Wonkey And Lumpy The Cories


Fish Crazy
Mar 11, 2007
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this is Lumpy:

and this is Wonkey:

There both suposed to be bronze corys, but Wonkey is almost a solid white/mucky white, but has black eyes - so not albino. He actually looks quite dark in the photos compaired to how he looks in the tank lol. Anyone ever seen anything like this before? Got Wonkey at the LFS as I liked his colour, and Lumpy was free as no one else wanted him, and I figure why not. He looks happy enough :)

More Photos: http://www.spodbox.org/~saphphx/WonkeyNLumpy/lumpy1.jpg, http://www.spodbox.org/~saphphx/WonkeyNLumpy/lumpy2.jpg, http://www.spodbox.org/~saphphx/WonkeyNLumpy/wonkey1.jpg, http://www.spodbox.org/~saphphx/WonkeyNLumpy/wonkey2.jpg, http://www.spodbox.org/~saphphx/WonkeyNLumpy/wonkey3.jpg, and http://www.spodbox.org/~saphphx/WonkeyNLumpy/wonkey4.jpg

in case spodbox is down: http://www.geocities.com/frankth3pirat3/lumpy1.jpg, http://www.geocities.com/frankth3pirat3/lumpy2.jpg, http://www.geocities.com/frankth3pirat3/wonkey1.jpg, http://www.geocities.com/frankth3pirat3/wonkey2.jpg, http://www.geocities.com/frankth3pirat3/wonkey3.jpg, and http://www.geocities.com/frankth3pirat3/wonkey4.jpg

:) Lumpy so far is the best lol!
It is entirely possible that your fish is indeed have some albinolike trait or genes. However there is also a possibility that the fish color was affected by the stress. Or the light colored surrounddings and conditions such as light colored substrate, the brighter tank, lack of shelters, lack of nutrition, over crowded, stressful trips.,etc.. Those things does make the fish lighter, pale color.
It usually the fish in the shop tank is lighter color because of many of those things. So I'll say keep a close watch of feeding and behaviour.
And I would increase the shelters/plants to create the shady quiet place they can feel secure and offer the variety of food and do the regular water change if I were you. It may color up after a while if the lack of color is caused by the surroundings. If the fish is eating well and show no sign of illness, it should be from the genetic.
The Corydoras can adjust their colorto blend in the surroundings. You would notice the difference when you keep the same fish in the tank with whiter sands or blackier sands. You would think it is a different fish.
-nods- I've put a coffee cup on for him while I'm waiting for some tera pots to soak so I can get the tags off. I've not seen him eat and he looks a bit lathargic, so I am a little worried about him. Will be trying to replace the gravel with sand to make them a bit happer as well.
I would not replace the gravels just yet if I were you. Since they seem stressed already, it would not be a good time to change the substrate. Since it is pretty much you have to tore down the tank to change it unless the gravels are not sharp, let them settle down. You can change it later.
Not to mention, the new sand doesn't have all the micro orgasms that work the cycle going and need time to mature.
Maybe in a few weeks, you can change the substrate. Mean while, you can get some sands and wash and let it sit in the bucket with the old tank water(next time you do the water change). And use those sands when you replace the gravels so sands have some micro orgasm. Of course, you need to do all the water parameter test when you do that. Changing substrate can affect the water parameter.
If the gravels are sharp and need to change as soon as possible, I would change half at first and keep close eyes on the parameter and do the other half few weeks later.

In over all, the Corys does better with smooth sands than gravels. I know some say they are fine with gravel. But they prefer sands. When they are in the tank with sands, you will see them dig and shift the sands. Taking in the sands from the mouth and take out from their gills(cheek, scout whatever it call). And gravels they cannot do that, it is just too big.
will leave it then, as its normally a QT tank for endlers and others, not corys. I didn't plan on getting them but they were just to cute :) They will be joining the other bronze in the big sand tank once they have themselves sorted out and look better. Should be about 3 weeks, as Wonkey still doesn't look well, but is at least swimming about now instead of lazing and loosing his balance.

Thanks again :) You're a cory book in person form! lol!
You welcome.
I just try to read about them so I can keep them happy and healthy as much as I can.

I try to keep up, but it seems every time I learn something, it turns out that the info is out dated or something lol. Poor Wonkey has settled down again, think I will move his tank next to the big peppered cory tank so he can at least see other fish. Don't want to get any more unless there's a really cool one that catches my eye as I do have lots of other cory he can live with once QT is done with.

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