Search results

  1. 14gtr14

    Yay! Finally Got My C. Pygmaeus ( Not Hastatus After All.)

    Are they very active? I'm going to get a group of eight from trimar in the next few days :D...along with a pair of apistos!! If you dont mind me asking where did you get them from and how much were they? Never seen them for sale in scotland before. greg
  2. 14gtr14


    found these
  3. 14gtr14


    ye, it's most probably been munched on. Almost any fish, especially loaches, will eat it happily. what kind of snail was it anyway? greg
  4. 14gtr14

    Help With Stocking

    I would go with: a pair of blue rams (nicest rams imo) 6-8 corydoras (pygmaeus or habrosus) OR 6-8 small tetra maybe a few ottos or shrimp too.
  5. 14gtr14


    aquaessentials should have it too, if not place a tropica order through you local stockist. greg
  6. 14gtr14

    I made an order for plants with them, so I'll tell you how they turn out when they arrive. (should be Tuesday/wednesday)
  7. 14gtr14

    Oh My God - My Dad Just Bought Me Three Bala Sharks!

    ha! dont be childish! it never offended, but the info was misleading. I'm sure it wasnt just me that thought you meant that the bala/balas would live happily/normally/stress free in a small tank.
  8. 14gtr14

    Oh My God - My Dad Just Bought Me Three Bala Sharks!

    kinda contradicts "I didnt say hes fine,permanent, hes fine till saturday" i'm not having a go at you just if the info is bad/wrong/misleading there's no point in giving it. greg
  9. 14gtr14

    Fish For Different Size Tanks

    OMFG OMFG OMFG calm it if people are going to keep them then they may as well know their max size in case they want to make plans for a larger tank. It is much better for a large active group of clown loaches to live in a larger tank than be in one that is going to be too small for it. also...
  10. 14gtr14

    My Amazonian Set Up

    it's not really about the cover though. it's about how well you maintain it with so many fish in it! you are still very overstocked i would say. greg
  11. 14gtr14

    Oh My God - My Dad Just Bought Me Three Bala Sharks!

    connorsbala: what! who told you that!!?? santa claus?? that's aload of rubbish to put it nicely! Your fishes growth is obviously stunted, it will be in pain, will NOT act normal (for starters it is on it's own (it's a schooling fish) and for seconds it's in a 10 litre!! (2 and a half...
  12. 14gtr14

    Now To Finalize The Stocking With Out Going Over

    do your tiger barbs not nip at the barbels on the gourami?
  13. 14gtr14

    Bubbles Coming From My Plants.

    what's your lighting, CO2 levels and do you add ferts? Do the bubbles appear after a water change? It could be false-pearling if you dont have decent light levels and CO2. This happened to me at first and I was over the moon... until I realised it was because the tank was getting cooler qickly...
  14. 14gtr14

    Fish For Different Size Tanks

    what's a clown leech?? only joking, i'm sure you meant clown loaches. These guys get too big for even a 46g. They do need massive tanks. why not some zebra loaches instead? Maybe six of them. They're great fish! greg
  15. 14gtr14

    I Am Beginner With Few Questions

    ha! yup, same...well tanganyikans, dwarf cichlids and cories :P just trying to help out with little bits of info I've picked out since I've started through different setups etc :D! coley, have you bought fish from ebay before? or any fish online in general? greg
  16. 14gtr14

    2ft Tank Ideas(cant Make Up My Mind)

    2 foot x 1 foot x 1 foot = 2 foot cubed!! unit of VOLUME in feet. for 15 us gallons in uk gallons type in: "15 US gallons to UK gallons" = 12.5 gallons. probably about 4 in there. I would make it 3 females and 1 male. remember that mollies like a little bit of salt in their water.
  17. 14gtr14

    2ft Tank Ideas(cant Make Up My Mind)

    type "2 foot cubed to gallons" into google = 15 US gallons
  18. 14gtr14

    Couple Pics

    in the gourami tank it looks like you have pea gravel. Or is this just over the top of the sand? playsand is just looks like sand from a beach etc, whereas pea gravel is rounded small pebbles. greg
  19. 14gtr14

    Fish For Different Size Tanks

    i've got to say an adult swordtail (at least 3 inches + tail) would not do well in a seven gallon. And danios are farfar to active for even a 15 gallon tank! For a 7gal I would go for a group of small tetra such as ember tetra or a group of 4-5 pygmaeus/habrosus cories or a shrimp tank (with...
  20. 14gtr14

    Ideas For A 20gal Tanganyikan Tank

    What about a pair of Julidochromis? I would think a pair of any variety of julies would be happy in that tank. greg
  21. 14gtr14

    2ft Tank Ideas(cant Make Up My Mind)

    if you have the money and the knowledge (or time to gain knowledge!) I would go with marine out of that list most definitely. How long have you kept fish for because I have heard that you need quite alot of experience to keep marines well. If your looking for easy breeders for a 20 gallon I...
  22. 14gtr14

