Angelfish Mood Swing.


Fish Crazy
Jun 26, 2006
Reaction score
Plymouth UK
Hi guys,

I have 2 angel fish in a 4' tank which have always got on with no aggression issues but over the past few days the larger of the 2 has become very aggressive. They were bought at the same time and were the same size however one is now twice the size of the other and has a real attitude.

He is nipping at everything including the thermometer, heater and filter along with his tank mates. He is also ripping up plants and dragging them round the tank and if you move close to the tank he charges at you and tries to nip you thought the glass.

Up until a few days ago he was very peaceful would only occasionally nip the plants.

Does anyone know what may have caused this sudden change of temperament.
Wow he is in mood.
How many gallons or litres is the tank.
Fish can get bored and depressed.
The tank is 32usg long

For company he has
Clown plecs
Another Angel
Swortail male
and a dwarf Gourami who has now been re-homed after a particularly nasty nip.

He distributes his anger fairly but all but the other angel are too quick for him.
Tank size is fine.
Try moving the ornaments around abit.
Do you mean to move them to distrub his teritory as he is too large to hide behind them. Maybe a trip to the LFS. Just seems odd that he just flipped out. I'll give it a try though and let you know.
When fish get aggressive try to move the ornaments around abit to see if that helps.
I dont know why this happens, but we had a golden angel who turned aggressive and ate most of his tank mates very quickly indeed. A three day visit to rehab (ie in a Betta tank) and it curbed his aggression and he ended up being the king but not a killer anymore. However this incident gave him his name, Serial Killer. It isn't nice though and I hope it works out for you. :D

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