino Crazy?

    Only one of them? When you have 2 or 3 are doing that, you will get eggs not long after. Of course, the fish have to be somewhat big enough to be matured. Since even young corys do that. I think they usually act like that when they are excited at something. That can be typical...
  38. N

    Another Cory Shipment In Usps Hell!

    That's good news. :good: Nobody like the dead fish in the mail unless it is smoked salmon or something. I guess Cory can survive better than some of the other more sensitive fish. I would probably guessed the Cardinals would be the highest risk among your shipment. Of course, all greatly...
  39. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    I guess he still work hard. I found 13 more eggs all in the Java Moss this morning. And most were near the water current. BTW, I think the batch before last hatched 12 out of 16 eggs collected. They are now balsl with a tail.
  40. N

    Bn Pleco And Plants

    You are welcome. You must miss his inquistive look when you said he WAS. But I guess it is a fact of life. Anyway, the Swords is big and BN are small. And have some Java Fern also. I like to have that Sword in the tank for center piece. So hope they eat vege and algae and not the...