Now To Finalize The Stocking With Out Going Over


Fish Fanatic
Nov 28, 2006
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I have had my 30 gallon tank since november and now im looking to finalize the stocking. But i want some advice on what i should get, so PLEASE tell me what you think.

Heres what i got:
3 gourami (3 spot)
6 tiger barbs
2 black mollies
3 bosemani rainbow
yellow zebra pleco( i think its really a tiger pleco but the lfs has it labeled as a yellow zebra)

Now here are my questions:
What should i add and what should i take out?
I was thinking of adding 3 more bosemani and a school of cory cats. But from what ive read bosemani get big.
OR should i take out the bosemani and just add 6 cory cats OR should i get something other than cory cats, maybe some yoyo loaches? any one got any recommendations and advice or should i stick with the corys?
My lfs guy told me to consider a rainbow shark. What do you all think of that idea?

Please help me finish up stocking this tank as it is the last thing i need to do.
If you want to get a rainbow shark, I take this as a red finned shark I wouldnt put it in with the mollies as if you get the black shark rather than the albino version, it may fight with the mollies.Personally I would go with;

3x3 spot Gouramis
6xTiger Barbs
1xRainbow Shark

I think that is close to stocking level, if not slightly over. I'm not too familiar with that plec but if it grows over 15cm you may need to rehome it. Just a suggestion. :good:
Corys for me, Pandas are my fav and I think 5 or 6 of these little guys would look great in your tank.
I'd say stick with what you have, it's already pretty heavily stocked. Adding more may lead to problems with the water quality.
the tigers dont bug the gouramis at all as the gouramis are fairly big. The pleco gets to about 5 inches.

Well i decided im gonna add the corys as they are interesting little guys, unless someone has a better recommendation, some people have said to go with some kind of loach but i really dont know.

Now what im deciding on: should i add the rainbow shark and forget about adding more bosemani, or should i add more bosemani so they can school better and forget the rainbow shark(Everything ive read contradicts its self and says the shark is peaceful and also very aggressive, i want to know if this shark will be too much of a hassle. If it is, i dont wanna deal with it, if its not, i would love to have one.) And im pretty sure i cant add both so thats out of the question.

Well tell me all your opnions and ideas PLEASE and thank you very much.
Rainbow sharks can be VERY aggressive and territorial, I wouldn't recommend it! I say add 3 more bosemani... it would be much easier and less aggression in any tank is a good thing :D
there was a slight mistake made when one of the mods tried to fix my multiple posts. The one with the info got deleted. so in short no rainbow shark...cories are ok and add more barbs.
UHHH torrean... you've posted the same thing 4 times... except you put the nitrates bellow 50 for the last 2........

Correction... for ONE of the last 2... 3 of the 4 say bellow 30 :lol:
The three spots are in a 2 female and one male ratio so they will be fine from what ive read in multiple places. I guess im not getting the rainbow shark as no one has really told me anything positive about putting it in right now. Ill wait on adding the corys or what ever i do until i get some more opinion.

Anyone else got any suggestions about the rainbow shark?
:lol: you've already heard from me but DON'T DO IT MAN!!! :p A school of 6 Cardinal tetras would be a nice addition :D remove the shark forsure and mabye even the rainbows, if you do you can have more cardinals :D
hahaha ok fine no more shark i guess.

What do you all reccomend are the most lively corys?

I want something fairly active and fun to watch.

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