Search results

  1. youngfisher

    Nano Stocking

    I believe a starfish is to small for a nano. However - it depends on the size you are looking for, as alot of nano keepers have some that are about an inch long, inch wide and have a bit of bulk on them, and they also have some that are almost flat which are alot smaller. The reason I have...
  2. youngfisher

    Japonica Shrimp

    Also, what size is your tank? Because Im sure I read somwhere that if you have two of them gouramis they will feel more comfortable. YF
  3. youngfisher

    Whoah, Check This Out, Whole Marine Shop For Sale.

    Click Here Check that out. YF
  4. youngfisher

    Yf Can Taste The Salt..

    Hes bought me enough stuff recently, so I might buy it and "treat" him by letting him use it when he needs it. :P YF
  5. youngfisher

    A Level Results Tomoro!

    Yeah same Nick. And when I did go to classes I just sat there on my phone and ipod and annoying others lol. YF
  6. youngfisher

    Yf Can Taste The Salt..

    :lol: Im loving the name of there shop! Just how fast does aiptasia spread? YF
  7. youngfisher

    Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

    Very nice. Loving the scape that will look brilliant when it has colorful corals all over the place. :P YF
  8. youngfisher

    A Level Results Tomoro!

    I got a U. Personally, I blame the good film on the night before the exam, and how the school kept changing the corridoors so I kept getting lost for every lesson.. Oh how I loved history! :P YF
  9. youngfisher

    Yf Can Taste The Salt..

    Have any links for me Tina? -Just so if I purchase it off ebay, I know I can trust them because ovbiously you have bought previously from them. YF
  10. youngfisher

    A Level Results Tomoro!

    Bagu was on msn earlier, but he had to shoot so doubt he will be on tonight. He told me what he got, but I will let him tell you as its not my stuff to tell. :good: YF
  11. youngfisher

    Yf Can Taste The Salt..

    These are fairly small anyway so I think I will get Joes Juice, I had my hand next to it the other day moving a frag and it didnt move or anything so hopefully I have brave ones lol. Where can I buy this from? YF
  12. youngfisher

    Saffron Goby Can I Have One In My 100 Gallon

    I was interested in getting one of these however, more people refer them as Citron Gobys or Citrinis Gobys. YF
  13. youngfisher

    Yf Can Taste The Salt..

    Ok cheers for that Tina. So any advice on killing aiptasia without removing rock? I know there are several methods, but what do people recommend? YF
  14. youngfisher

    Hello All

    Welcome to TFF. Glad to see you join, where abouts are you from? And could you give us some details on your fish tanks/fish you keep and possibly some photos? We are all very nosey around here. Im guessing you will be able to give some people advice, so its good to have you. YF
  15. youngfisher

    Yf Can Taste The Salt..

    I carnt get the rock out, as they are all one the big peices of rock that hold the structure all together :crazy: . And how much would the glue be? - My dad just got some of that superglue out of his draw, however its the liquid stuff, Im sure I read up somewhere it needs to be a gel...
  16. youngfisher

    Yf Can Taste The Salt..

    Ok a few questions today to rattle your brains as always. - I have been noticing some new heads, im 90% sure there aiptasia and they are spreading quick. I have lemon juice, how do I do it? - I noticed a starfish today on top of one of my mushrooms, is this a bad thing? And last but not last...
  17. youngfisher

    Fish Of The Week - Clown Fish

    I have a yellowstriped Maroon Clownfish, and this is my first marine fish. He/She is named T, after TigerIssy. The reason I bought the fish was because my girlfriend wanted a clownfish, yet I didnt want one that people know as "Nemo" just because I dont want to be like everyone else that has...
  18. youngfisher

    Going Zeo

    Ben, I read the bit where it tells you what it was, then scrolled down and hastly hit the 'X' on the top right hand side. :P YF
  19. youngfisher

    Going Zeo

    Oooh, very cool. Is it expensive to do then? YF
  20. youngfisher

    Going Zeo

    Sorry to sound dumb, but what is zeo? YF
  21. youngfisher

    There Prices Have Fallen Achiles Tang

    I couldnt handle a member of my family being a teacher, I would go crazy at the kids, espcially if they treat them like I treated my teachers. YF
  22. youngfisher

    Help Me Name My Upcoming Pet Shop

    Smiths Pet Shop. :P YF
  23. youngfisher

    Wanted Tank & Lid Upto 30 Inch Leicester

    I believe its 40 litres. And I will find the dimensions ASAP. Have a look on ebay also, there are loads on from leicester atm. YF
  24. youngfisher

    How's Everyones Tank Doing?

    Mine is staying at 28c all day everyday. :P YF
  25. youngfisher

    Wanted Tank & Lid Upto 30 Inch Leicester

    I have a tank thats called the Arcadia Arc for sale if your interested? Tank + Lid + Light = £25? YF
  26. youngfisher

    Wanted Tank & Lid Upto 30 Inch Leicester

    Where abouts in leicester are you? There are quite a few in the mecury the last couple of days, however I dont know if you will get one for that prize. YF
  27. youngfisher

    Yf Can Taste The Salt..

    Ok thanks seffie. :P YF
  28. youngfisher

    Fantasy Football

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Good name seffie! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: C'mon join up, I have! YF
  29. youngfisher

    Welcome My Dad To The Forum!

    Then you all lie and tell them half the price of what it actually was? :P YF
  30. youngfisher

    Yf Can Taste The Salt..

    Yeah but theres TONS! lol. I suppose I will have to put up with them if mummy says so. :P YF
  31. youngfisher

    Yf Can Taste The Salt..

    Fair enough, I just really dont like seeing so many of them lol. There all over the rocks and everything. :P YF
  32. youngfisher

    Yf Can Taste The Salt..

    Is there a trap for brittle worms? Just because it seems that I am getting run over with them, and some of then are getting a good 5+ inchs. YF
  33. youngfisher

    Why Cycle A Tank

    Somtimes there fish seem fine, but you can not see the internal signs. Humans can seem fine, but have diseases that are not noticed till its to late. So I would rather have peace at mind knowing my fish are happy and healthy, rather than slowly being poisioned. YF
  34. youngfisher

    Welcome My Dad To The Forum!

    Hes just gone upstairs to "Have a quick look at the tank". So he will be back in about lets say, half hour? :P YF
  35. youngfisher

    Welcome My Dad To The Forum!

    Tina, for some weird reason the PM sent. Im not sure how lol but oh well, hes looking at the website now. :good: YF
  36. youngfisher

    Welcome My Dad To The Forum!

    Seffie, my dad doesnt have the patience to read through peoples journals, trust me he will get to the 2nd page and be snoring. And thats no word of a lie haha. YF
  37. youngfisher

    Stef`s New Marine Tank

    Whoah, not saw anything like this before, good picture though. YF
  38. youngfisher

    Nice Torch On Flea Bay

    Wow, I'd like this, but im not ready for any stock for a while now, dont want to rush things. :P YF
  39. youngfisher

    How Do I Post Pictures

    I go on to and upload the picture to that and then copy and paste the code that says for forums. YF