Blue Panda Corys


Fish Crazy
Mar 11, 2007
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So, the lesson of today's photo, is even HALF a dose of myth blue will give you blue fish. The albinos were treated with the pandas, though are not blue, so I guess pandas being more touchy also makes them more... blue? So, I don't dye fish, or buy dyed fish, but no one said it would turn the fish blue! Plastic, plants, silicon, ok, fine, but fish...?

Anyone have any idea when they will.... un-blue? They are doing well, have joined the main panda tank and have been taken in by Momma Panda and the other big ones, as well as the other little new ones right out of q, but they are.. well blue lol. Eating, swimming, acting normal, but blue.

Not sure what else to say. Water in both tanks is spot on, and they are fine, just blue lol.

Thanks all!

More photos:

Its just to weird.
So who medicated the Pandas and how long? Did you or the store? I saw you mentioned half the dose but was it certain that it was half dose?
I suspect either whoever used the medication used more than half dose or longer than it should be or didn't shake the bottle of the chemical or something like that. I personally try to avoid use chemical as much as possible but I understand the need of use in some case.
I remember when I was more newer and used the meth blue for discourage fungus on the eggs, the plastic container stained blue after 3~4 days. And same goes silicone, if you left more than a day, it will absorb the blue color I remember. So I say don't use more than a day with half dose for non-scaled fish. I believe that was recommended anyway.
I however have no idea, how long it would take for Pandas to be non-blue. But I'm pretty sure it will fade away as they grow. I sure hope so. It probably good idea to do more water change than usual and put some charcoal won't hurt either, I imagine. That is how you suppose to get rid of the chemical, right?
Hope they get pink soon instead of blue.
Its quite simple really. The only way the blue dye will show on a fish is if there is something on the fish for it to stain. For example, if you have a perfectly healthy fish, but it has picked up some fin damage and you give it a dip in Meth. blue it is only the damaged edges of the fins that will turn blue, this is where the dye has stained any fungus spores that have attached to the damaged.

I would think that for whatever reason, probably the catching/transporting of the fish, it has put then under stress and caused them to release a mucus and it is this mucus which has become stained with the blue, once the fish have settled it should disappear.

It's usually malicate treatment thats turns the slime on the fish blue.

And it what turns the silicon and other stuff in the tank that colour as well.

Malicate is used in many medications and what gives them either a green or blue colour.
If you get on your skin it takes 1 or 2 days to get off as well. but it only turms the slim on the fish that colour and with in a day to should all be gone.

Not sure if it's used in myth blue, but as malicate is a very good anti bacterial and thats that myth blue is used for then i would guess that it is.
So who medicated the Pandas and how long? Did you or the store? I saw you mentioned half the dose but was it certain that it was half dose?
-big sigh- I did it. Got them and they were COVERED in fungus. I started their treatment on 02/03/07 when I got them home with them. For the 20ltr tank I treated with 1mil (when it should be 1 mil per 5ltr) which is 1/4 of the dose and waited 4 days (late evening on 06/03/07), changed 50% and treated again with 1 mil (again 1/4 dose). As the fungus remained I phoned the LFS who sold me the fish on 11/03/07, and as per instructions changed 50% of the water and this time treated with 2 mil. On 13/03/07 the fungus was gone and fins well on repair. On 16/03/07 I changed 50%, as they had been clear of fungus I did not treat again, I put the carbon back in on 16/03/07 and did a 25% water change each day until 19/03/07 when I moved the fish out of quar, took the photos of them being blue, drained the q tank, binned the now blue filter and replaced with half of a larger old filter pad from a different tank, added clean water, and put my cycling fish back in the q tank until I need it again to keep it cycled. The fish are still blue, as is all the silicon and stuff, but the water was only the lightest of blues when I drained it, and the new water and cycling fish (danios I keep to fill empty tanks to keep them cycled between uses) are NOT blue.
I suspect either whoever used the medication used more than half dose or longer than it should be or didn't shake the bottle of the chemical or something like that. I personally try to avoid use chemical as much as possible but I understand the need of use in some case.
I used a medical syringe to dose, so I know it was spot on, treated for under 2 weeks (it says treat 7 days, then replace carbon or repeat if needed after a 30% water change) and shook the bottle for the required 1 minute as in the instructions. My fingers were also blue for a week lol. I don't think I would ever use this stupid stuff again on fish. I originally got it for eggs, but was out of the normal fungus stuff as was the LFS, so they said the myth blue would be fine.
I remember when I was more newer and used the meth blue for discourage fungus on the eggs, the plastic container stained blue after 3~4 days. And same goes silicone, if you left more than a day, it will absorb the blue color I remember. So I say don't use more than a day with half dose for non-scaled fish. I believe that was recommended anyway.
One of the other LFS said that the only time they heard it used on fish and not eggs was as a dip instead of q-tanking them. I'm actually tempted as pandas never seem to do well in q-tanks even though they are fully cycled and matured, so would dipping them for, say 5 mins, in a half dose of myth blue be good enough? What if its an internal parasite? This LFS that sold them is really good, but one dude there told me to take the fish home and put them right in the tank, as they q them ahead of sale, though I think that's not true as mine were special ordered and I collected them the same day that they came into the shop..
I however have no idea, how long it would take for Pandas to be non-blue. But I'm pretty sure it will fade away as they grow. I sure hope so. It probably good idea to do more water change than usual and put some charcoal won't hurt either, I imagine. That is how you suppose to get rid of the chemical, right?
Hope they get pink soon instead of blue.
Its faded a bit. They seem to be more of a grey today. There are in a completly new tank, but I'm keeping up water changes as its over stocked for a day while my albino cory tank finishes maturing (has been ok, so will prob move them out tomorrow)

Its quite simple really. The only way the blue dye will show on a fish is if there is something on the fish for it to stain. For example, if you have a perfectly healthy fish, but it has picked up some fin damage and you give it a dip in Meth. blue it is only the damaged edges of the fins that will turn blue, this is where the dye has stained any fungus spores that have attached to the damaged.

