Sterbai Id And Strange Bronze Corys


Fish Crazy
Mar 11, 2007
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I was at the LFS getting my pandas replaced (lost three in total) and was very miffed to find they sold two of the four that I had them put on hold for me and failed to get any others in. So, mooching around to see what else I wanted as it would suck to q two pandas on their own, I found a Sterbai (well what they said was one) on his own, and a bronze that was solid grey/white, but not albino. So I've phoned up and said to hold him for me, and I'll pick him up tomorrow, as he looked healthy and all, so I figure for a quid or so, coolness, what are the odds he is just a white bronze cory?

Anyway, I was given the sterbai as he was on his own and they were lacking pandas (he said he would still replace the panda and knock more off the cost of the ones I ordered) so, if he is a sterbai, I will be getting some more, at a massive discount as the LFS is really good and rarely mess up my orders or send me duff fish, so have been taking care of me really well, but is this a sterbai is £3-4 really a good discount on them? will be getting 5-6 of them.

Thanks all: Photos of Sterbai aclamating in Neo-Panda Town Q Tank :p (decided to group them all together against best judgement, but I trust this shop, and they have held them in a clean tank for me and are working out why two are gone and so on, but the rest of the fish in q are also from them, so they promised to replace all stock if anything goes wrong - but everyone looks fine, and they were all from the same shippment, so I feel safe q-ing them all together.) Anyway, he looks just like all the sterbai pics I have seen on planetcatfish and other sites, I'm just a bit iffy on any new really unplanned fish.


I think the orange is from the flash. Will take new pics in a few, wanting to let them settle in and get something to eat.

I can't belive my luck! I just picked up 10 more at one of the chain stores. So I flag down the girl and ask "Those aren't bronze, albino or those south americans you showed me last week, so are they the peppered?" so the girl hums and haws, and gets the assistant manager, who reads over the tags, and goes, "Well, its not a bronze cory, or an albino or south american, not a panda cause I know we're out, I guess just sell them to her as the peppered, I have no idea what kind of cory they are" so I got all those lovely corys for £2.75!!! I cannot belive my luck today! As I was leaving I saw a tag on the tank of neons and guppies next to it for "Sterba's Fish - £7.95" I guess they put the wrong tag on the wrong tank or something, and did ask "What are the sterba's fish then?" and the poor first girl goes "no idea, special guppy or something, I can get the manager back here if you want, but I can't sell you more then 10 fish at a time anyway, I think." so I declined and said I would look again next time I was in. I think there has been a mix up, but the manager approved and said to sell them as peppered, seeing as there were no peppered cory in the tank it could be what they thought were peppered cory anyway. Who knows there. I generally don't go in unless I know what I want and hope for a mis-lable or a sale like this. They do it a lot lol. The local hard core fish keepers always hit them on monday just after shipments and get discus labled as silver dollars and stuff for less then half what they should be. Anyway, they seem the same as my first little lad, but here are some more pics:



[EDIT: The tank is blue by the way - not the water, they've not been treated with anything, its just it all got stained when the pandas were in last week :)]

(if the pics aren't working:,,, and

and if spodbox is down they are also at:,,, and - sorry, server seems to be playing up)
Seems you got a good deal there. They are Sterbais. I notice that you have Pandas and Sterbais. FYI, they prefer the opposite temperature. You might want to spend the extra fish money you found today for new tank. They would do better if you keep them in different tank with different temperature IMHO. I've been getting eggs from both so I think I know some about them.
They are nice fish in different way. So please take good care of them.
Seems you got a good deal there. They are Sterbais. I notice that you have Pandas and Sterbais. FYI, they prefer the opposite temperature. You might want to spend the extra fish money you found today for new tank. They would do better if you keep them in different tank with different temperature IMHO. I've been getting eggs from both so I think I know some about them.
They are nice fish in different way. So please take good care of them.

-nods- I got them all from the same tank at the LFS, so qt-ing them together, then once that is done the Sterbai will be moving on to a warmer tank of their own :) What temp should I keep them at? 28 or so? I know pandas like much cooler water, but I have only so many QT tanks lol
I keep my group of adult at 82F(I think it is about 28C) since I read the article below which has the quote from pre~~tty famous Corydoras expert. And I have been getting eggs every other day so I think they are happy with the water.
Here is the link for the article.

And I keep my adult Panda in the tank without heater. And I think the water hover between 68~72F or so(light warm water a bit). And I do get eggs every 4~5 days to once a week. So they too seem like their water.
I keep my group of adult at 82F(I think it is about 28C) since I read the article below which has the quote from pre~~tty famous Corydoras expert. And I have been getting eggs every other day so I think they are happy with the water.
Here is the link for the article.

And I keep my adult Panda in the tank without heater. And I think the water hover between 68~72F or so(light warm water a bit). And I do get eggs every 4~5 days to once a week. So they too seem like their water.

most of my fish room tanks are at 72-74, so hopefully it will keep the pandas happy. Will put the sterbai in my fry tanks which I have heaters in that I keep around 82-84 (to keep ich down and grow fry on faster :)

Thanks for the article :) Will print it and add to my collection :)

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