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  1. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I was suprised to count 73 eggs(68 eggs in the spawning mop, 2 in the Java moss, 2 on the Anubias leaf and 1 on the side of the container). Now I have no idea if 2 or 3 females work on the egg production. I think they know the Easter is coming and crank up the production. :lol:
  2. N

    Anyone Else Own A Pandabai?

    I am sorry I took your title of the thread as question but I assumed it was question since I saw the ? mark on the title of the thread. And I am not accusing you of creating the hybrid on purpose. I keep my Pandas at 68~72F unheated tank and they breed quite frequently about once in 4~5...
  3. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I also collected 24 more eggs this evening. I'm pretty sure they came from the 1st female since 12 eggs were on the glass, 3 on the spawning mop and 6 on the leaves of Java Fern and 3 more on the leaf of Anubias. And most of the eggs were placed higher part of the tank.
  4. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    WOW that's a big tank aquamike, Wish my floor can support that big tank. On the other hand, takes forever to collect most of the eggs. Then again, can have so many fish. But you sound like need smaller tank to seperate all those egg makers.
  5. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Thanks for the correction Coryologist, How about that you can learn new thing every day. I did not know that. Although I doubt that to happen in my Sterbai tank, well at least for a while since all my 2 teenage male Sterbai do is try to get laid. Patroling and hovering all over the...
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    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Hi aquamike, What water parameter(temp, ph., etc), tank size and what are their tankmates. Just curious. And I think they rarely lay eggs without the attempt of fertilizing the eggs from the male. And when the male is chasing female and they should form the T-position. It is still a big...
  7. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I found 14 more eggs today(2 in the Java moss, 3 in the spawning mop and 9 on the leaves of Java Fern). I think those came from the 3rd female since I saw 2 females making eggs yesterday.
  8. N

    Anyone Else Own A Pandabai?

    Answer is no I don't have those and I hope I won't. Just out of curiousty how many adult Pandas and adult Sterbais in the tank. Also what are the sex of all the fish like. Like how many females and males of each species. Also what kind of water parameter do you keep them. I found Pandas...
  9. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    We have auction in April also, think 14th. And I am looking forward to see if I can find some deal for something I need and something I can't pass up. I probably should set a tank or 2 just in case if I come back with some new fins. ^_^ Well happy Cory hunting then. :P BTW, I just...
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    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Let me know when you set it up. For now, I'll try to grow as many as I can so fill that badboy with lots of fish. :lol:
  11. N

    Wonkey And Lumpy The Cories

    You welcome. I just try to read about them so I can keep them happy and healthy as much as I can.
  12. N

    Serious Run Of Bad Luck With My Corys

    I'm sorry for your loss. This could be a long shot but ....I heard sometime you could lose fish from some kind of chemical fume/mist getting into the tank from the air. Like new paint/stain fumes, some strong cleaning chemical or even some air freshner. Once I heard someone lost the...
  13. N

    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    Unfortunately, I don't think any eggs would hatch. :sad: It has been more than week. I wonder why that is, are the eggs were too old( I mean they were in the female body for too long), the males can't fertilize the eggs or did I kept in the wrong water condition. I heard that Tetra eggs...
  14. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Captain Retardo, Tell you what, you can collect all the eggs you can from your side of the tank and I'll collect all from my side of the tank. Just build the 1400 mile long tank :lol: from here to your place and I'll put my Sterbais in it and see where they place the eggs. :rofl: This...
  15. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I got 10 more eggs yesterday. 2 in the Java moss, 6 on the leaves of Java Ferns and 2 more in the spawning mop. I'm pretty sure these eggs came from the 2nd or 3rd female. Because I know the 1st female prefer to place the eggs near the surface with good current. Even she have to swim really...
  16. N

    Wonkey And Lumpy The Cories

    I would not replace the gravels just yet if I were you. Since they seem stressed already, it would not be a good time to change the substrate. Since it is pretty much you have to tore down the tank to change it unless the gravels are not sharp, let them settle down. You can change it later...
  17. N

    Sterbai Id And Strange Bronze Corys

    I keep my group of adult at 82F(I think it is about 28C) since I read the article below which has the quote from pre~~tty famous Corydoras expert. And I have been getting eggs every other day so I think they are happy with the water. Here is the link for the article...
  18. N

    How Can You Discourage.........

    It has been a while but I collected 28 eggs this morning. I was thinking about moving Pandas back to the 5G since I was not getting any eggs since I put the group of C.Melanotaneas with them. But I finally got some eggs from this morning. Now I have to re-think what to do. I guess I'll wait...
  19. N

    Sterbai Id And Strange Bronze Corys

    Seems you got a good deal there. They are Sterbais. I notice that you have Pandas and Sterbais. FYI, they prefer the opposite temperature. You might want to spend the extra fish money you found today for new tank. They would do better if you keep them in different tank with different...
  20. N

    Corys And Protozin Treatment

    Since you didn't mention of moving fish, I'll take it you do not have another tank. And since you said the Corys are still alive, you could go get the temporary tank. I don't know where you live but in here U.S., we could buy plastic storage tub(big tupperware) which you can use for temporary...
  21. N

