Check Out This Tank.

:crazy: To both....sadly one of my LPS (that I avoid like the plague now because they've started to sell painted (dyed) fish) has one of those set up. With the betta in it. Poor little guy has 0 room to move...

I'm against the "betta in a vase" idea - but the "O Betta" thing just :angry: :angry: :angry:
There's really no point in griping about this, saying how horrible this thing is, isn't gonna change the fact that its out there and people are buying it.
There's really no point in griping about this, saying how horrible this thing is, isn't gonna change the fact that its out there and people are buying it.

I agree, education is the best means to stop them. You must educate those thta are buying them that they are wrong. Until you do, then they jsut think they are a fancy "cool" way to keep a betta. You can't blame people who don't know and trust what others tell them, even if its wrong advice, most people don't do research, we have to remember that :).
email the seller and ask him if he realises how cruel that is , no point in putting a thread up and not doing anything to try to stop it :unsure:
Ick, I am not a betta expert, though I have learned a lot from my sweet male Mr. Butthead. It never fails to surprise me how many people don't even consider that one most important rule of thumb.....One gallon of water per inch of fish. They'd be surprised at how much healthier and more active their fish would be if they would just give them some room to move and explore.

When I bought my male betta it was because he was in one of those disgusting little bowls that Walmart keeps them in. The bowl was barely half full of water and the water was....ick. I felt so sorry for him and he looked at me so innocently that I couldn't help but look at my husband and say "I'm taking him home." He asked what I knew about Bettas and I replied with "Absolutely nothing, but I'm not leaving him here like this." He said o.k. because he was just as disgusted. We both agree that no pet store should sell a tank under 1 gallon. Period.
It really is a shame to see "containers" for fish like that. Fish are such wonderful creatures. I don't know why anyone wouldn't want to give them the space they deserve and would also really show them off. Just a dissappointment.
I'm sorry I don't want to come off as a b*tch or anything, but these posts irk me a bit when people keep going on and on about how horrible these things are, don't tell us how you feel, tell the person selling the product, only then will they stop.
Jaded: Please don't take this the wrong way, but if you don't like these kind of posts, don't read/reply to them.

This is the first time I've ever posted about a tank, I was just horrified by what they were selling and thought by posting on here it would get wider exposure. We do get newbies on here that check out before they start keeping bettas, and maybe they've seen something like that in the store and though it was cool. It's not, so perhaps that will change their mind about small containers. Perhaps, not, however this is a public forum.

And I did e-mail the guy selling them, he gave me the usual line about how bettas in the wild live in mud puddles, so this was more than enough room. He also said it's the buyers choice on how to use it. In other words, he didn't care.

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