Search results

  1. 14gtr14

    Where To Buy Plants?

    for I've heard good things about their plant collections, but I, and others, have had a bad experience with buying their individual plants. (wrong plants, plants missing, bad condition) I would go with, greenline ( +...
  2. 14gtr14

    Changed Substrate

    poor shrimp! :lol: he's going to get munched! I love the gar! colours are a amzing! don't even need to mention the rays! :huh: :drool: greg
  3. 14gtr14

    Beginner Tank

    no a "plain black" one. They help loads imo instead of 'picture backgrounds'. greg :good:
  4. 14gtr14

    Professional Photo Shoot - Planted Nano

    great job there!! It looks absolutely huge in the first pic. But it's actually about the size of your hand! :drool:
  5. 14gtr14

    Potted Plants

    I was on tropica anyway...copy and paste job! :lol: greg
  6. 14gtr14

    14gtr14's 15g Picture 'journal'

    how does PH propogate? I was just goind to start withe the one pot and see how it does before ordering more. Just in case it doesn't do well, and a £6 each! The Hygro is starting to go a really nice red on the new shoots since I changed the lighting from the 15W hood to the 22W of IKEA...
  7. 14gtr14

    Beginner Tank

    looks good! One thing: I would replace the background with a plain black one. It really makes your plants and fish (esp neons!) stand out more. :good:
  8. 14gtr14

    I got a piece of hairgrass too! I tried planting it...but gave up! I'll be sticking with AE and Birstall now I think! Greg
  9. 14gtr14

    14gtr14's 15g Picture 'journal'

    Here are other pics too that I couldn't fit on: I...
  10. 14gtr14

    14gtr14's 15g Picture 'journal'

    Hi everyone. I thought I'd post this up as I hadn't taken any pics of my pretty new 15 gallon lowish tech tank! LIGHTING: 2x 11w compact flourescent work lamps from IKEA (£8.99 each) SUBSTRATE: Playsand+laterite CO2: I don't inject CO2 but instead dose flourish excel veryday/other day (1.5ml)...
  11. 2007_0127gallon5Playingabout0001.JPG


  12. 14gtr14

    Gardeners World - Update Pg 5

    I knew you'd go back to planted :D:P looking good, even better once it's filled out. Are you still going fo the same stocking? greg :good:
  13. 14gtr14

    Potted Plants

    Utricularia graminifolia and Hemianthus callitrichoides ''Cuba'' :good:
  14. 14gtr14

    3-fingers, after looking at the "marsilea quadrifolia" i ordered from plantsalive and comparing it to pictures of Marsilea Quadrifolia on t'internet, I realised they look rather different! Today I bought bacopa australis from petsathome and the plantsalive marsilea looks incredibly similar to...
  15. 14gtr14

    Potted Plants

    ye, for larger plants try to remove as much as possible. For the smaller ones remove a fair bit of it (so roots are sticking out of it), but just keep enough on to 'anchor' it in the substrate. greg
  16. 14gtr14

    Whats My Shrimp .an Plec. Pic

    ye, looks like a bamboo shrimp to me too.
  17. 14gtr14

    Top Dwellers

    I would go with marbled hatchets. great looking fish :good:
  18. 14gtr14

    Fish By Post Query

    fish get "posted" to your lfs anyway. I recieved an order from last week and all the fish arrived ( and survived) very well. I don't see a problem with it. It's really up o you. :D
  19. 14gtr14


    ordered 2 lots of plants and a C02 ladder from them before. I think I might place an other order pretty soon. It's so cheap!
  20. 14gtr14

    Any Good Hob Filters In Uk?

    I'm looking for a hob filter in the Uk. What companies make them? Are the good? I hear that they're popular in the US, why not here?? greg :good:
  21. 14gtr14

    My Apisto's

    crystal red shrimp: do they look like that?
  22. 14gtr14

    Heres My Tank, Help A Newbie With Styling!

    read the pinned stuff in the planted tank section. imo heavily planted tanks look amazing, so if you like that idea have a look in there for ideas etc. Malawi/Tanganyikan tanks look great too. Have a look in the (old world cichlids section). A medium sized "new world" cichlid tank would look...
  23. 14gtr14

    Looking For A Snail

    :rolleyes: oh, sorry! just saw the links to aquaessentials and snailsshop (uk sites) so I gave you that one. Quite good prices for uk though :P
  24. 14gtr14

    Looking For A Snail

    nerite snails on here:
  25. 14gtr14

    Ludwigia And Rotala.

    I'm led to belive rotala rtundifolia has round leaves when in its emergent form, but will gradually turn to its submerged pointed leaves when underwater. Not !00% on the redness bit though. :D
  26. 14gtr14

    Can I?

    if you set up a tank JUST for local fish I would say it would be fine if you kept small fish in it (not bass etc) , but I wouldn't mix with your prize guppies:P -
  27. 14gtr14

    My First Tank

    the plants'll have only been submerged maybe a week at max. LFS are notoriously untrustworthy/unknowledgeable when it comes to somethings. Some lfs will sell anything to you if it'll make them money. Have a read of the pinned topics in the planted tank forum. Well worth it. :good:
  28. 14gtr14

    My First Tank

    nice tank, read up on this forum. it's unbelievably helpful for new guys. btw those plants (well the one I can see) is non-aquatic. It'll eventually start to rot and die submerged. greg :good:
  29. 14gtr14


    I know you'll be anxious/excited etc, but it really is worth it! Even if you do get the tank read up in this forum before buying ANY fish. Read all of these: greg :good:
  30. 14gtr14

    Ok To Use Cold Water With Water Change?

    This is what I go for too. Around 20% just cold water. Over that I try and match it to original tank temp.
  31. 14gtr14


    tbh, I would do alot of research on here and then get the tank maybe a month down the line. i did this when I started not too long ago and I feel it has saved me ALOT of money and problems. greg
  32. 14gtr14

    Just thought I'd let you know that I emailed plantsalive last week about the poor quality of the plants I recieved and the apologised greatly and promptly sent me out a new batch, which was alot better! Maybe they just had a busy week before :\ :D greg
  33. 14gtr14

    Online Fish Stop

    Northern says in his profile thing. You could try but i don't know if they deliver to NIR.
  34. 14gtr14

    Plants For 60/12g Tank

    when you say piralis, do you mean the "spiral" shaped vallis or the long, straight vallis? You could try the "mini-twister" variety of vallis. It really depends on your light levels etc etc first.
  35. 14gtr14


    170 litres: 37 Uk gallons or 45 US gallons...same size as my tank. :good: and the other one is 60 US gallons and 50 UK gallons. ...all done on google!:D
  36. 14gtr14

    A Few New Fish

    I love the whiptail cat! Looks amazing! ...and the botia! :good:
  37. 14gtr14

    Nurse Sharks

    this is unbelievable! :rolleyes: you've done it again aquadreams! :lol:
  38. 14gtr14

    Amazing Cylindrical Aquarium

    is it not a marine tank??
  39. 14gtr14

    Drift Wood From Local Beach

    ...still would say no. I found a lovely piece of old driftwood (from a really old ship(still had the brass pins in it)) and I was going to use this. I boiled it 3 times, baked it and soaked it for ages, but it was still really salty, as if it was leeching out constantly. So it's a no from me...