Finally Sterbai Eggs

Sorry to hear about the loss of fry. It's always hard, but unfortunately a normal part of breeding and raising fry.

Wow, sounds like you're going to need another tank for all these babies. Sounds like your Sterbai are becoming more experienced spawners now.

Keep up the great work.

Thanks AlexAndCarmen,

No worry, I do have several empty tanks since I do pick up the used tank here there when I see the good deal. However, I do need to find the reliable heater that it keep the right temperature for Sterbai frys. I sure don't want to boil nor chill them.
And I am pretty excited to see my new Corys(C. Melanotaenia) are excited in the new home. I might get eggs sooner than I did ever dream of.
If and when I get eggs from them, I need to start another thread.
Found ~46~ eggs(12 on top corner on the glass, 6 in the spawning mop, 2 on the leaf of Anubias and 26 on the leaves of Java Ferns)
So while looking for the eggs all over the place, I did some water change also.
Since it was pretty good number of eggs, I put in the own container and split the airline. Not to mention last 2 batches didn't turned out good. There were too many eggs fungused, unfortunately.
But they should be ok since I see the eggs already colored to little tan, we'll see.
Well, at least they are still making eggs and it seems number of eggs are increasing. Although I still have no idea how many females are laying eggs. Are they taking turns, I really don't know.
Let's just say, they are doing good try to ensure the survival of their specie. :shifty:
Can't you dose pimafix to try and stop the fungus? or do you not need it because the fungussy eggs are unfertilized?
Hey neighbor,

I am still try to figure out what is the best way to hatch the spawn. But without any chemicals if I can help it. I figure they have more chance of growing if I don't dose with any chemical when they hatch.
Also, I think I get different hatch rate from different batches. Which is understandable that I get eggs so often that I imagine 2 females if not 3 take her turns. And also, all my Sterbais are still young.
So as much as they are working at it, I am also experimenting and learning. What is the best way for me to do this. It probably take for a while to figure out the best way for me.
Luckily, the eggs are still coming. And hopefully, I can have many miniture Sterbai in 3~4 months. It would be awesome if all grow but that just is not realistic. I just try to grow as many as I can. That's all. At least some hatched and become free-swimming but still need TLC and long way to go.
I just collected 50+ eggs although 2 were darker and I think I missed them last time.
I found 4 on the front corner of the glass, 12 in the spawning mop, 13 in the Java Moss, 22 on the leaves of Java Fern and 3 more on the tip of Anubias leaf. Now I wonder if I got these from 1 female or 2 females. I didn't look closely this morning. I knew the male was chasing but just let them be.
So I put in the small container and pinned at the top edge of the tank and stuck the airhose. They shoule hatch Thursday/Friday.
Now I better think about where I'm gonna move them to grow out that earlier frys are about 2 weeks, I think.
Maybe 1 1/2~2G container since there are only a dozen or so. I just have to make sure it is not too big nor too small. :nod:
You know, these fish sometime surprise you. I was just feeding some walterworms(like microworms) to the hard working adult Sterbais. I saw this little todpole hopping and riding on the current of water. And it was not just 1 but I saw 2 at the same time. They were about the size of the surviving fry from the first batch. As I recall, I lost most of the eggs because I tried to hold them in the mesh breeding net. I guess some did hatch and took care of him/herself to be about 2 weeks old.
I thought about it what is the best thing to do. I don't think I can catch them without emptying the tank water of 70~80%. And there are no other hungry fish but their parents and 2 pleco like colored otos. But I do not want them to be consumed by the parents by mistake. The best thing I can do to increase their chance to keep surviving, I will put more shelters for them. Some stone which sit without much gap so only the frys can get under.
I hope they will survive and I can see them in month or 2 which time they should be big enough. They do not have to worry about the mouth of the parents.
But they still need to survive few major water changes with the vaccuming. That remind me that I better look twice before throw any water out of the tank.
Also this gave me an idea. I might just put the divider at the few inches from the end of the tank and make a nursery. Instead of growing them in the small tank. I'm sure the parents wouldn't mind the few inches less room for the kids. And they don't mind finish the left over from the kids.
Yeah, I really think it is worth the try.
How fast have those first fry been growing? Think they might be ready for mid april?....hint....hint.... :shifty:

They are slow growing. The first few frys from the early batch are still look like little todpoles. Finally have little wisker but they can't be more then little over 1/4" TL and thickness of toothpick. My best guess would be, they will need 3~4 months before I can feel good about their chance of growing to be adult. So I am hoping I would have some extra off-spring in June/July or so.
Beside, I still need to figure the best way to raise healthy frys. To me, they are sure tougher to raise than Pandas'. Their eggs are smaller and so does the wrigglers. I still only got 20 or so hatched from 100+ eggs I collected. I do have 100 more eggs which are developing but still try to figure out the best way to raise.

So I'm just another buyer and not seller for the April auction. I don't think I have any fish to sell at the auction. Auction can be long and I don't feel good about most of the fish to submit to the auction considering the longer length of the time(from bagging to release to the new tank) fish have to be in the small bag/container. It sure take much longer than you buy the fish from the store and take them home. Not to mention, I do not have pure oxygen or bag buddy I can put in. So unless it is really hardy fish, I probably would not like to enter in the auction.
I prefer and usually post on the aquarium society web and prearrange the meeting or bring to the meeting. It would be much shorter time for the fish to move from old to new home.

Anyway, sorry about the news but they are still nothing more than a little todpole with wiskers.
I harvested 30 more eggs this evening. There were 10 eggs on the glass, 7 in the spawning mop and 13 on the leaves of Java Ferns. Just like any other time, females enjoy the breakfast and males wisper sweet nothing to their ear/head. I guess they like sex more than food. :rolleyes: :shifty: :hey:
I collected 14 more eggs. This was small but it was 2days in a row although I never know for sure which female layed those eggs. 6 in the spawning mop, 2 in the Java moss and 6 more on the leaves of Java Fern and none on the glass. So I think it came from 2nd or 3rd female. It seems my main female like to place the eggs on high near the surface where the current from powerhead hit. She usually have to swim hard against to get to the spot on the glass.
So whatever the reason, there are some indivisuality among fish.
I got 10 more eggs yesterday. 2 in the Java moss, 6 on the leaves of Java Ferns and 2 more in the spawning mop. I'm pretty sure these eggs came from the 2nd or 3rd female. Because I know the 1st female prefer to place the eggs near the surface with good current. Even she have to swim really hard try not to washed away.
It is kind of funny that each females have different prefered spots to place eggs.
Captain Retardo,

Tell you what, you can collect all the eggs you can from your side of the tank and I'll collect all from my side of the tank. Just build the 1400 mile long tank :lol: from here to your place and I'll put my Sterbais in it and see where they place the eggs. :rofl:
This is best I can do for you.

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