    Can Anyone Comfirm The Id Of These Fish Please

    Are you sure it's a bristlenose?? It seems to have larger spots. greg
  23. 14gtr14

    Whats That Type Of Plant.......!?!?

    ah right. I thought you were trying to ID a plant that looks like a bed, but do you just want to know different plants that can be attached to rocks/wood etc? in that case, there's java fern, bolbitis heudelotii, loads of aquatic mosses, many anubias, fissidens ...., riccia fluitans, dwarf...
  24. 14gtr14

    I Am Beginner With Few Questions

    I would say most definitely CAE. You could post a pic, but tbh i'm 99.99999% sure it's a CAE greg :good:
  25. 14gtr14

    Scottish Fish Store Directory

    up you go! anymore updates/opinions on Scottish shops?? Aquatic Rooms had a good selection of Tanganyikans in stock on saturday! Got a trio of Occelatus shell dwellers! lovely little guys! greg
  26. 14gtr14

    I Am Beginner With Few Questions

    sorry sc, I kinda got the wrong end of the stick... it's hard to tell tone from text sometimes! (understandable after 2 new year parties in 2 nights:P )...but I just thought i'd make it super clear for bennett just in case. i never realised tf4u were tff sponsors now. Hopefully they'll polish...
  27. 14gtr14

    Problems Getting Ammonia

    B&Q, Homebase, and the likes will have ammonia. I got mine from B&Q.
  28. 14gtr14

    Whats That Type Of Plant.......!?!?

    a type of moss? (java moss, willow moss, christmas moss, peacock moss) is it a leafy plant or a mossy plant?
  29. 14gtr14

    I Am Beginner With Few Questions

    supercoley, the link you posted ( the second one ) is a CAE. it's max size is 20 cm. From this I would be lead to believe that bennett has a CAE. The golden algae eater on states that its max size is 4 cm which I feel could be a typing error. %look at edit*1 for reason!%...
  30. 14gtr14

    My Amazonian Set Up

    i make it you've got roughly 90 inches of fish in there, which is well overstocked. Are angels something that you want for definite? Are you set on keeping the plecs? I would say just the keyholes and not them + rams. what about something like this: 6 x hatchets 6x largish tetra (bleeding...
  31. 14gtr14

    Over Stocked Or Room For More?

    I wouldn't go with keyholes if I were you. Of the dwarf cichlids I would say they are the most aggressive (well them and kribs) so I'm not too sure but i don't think they'd get along too hansomely if you have two pairs. Why not try a pair of rams or apistogramma if it's dwarf cichlids your...
  32. 14gtr14

    What If I Got Sand...?

    ye, but that still means you need to cut down on the food because it'll be in easy access for them if it's sitting on the sand. Vac the sand/gravel well and often. ...and cut down on the food.
  33. 14gtr14

    1.66 Gallon Tank.

    if it were my tank i would plant it heavily with mosses and ferns etc and have a little colony of cherry shrimp! It would look great!
  34. 14gtr14

    Thinking About Going Tanganyika Cichlid Tank!

    just a little update! after abolute ages and ages of looking for any tangs i found a whole load in the Aquatic Rooms in Edinburgh yesterday! I'm making an order through trimar in the next week or so, but I really couldn't resist their occelatus! So I came home with a trio. I might buy another...
  35. 14gtr14

    Pfk Aqua-cube Desktop Tank

    lovely tank! if I were you i would add a few more shells before you add the shellies because they like having more than a shell each to choose from. I bought 3 occies yesterday for my tang tank and they are absolutely amazingly coloured! only one of them has picked its shell just now... and...
  36. 14gtr14

    Juli Ornatus Tank Mates?

    are they young julies? because when they get older they'll pair up and you'll need to remove the other two. a 20 gallon is pretty small for them + others. You could have set up a shelldweller colony in the tank instead. would have been a nice sized tank for a group of 4 or 5. tbh I think your...
  37. 14gtr14

    My Tank In Progress

    could you not just move the filter up near the surface with the outlet half above and half below to airiate the tank? a fig 8 puffer is a brackish water fish and a common plec will grow massive (over a foot and a half long) far too quickly. Why not try something like a clown plec or bristlenose...
  38. 14gtr14

    Top Dwelling Schooling Fish...

    they can jump, i dont know about the flying several metres part (flying fish??), but if you've got a lid on they arent going anywhere. hatchets are lovely, i would say them too.
  39. 14gtr14

    End Of My Journal *heart Broken*

    are you going to plant it again?? you should! great looking tank, go with a massive shoal of tiger barbs with some cories :drool: !!! you obviously take pride in your tanks, so don't give up on the planted side, and try it again! greg :good: