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  1. J

    Trouble With Nuisance Algae/cyanobacteria...

    Not meaning to hi-jack this thread but as were discussing nuissance algae I'd thought I'd bring it up. From what I have been reading there seem to be a few different approaches to dealing with it. Both schools of thought start by identifiing the source and eliminating it. For most algae's this...
  2. J

    70l Nano Journal

    Update time again. Quite a bit has happened in the past few weeks so I'll bring you up to speed. 1. Still battling with cyano. PO3 and Nitrate has both been 0 for weeks now and I'm begining to look at other possible problems low calk, mg or alkalinity to try and find out what is causing it...
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    Hydor Powerhead

    How about a Seio M620 £10 cheaper. That's what I'm running in my 17USG nano and I've had no problems with deadspots and tucked in behind the rockpile so it's not so noticable. The link you gave looks good but being new out I'd be a little concerned with reliabilty. Just my 2p's worth. ;)
  4. J

    Check Out This Tank.

    email the seller and ask him if he realises how cruel that is , no point in putting a thread up and not doing anything to try to stop it :unsure:
  5. J

    My Blue Ribbon Eel Eats! (pics And Video)

    You have a very beautiful tank and some gorgeous fish. I just wondered how your sea horse gets on as it looks as though you have a high turnover and from what I've read they prefer lower turnover levels. Also would like to know what species is is and any problems you've had with him. Thanks
  6. J

    Angelfish Mood Swing.

    Thanks for the advice I've just moved stuff around so we'll see how it goes.
  7. J

    Angelfish Mood Swing.

    Do you mean to move them to distrub his teritory as he is too large to hide behind them. Maybe a trip to the LFS. Just seems odd that he just flipped out. I'll give it a try though and let you know.
  8. J

    Help With Tank Upgrade

    Thanks Ski, I'll look into those although I'm not sure if the mag 5 or 7 is available in the uk. I'm a little limited with the plumbing as the holes are drilled for a 3/4" bulkhead but for the price I'm not going to complain. The same tank un-drilled would normally be around £60. I could use...
  9. J

    Angelfish Mood Swing.

    The tank is 32usg long For company he has Clown plecs Corydoras Another Angel Swortail male Guppies and a dwarf Gourami who has now been re-homed after a particularly nasty nip. He distributes his anger fairly but all but the other angel are too quick for him.
  10. J

    Angelfish Mood Swing.

    Hi guys, I have 2 angel fish in a 4' tank which have always got on with no aggression issues but over the past few days the larger of the 2 has become very aggressive. They were bought at the same time and were the same size however one is now twice the size of the other and has a real...
  11. J

    Help With Tank Upgrade

    Cool thanks Ski, both holes are drilled in the base of the tank I'm thinking of a weir with durso standpipe in one corner and the other return going up to a spraybar running back to front at the waters surface to give plenty of surface movement. Quick mockup Would this be the quietest type of...
  12. J

    Not So New 65g (uk) Reef+ 10g Sump And New 30g Fuge

    Hi Matt, Have been watching you exploits since starting my SW research and have always been well impressed with your setups going from strength to strength. Any chance you could post a bit more info about your hood design as I'll be constructing something similar and it would be useful to know...
  13. J

    Help With Tank Upgrade

    Hi, I have just purchased a 55usg (4') tank second hand from my local reef shop who have assured me that it has never been used and was bought when they setup new displays but was surplus to requirement and only cost £20. :hyper: For reference the dimensions of the main display will be...
  14. J

    Tank Upgrade

    Though that's what you meant. ;) Mat I may copy your hood design could you give a few more details or a link. Thanks
  15. J

    Tank Upgrade

    Hmm, think you may be right with overkill on the stand I think I'll drop it to all 2"x 4" construction. Hope this would be strong enough. I like the idea of the hood but I'm not sure what lighting I'll be going at the mo. Will most likely be a combo of T5 actinic and MH. I'm not planning on SPS...
  16. J

    Tank Upgrade

    Hi folks, Having recently got my nano off the ground an opportunity has fallen in my lap that I don't want to miss. The long and short of the story is a 55 usg tank has turned up pre-drilled for next to nothing but has nothing with it. I have a design for the stand which I think should be more...
  17. J

    Zebra Plecos

    cheapest ive heard of them for is a friend of ours is selling a breeding pair for £350 a good alternative is the king tiger plec which we have
  18. J

    70l Nano Journal

    Pics From this To this
  19. J

    70l Nano Journal

    No updates for a while so I thought I'd let you all know whats been going on. Diatoms are now receding YAY :) but cyano is now taking over BOOO :( I've been pulling it out with a gravel vac easily so am still waiting for the algae blooms to die back but at least it's moving in the right...
  20. J

    Skimmer Questions Again

    Hi guys, Before I start I'm in the UK and the tank is 70L or 18USG whichever money you prefer.;) OK the original plan was not to skim but it is becoming more apparent that there is a need. I have a small internal, air powered skimmer in there at the moment but it's not doing a good job and...
  21. J

    Ah Its So Tiring Being A Cat Lol

    lol he is a sweetheart , he will be 9 in august bless him :)
  22. J

    70l Nano Journal

    Thanks for the info guys. I just had a look at some pics of red bubble algae Botryocladia and although very similar the Botryocladia comes from a central stem this macro is growing straight from the rock each 'growth' is independent of the surounding growths. I have also noticed one of the...
  23. J

    70l Nano Journal

    Bad news folks the Money Cowrie didn't make it so has been returned and credit given and the Emerald crab has gone into hiding. I' haven't seem him since I put him in. :(
  24. J

    Money Cowrie

    Well bad news, he didn't make it and was returned today. LRS did water tests and said they found no problems so a free of charge replacement next time they're in stock. I'd still like some info on them if anybody can provide it as there doesn't seem to be much on the net.
  25. J

    70l Nano Journal

    I think it probably is some kind of macro algae and an interesting fact above. So a little update. Had a day of testing and found SiO2 level to be 0.5ppm in the tank and 0.2ppm in the di however founds levels higher than 10ppm in my lfs's RO (they have never tested for it) so I'm wondering if...
  26. J

    Mandarin Article

    I recently asked my LFS about Mandarins and was told many are now tank bred and will take frozen foods without an issue it tends to be the wild caught specimens that have problems with feeding.
  27. J

    Money Cowrie

    Hi all, On the advice of my local reef shop I bought a Money Cowrie to help take care of some hair algae growth. I slowly aclimatised him and placed him on the LR but he fell off while opening up and landed on the substrate where my Peppermint shrimp popped out of his hiding place and started...
  28. J

    70l Nano Journal

    Update time PO3 had crept up a little so swapped out the Rowaphos during the weekly WC today. Took out most of the diatoms a few days ago with a battery vac and the grow back is much slower than previously. I've also moved the rock a little for aesthetics only. So all much of a muchness really...
  29. J

    Some Suggestions For A Nitrate Spike

    As said above sponges will create large amounts of nitrate and in a 10G a little goes a long way. Remove the sponges but keep the hob and depending on your needs fill it with LR ruble, carbon, rowaphos, filter floss or a mix of whatever you need. I would do a 50% water change to make a dent in...
  30. J

    First Marine Fish!

    Lovely looking fish. I like with the tank bred that their markings are often imperfect makes them a little more interesting IMHO :good:
  31. J

    Lunar Lights Loving Live Rock

    Looks good :cool: might be worth trying some filter floss to take out the small particles that remain. If the LR was out of water for some time then that would explain the high ammonia level. I wouldn't go mad with water changes and wait til the nitrate began to rise at this stage you want high...
  32. J

    Lip Problems

    30 usg is the point where most would recommend skimming so it may be worth considering. I remember seeing a thread about an eheim external being used as a fuge but can't remember where or who it was. This might be an option.
  33. J

    I Did It

    As your seeing PO3 and diatoms I would get some Rowaphos in their right away before it rockets and starts to give you problems. Liking your rockpile look :good: don't worry if your not entirely happy I don't think anyone is. ;)
  34. J

    Lunar Lights Loving Live Rock

    Very cloudy :) Looks like a good start. Looking forward to more pics when it's cleared.
  35. J

    Lip Problems

    I know the feeling. I've beeen looking for a while and the only one I've found that looks like it may fit isthis one but it's very expensive and personaly I'd rather setup a sump for that money. The other option if you do fancy skimming is to buy one with an extra compartment for rowaphos or...
  36. J

    My Tnk Has Come :)

    Lets see those pics Rob ;) I've been watching this thread for a while now and can't wait to see it up and running.:good:
  37. J

    Lip Problems

    I have the same problem I can tell you that most skimmers I have looked at will fit over them in fact the Prizm (I know it's not that good) has been designed to fit over that lip. I can also tell you that the Aqua One and Aqua Vital filters wont fit cos I've tried both.
  38. J

    70l Nano Journal

    Ski as you say the same stuff that makes this hobby easier is also its downfall but hell I'm getting their now. WC has got to wait til tomorrow as I have been told to de-xmas the house today and 'not play with the damn fish'. I have however been over to my LRS today to ask about feeding as one...
  39. J

    Skifletch On Vacation

    There have been and still are some nasty storms this side of the water at the moment probably the weather front that's causing your swell. Leave the diving gear at home and go surfing for a few days till the swell dies ;)
  40. J

    70l Nano Journal

    Sounds like you got lucky in the fact that you never burnt the house down but has given me food for thought as far as skimming goes. Glad to see you stuck with it though. :good: STM have their own range of skimmers that I have been looking at as I've heard some good things about them. Update I...