Professional Photo Shoot - Planted Nano

George Farmer

ad aqua
Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Stamford, Lincs, UK
Neil Hepworth is the regular photographer for Practical Fishkeeping magazine. He and Jeremy Gay, PFK technical writer, came over to my house for a shoot, to get some high quality photos for my forthcoming article on my 10 litre (2.5 gal.) planted nano aquarium.

Neil has very kindly sent me a DVD-R with around 20 photos and this is a small selection of my favourite. I've obviously reduced them (each original is around 35Mb) so these low-res versions don't really do them justice. You'll have to take my word for it that the quality of the orginals is absolutely superb. He uses a Canon 5D.

Full shot

Full shot with ripple effect (using hairdryer)

Close up of Microrasbora nana

Me and the tank to get a sense of scale

You can also see my nano on the PFK website here -

There's also the journal of its development in my signature, including this shoot itself.

And Neil's website here, most of the images are non-aquatic as PFK owns most of his aquatic images -

Thanks to Neil and PFK for allowing me to show you these images.
:hyper: Those pics are superb george :good: very well done on the tank. I cant wait to see the article in pfk :)
With you in the shot you really get a sene of the scale of the thing, it is really tiny. Well done!
All I can say is AMAZING! You've totally inspired me to try and do my own tiny planted tank! Off to the lfs to buy a small tank methinks :)
:hyper: love it
what a fab trop-nano :good:

I have a question though
you state thanks to Neil and PFK for allowing you to show the pics on here.
did you sign away the rights to them then?
after all if you comission someone to take pics of your wedding
then you own the rights to the negatives unless you sign them away.

photographic ownership issues has always baffled me.
Thanks everyone. This tank is now stripped down ready for a new aquascape, so look out for another journal soon.

:hyper: love it
what a fab trop-nano :good:

I have a question though
you state thanks to Neil and PFK for allowing you to show the pics on here.
did you sign away the rights to them then?
after all if you comission someone to take pics of your wedding
then you own the rights to the negatives unless you sign them away.

photographic ownership issues has always baffled me.
I'm not too sure myself how it works, but ownership-wise the photos themselves have nothing to do with me, I simply supply the subject matter.

Hopefully Neil himself will leave some feedback soon on here, as he did in my journal. He's a nice guy like that. :)
Thanks everyone. This tank is now stripped down ready for a new aquascape, so look out for another journal soon.

:hyper: love it
what a fab trop-nano :good:

I have a question though
you state thanks to Neil and PFK for allowing you to show the pics on here.
did you sign away the rights to them then?
after all if you comission someone to take pics of your wedding
then you own the rights to the negatives unless you sign them away.

photographic ownership issues has always baffled me.
I'm not too sure myself how it works, but ownership-wise the photos themselves have nothing to do with me, I simply supply the subject matter.

Hopefully Neil himself will leave some feedback soon on here, as he did in my journal. He's a nice guy like that. :)

Yeah, copyright and usage is a big grey area and I don't claim to be any authority on the matter. It seems to be dependant on the agreements between the parties involved. In our case George is commissioned by PFK for for his articles - PFK then commission me to take the photos which they then own the rights to. As George didn't commission me (as in a wedding) he doesn't sign over any rights. The fact that George states thanks to me is only a matter of courtesy to me as I have no rights over the usage either.

As I said it's down to particular agreements between parties, I think the letter of the law might be different but in a lot of cases retaining ownership could mean not getting the commission in the first place!

Hope that makes some vague sense!

Yeah, copyright and usage is a big grey area..... It seems to be dependant on the agreements between the parties involved. In our case George is commissioned by PFK for for his articles - PFK then commission me to take the photos which they then own the rights to. As George didn't commission me (as in a wedding) he doesn't sign over any rights.

thats makes sense, thanks for the explaination
Very very nice!

Does it have a heater or filter in there?


No heater, as my house is warm and the lighting provides some heat. It remains stable at around 22-24C, ideal for these fish that prefer cooler water.

The filter is an Aqua Vital 160 hang-on-back (HOB) with a flow rate of 160lph.

Check out the journal in my sig for more details on how this tank was set up from scratch.

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