C Sterbai And Bristlenose Fry


Fish Aficionado
May 16, 2004
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Southern U.S.
Just wanting to be sure the sterbai won't eat my BN fry. I know cories are supposed to be "safe" even with fry but I thought the Blue Danios would be safe as well until found them nipping at the first of the fry to leave the cave so I had to chuck them in another tank temporarily. The fry managed to survive unscathed. Do the sterbai need to go as well or will they leave the fry alone?
Yeah, let me know when you find out. I am interested in whether I can trust the BN with the Cory eggs. lol And then if I can raise the BN and the Cory fry together.
There are quite a few who have come out now and more making their way into the "wilds" of the aquarium while I was gone to see a movie and so far the cories appear to have left them alone. I hope it stays that way. There were three or four of them on the sand where the cories could in theory eat them but none were near by them.
Although this is purely my guess and no scientific validation whatsoever. If the frys are free-swimming and healthy enough, they should be fine with Corys. I would think they would jump out of the way before the cory have chance to wisker and suck into theit mouth. Although I never had any small BN frys to raise. I just got few youngs they need to grow and hopefully spawn in near future. I doubt the cory would hunt free-swimming healthy frys for snack.
But if the frys make wrong move and jump into Corys mouth, then they shouldn't complain about getting eaten.

This is purely my educated guess only. So don't hold it against me please. :unsure:
I've got close to two dozen or more fry ready to come out of the cave so it makes me paranoid. :lol: I forgot there's a Betta in there too but he'll be easy enough to move if he tries snacking on the fry.
when i went to joby bettas she had peppered cories and bn fry together in the same tank.They were about 1cm long
Maybe if you keep the corys well fed they mite not be hungry and then less of a chance of them eating the fry. Even tho Id assume that if the fry were any decent size then they should be ok. But i dont know that for sure sorry
I just fed them yesterday and will probably feed them again tonight or tomorrow morning. The fry are small enough the Betta could eat a few and the sterbai definitely could but so far it looks like they'll be okay. I wasn't expecting them to start coming out so soon.
Well I just saw a sterbai have a chance to eat one during feeding time and it didn't so I take that as a good sign.
Kind of a perspective on their size. The sterbai is actually further back in the tank with the fry up on the glass


And a fry next to a dime for a better comparison.

When I got my BN from the breeder (3 different varieties and an omnivore Plec), he said they kick the fry out very early and make no attempte to parent them.

I have had many Aeneus fry survive in the parent tank. I believe that the parents are sometimes too rough on them, but I am inclined to think that once they are free swimming the Cory don't eat them. Although this is speculation.

But I wouldn't put anything past a hungry Betta! Just depends on the Betta, as always.

I would like to keep BN in the Cory tanks, but my first concern is for the Cory eggs. And I suppose later for the Plec eggs. :sly:
If the male is anything half as fatherly as mine is, the eggs will be well guarded. He kept even the apple snails from getting near the cave mouth by flicking them away and the cories seemed to pick up quick not to go too near. I've now counted over 30+ fry and that's only those on the glass or can be seen on the wood or other decor. I have caves for them to hide in even the cories can't get into so there are no telling how many are there.

So far, it seems the cories have ignored the fry although I don't know how the bad the Betta has been. Given how tiny the fry are/were (some are on the accelerated growth plan apparently and doubled in size :p ) I was worried they'd be tasty snacks but it looks tentatively okay.
That is good news Teelie. What variety are these you are raising?

It would be a benefit indeed If I could keep the two together. I have put the new LF marble BN juvies in two tanks of Cories. But I havn't known if I could keep it that way as they grew.
My whiptails don't touch their fry,you can see a small one on the heater guard beside the female.The male is also sitting on more eggs.


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