    Corys And Protozin Treatment

    I'm sorry to hear your loss. But you seem got yourself an answer however the not happy one. Ideally, find the any fish that are not suppose to treat with more than half strength and move to another tank. I believe that include the Tetras and Corys. If you don't have another tank, I think you...
  22. N

    Wonkey And Lumpy The Cories

    It is entirely possible that your fish is indeed have some albinolike trait or genes. However there is also a possibility that the fish color was affected by the stress. Or the light colored surrounddings and conditions such as light colored substrate, the brighter tank, lack of shelters...
  23. N

    More Eggs

    Depends on the size of container/tank as well as the size of the spawn. Obviously 3 weeks old would not hurt the eggs however the waste come from the feeding of the 3 weeks old may become the problem for eggs. Since eggs does not need anything but clean water and oxygen to develope. Also the...
  24. N

    Corydoras Sterbai Sexing!

    Hi DiscusAngel, You can sex Sterbai by the shape of the fish just like many other Corys. Among sexually matured or near adults show females have wider, taller and bigger than maleswhich is slimmer, shorter in height and smaller. Also the females suppose to have more round fan shaped pictal...
  25. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I collected 14 more eggs. This was small but it was 2days in a row although I never know for sure which female layed those eggs. 6 in the spawning mop, 2 in the Java moss and 6 more on the leaves of Java Fern and none on the glass. So I think it came from 2nd or 3rd female. It seems my main...
  26. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I harvested 30 more eggs this evening. There were 10 eggs on the glass, 7 in the spawning mop and 13 on the leaves of Java Ferns. Just like any other time, females enjoy the breakfast and males wisper sweet nothing to their ear/head. I guess they like sex more than food. :rolleyes: :shifty...
  27. N

    Angel Fry

    2pods, They are cute frys and proud parents I see. Congratulation. Are you feeding BBS? BTW, what is the size of 50p piece? (We yankys can't figure out the size of 50p. Could you tell me the parents size by the inches or cm. I can figure cm, I think. :lol: )
  28. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    They are slow growing. The first few frys from the early batch are still look like little todpoles. Finally have little wisker but they can't be more then little over 1/4" TL and thickness of toothpick. My best guess would be, they will need 3~4 months before I can feel good about their...
  29. N

    Angel Eggs

    Oh so you took them to store. So you must got some credit or cash. Then you should got some fish money that you can spend on the fish stuff. :hyper:
  30. N

    Would This Tank Be Safe To Put Cories In?

    Hi SouthernCross, I am not the expert of the matter however I do have a suggestion. When I do make new tank, there are few things I do. Here is what I do. I pull one of the extra filter I have on another tank.(some tank have 2 just in case like this, beside most of my tank have more...
  31. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    You know, these fish sometime surprise you. I was just feeding some walterworms(like microworms) to the hard working adult Sterbais. I saw this little todpole hopping and riding on the current of water. And it was not just 1 but I saw 2 at the same time. They were about the size of the...
  32. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    I just collected 50+ eggs although 2 were darker and I think I missed them last time. I found 4 on the front corner of the glass, 12 in the spawning mop, 13 in the Java Moss, 22 on the leaves of Java Fern and 3 more on the tip of Anubias leaf. Now I wonder if I got these from 1 female or 2...
  33. N

    Blue Panda Corys

    saphphx, Iam sorry that I doubted you of misuse of the chemical. I guess you did absolutely right but it happened because of the mucus and fungus thing. And I am glad to hear that the color would be reverse to their normal colorsoon enough. Since they do better with white/pink and black...
  34. N

    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Hey neighbor, I am still try to figure out what is the best way to hatch the spawn. But without any chemicals if I can help it. I figure they have more chance of growing if I don't dose with any chemical when they hatch. Also, I think I get different hatch rate from different batches...
  35. N

    Angel Eggs

    Yeah, I guess. But I wish I have a house big enough to have fish room. Then we are talking. Hopefully, that's what you gonna do after you get a new house. ^_^ :fish: :fish: more :fish:
  36. N

    Fat Cory

    If you have or get some matured male(s) and use cooler water for your water change, she will most likely lay some eggs for you. So you probably want to read some of the pinned post in the top of the all the post. They will explain what you should do with eggs and stuff. Good luck.
  37. N

    Blue Panda Corys

    So who medicated the Pandas and how long? Did you or the store? I saw you mentioned half the dose but was it certain that it was half dose? I suspect either whoever used the medication used more than half dose or longer than it should be or didn't shake the bottle of the chemical or...
  38. N

    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    Boy, these guys like to surprise me. And they did it AGAIN! ^_^ I just went to change the water of the container which keeps eggs and feed the fish. I noticed that they left more eggs. ;) I guess they were not quite done yet last night. They must made those eggs after the lights out. And...
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    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    Sorry Madattiver, I don't have digi camera nor the high capacity comp. I barely be able to check and post textiles. Not to mention, I am so out of new technology. And have way to many fish projects on my hand. I have empty 55G need some canopy build, would like to build some background with...
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    Sticky, Sticky Eggs!

    Thanks for congrats Bozza, Amunet, AlexandCarmen and Madattiver, Yes, I do hope to grow them to be at least miniture adult colored frys. That is when I feel good about their chance. Since they are in the same water and tank, I think I will grow Pandas and Melanotaenia(this is the right...