Top Dwellers


Aug 13, 2005
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London (UK)
Hello all, I'm after some interesting top dwellers for my tank. I have Cardinals, Rainbows and Barbs in a 70 Gal (see profile for full list). I have had African butterfly's in the past. These were good but stayed to much at the surface.So were difficult to see (also ate a fair few cardinals :( ) I have been having a good search but all I have come up with are Halfbeaks and Hatchets. Wanted to get some colour other than silver so I'm looking at either Marbled Hatchets or Forest Halfbeaks (Hemirhamphodon pogonognathus) Although the latter are a bit bigger than I wanted to keep. Just wondered if anyone could suggest any alterative?
do you want something that's literally right at the top of the tank like hatchetts or just in the top part of the tank?
for something small look at danio's

for something a little bigger maybe dwarf gourami's or gourami's
Looking for 1-3.5inch really. Not keen on danio's and have kept gourami's but find them to swim at all depths
My Australian Rainbowfish stay in the top 1/3 of the tank. Nice schooling fish, depending on the species, they can get anywhere from 2-5". Lots of pretty colors if you want to spend a little more money. Mine are just the "mutts" But still show a nice yellow stripe and bright red tail!
I have been messing around with my fish database again. It only contains 88 fish, but when I searched for "top" in "Area of water occupied", I got 12 hits. Here are the search results:;SearchFor=top

You can then sort on size or whatever other thing you want by clicking on the column title. Looks like most of the results have already been mentioned though. Watch out for hits that list both top and middle though, sounds like you want fish that are only on the top.

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