Think I'm Finally Getting My Hastatus!

Miss Wiggle

Practically perfect in every way
Mar 24, 2006
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i've been after a little group of c hastatus for about 5/6 months now, not found them anywhere, no lfs's can get them, just coming up against brick walls all the time. was just browsing another site on the hunt for some sparkling gourami's and have found a good reliable stockist who say they have hastatus in :D :D

no gourami's on they're list although i've e-mailed to see if they can lay their hands on them :rolleyes:

hopefully i should have some pgymy cories in a few days :D

so excited to have cories in the house again, it's been toooo long
Congratulations i look forward to the photos :)
they should arrive on wednesday :D

all excited now!
they should arrive on wednesday :D

all excited now!

Yeah! I'm getting my Corydoras pulcher on Wednesday, so we'll both be new cory mamas! There are fewer things in the fish world more cute than a dwarf corydora. Having kept corydoras pygmaeus, I can certainly vouch for that. :good:

cory mama's! lol :D

the tank's on my bedside table, bet i won't get any sleep watching them! lol

i shall do my best for pics
I was thinking about getting dwarf corys for a while. And among the 3(well some claim there are 4) dwarf/miniature corys, I like the look of Hastatus best maybe because I see the pygmaeus more often.

But now all my nano/small tanks are occupied by frys from Pandas/Sterbais and Melanotanias and Red Cherry Shrimps. also many, many small Ramshorn snails. I have a dozen or so Neon Tetra frys also. I probably try to make some more when the female fill up. That way, they can grow with cory frys. So the middle water is used also.
But I still would like to get the miniture corys especially Hastatus. But it seems I still don't have enough tanks although I have about 10. :rolleyes:

Anyway, good luck with your Hastatus. I am interested to hear about them from the experience.
thanks, just waiting for them to arrive now

i think i'll probably get some pygmaeus/habrosus or possibly panda's at some point too, we've a 5gal with a very old betta in and he's not long for this world now, when he passes on a female betta from our community tank is going in there and then i'm thinking of some tankmates for her.

they're here! just drip acclimitising now, they are so tiny it's unbelievable! i'm worried i'm gonna loose some they are so small
sad day for photography when this lot is the best i can do! lol

tanks a mess, planting needs to be completely sorted out, substrates getting switched to sand (intended to do it before i got the hastys but they're hard to get hold of so had to go for it when i saw them for sale)





Oh! That's great, Miss Wiggle. It's so fine to get a dream plan fulfilled.

lljdma: delighted about the Cories. Be sure to keep us updated. I have been busily fulfilling picture promises from the last year, I think. So far behind. I may be almost half through, so I just am not keeping up with browsing.
thanks they seem ok so far, the smallest one is the least active and he concerns me the most, but he doesn't look bad or anything, only time will tell
I assume they were shipped. How long were the trip, a day, 2 days?
Also how many were in the bag? Sorry about the questions but I think I need to learn how to ship fish sooner or later. And try to learn what works.
I know quicker the better but I also curious about how long they can survive in the box.

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