I would think that for whatever reason, probably the catching/transporting of the fish, it has put then under stress and caused them to release a mucus and it is this mucus which has become stained with the blue, once the fish have settled it should disappear.


yeah they had a rough trip as the woman at the fish shop put them in with barbs that killed half of them before I got there, then dropped one netting it, and so on. She's been banned form dealing with taking stock in from what I have been told (as apparently this wasn't the first time she put tiny cory in with large barbs)

Iam sorry that I doubted you of misuse of the chemical. I guess you did absolutely right but it happened because of the mucus and fungus thing.
And I am glad to hear that the color would be reverse to their normal colorsoon enough. Since they do better with white/pink and black than blue.
And thanks for the post of your experience, I'm sure many of us learned something. I sure did that I would be less clined to use colored chemical for medication. If I am not already try to use the chemical less.
I know sometime fish get sick just like any living thing but it sure easier to prevent than nurse the sickness.

Yeah, I hate to see the Pandas or any other peaceful little fish forced to occupy the same tank with unsuited tankmates. Every time I go to one of this big chain store( I don't name them) and see the small Pandas in the tank with Glass fish and Glass catfish. I think Glass catfish is peaceful enough, they probably doesn't bother but I am not so sure with Glass fish. Not to mention, I believe those 2 would do better with some salt. Although I don't think they are dosing with salt since all the tank have connected water system.
Sometime I think about buy them all to rescue tham from unfit condition but then I know they will ship in more and I don't have unlimited $. It just make me feel bad when I see the store don't think about the compatability or requirement of the fish and just put the wrong fish in the same tank. It is already bad enough that they are kept in over crowded tank most of the time. :angry:
Iam sorry that I doubted you of misuse of the chemical. I guess you did absolutely right but it happened because of the mucus and fungus thing. And I am glad to hear that the color would be reverse to their normal colorsoon enough. Since they do better with white/pink and black than blue. And thanks for the post of your experience, I'm sure many of us learned something. I sure did that I would be less clined to use colored chemical for medication. If I am not already try to use the chemical less.
Hey, no worries mate :D Doubts are what makes people double check and often learn from mistakes :D I once sneezed and dropped a whole bottle of stress coat in a tank and banged my head on a shelf :p I'm so glad they are looking more normal today. They must have been well battered for this to happen to them and not the albinos. I would rather have someone standing behind me watching what I do then keep going and end up screwing something up :) that's why I posted here, to see what went wrong :) I hope you always doubt me and question me :D Going back through my records I realized I missed a water change as well, so got that done today, so thanks :D
I know sometime fish get sick just like any living thing but it sure easier to prevent than nurse the sickness.
I agree. I probably should have left them there, but I have left ill fish there before that were less ill then them, and then when I came back to get them they had died - from 1 ich spot..
Yeah, I hate to see the Pandas or any other peaceful little fish forced to occupy the same tank with unsuited tankmates. Every time I go to one of this big chain store( I don't name them) and see the small Pandas in the tank with Glass fish and Glass catfish. I think Glass catfish is peaceful enough, they probably doesn't bother but I am not so sure with Glass fish. Not to mention, I believe those 2 would do better with some salt. Although I don't think they are dosing with salt since all the tank have connected water system.
Sometime I think about buy them all to rescue tham from unfit condition but then I know they will ship in more and I don't have unlimited $. It just make me feel bad when I see the store don't think about the compatability or requirement of the fish and just put the wrong fish in the same tank. It is already bad enough that they are kept in over crowded tank most of the time. :angry:
-nods- I normally tell them off very loudly at busy times and storm out. People do they "well the fish shop had them together, and sold me the 2 tiger barbs and the fighting fish, from the same tank, but my fighter doesn't have fins any more!" or "my fighter killed my long finned guppies, but they were great in the shop!" not to mention they keep those freshwater crabs with small bottom feeders like very very tiny corys, and wonder why they vanish. You would think of all the people that should know better it would be the shops! Last one I was in while in the US they showed me around back as I was on about doing my fish room when I got home, and they had "Tank 2, neons, corys, ONE fighter, NO BARBS" and other fish and things that would go in some tanks and what to never put in a tank. The owner said "sometimes we hurry, some mistakes were made, now they never will be made again, and it took my wife 4 minutes to type and print them, so its not like it was hard" I took that idea and did my fish room the same :) So even if I don't have the time to sort stuff (which I try to always have) its idiot proof anyway, so everyone is happy :)

There is one shop here that's THE WORST. They are getting better, and have fired some of the staff when I went on endlessly to the management about mistakes and what not to do, but this dude put a bag of small piranha in with some larger piranha (from the last shipment) some big BIG shrimp, and some cray fish, and wondered why in 10 minutes there were body parts and eyes missing everywhere. I walked in on the clean up and was like "You have GOT to be kidding me..."

I have a book of bad fish stories for that place, fortunately they are fewer and further between, so its getting there.

Anyway, its not difficult to look after fish for a few hours before flogging them on.

But, saying that, I should have probably refused to buy them. I guess better blue then dead? Lesson learned though, I think next time I will just up the temp and lots of stress coat or something.

chemicals = bad. :)

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