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  1. P

    Simple Yet Stupid Question

    Take some stones in a small tub of tank water and place the tub in a window that gets plenty of sunlight.
  2. P

    Simple Yet Stupid Question

    Bigger is almost always better. It is easier to take care of, as greater water volume is more forgiving. However if you have the room I would keep at least one 20 gallon as a hospital/quarantine tank. Sooner or later you will need it. Treating a smaller tank is easier and more cost effective...
  3. P

    Any Star Gazers...?

    I tend to disagree about evolution. It does happen. Wether through habitat change or forced selective breeding i.e. dogs for example. However as a faith based person I know that I know next to nothing about how the universe was created and how it works. I do know it is wounderous and beautiful...
  4. P

    Fish Nightmares

    Not so much about my fish. My theory on dreams is that they fall into one of three categories. 1. Something you want. 2. Something you fear. 3. Something you ate. Most of mine are, don't know if should have had that for supper.
  5. P

    Albino Cory Replacement Sand

    The main point in rinsing thoroughly to remove the silt is not so much for the fish. As Byron has said, doesn't hurt the fish, but it clogs filters and wears down impellers. I rinsed a 50lb. bag clean in a five gallon bucket this morning in about 20 minutes. I agree removing the fish to a...
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    Albino Cory Replacement Sand

    Sadly won't be much extra. Still in the process of setting up a 20 long and a four footer. As for quartz or real sand, couldn't say. Been using it for years with no problems. One note, it is inert, so root tabs are recommend for plants.
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    Albino Cory Replacement Sand

    Forgot to say, I agree with Blough. A bucket and hose works well. Using that method now to rinse another two bags. I always like to have extra prewashed on hand.
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    Albino Cory Replacement Sand

    Quickcrete playsand. Picked up at Home Depot, Lowes, or your local hardware store.
  9. P

    Albino Cory Replacement Sand

    Play sand works just fine. Have it in all my tanks. Corys snuffle through it just fine. Make sure you rinse it thoroughly, as it does contain a lot of silt. As for breeding Corys, clean water and quality food. Keep them fat and happy and they'll breed.
  10. P

    Plant With Browning Leaves

    If it is only the older most outer leaves could be aging. But as for lights, not all LEDs are equal. That being said Amazon Swords don't need high light. But in my experience Amazons do get enormous root systems. Try adding root tabs. For best results split it and position it at thr compass...
  11. P

    Tetra Ideas For 20 Gallon Tall

    Ah, availability does play a factor. I have a school of Glowlights in a four footer I set up at work. I quickly became fond of them. They are very active and fun to watch.
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    Thinking About ...

    Nice. I normally just rinse it off and pop it in, but I don't mind the tannins.
  13. P

    Thinking About ...

    What type of wood? Never had fungus.
  14. P

    Tetra Ideas For 20 Gallon Tall

    As for tank size a 76 litre high. What variety of Cory? As for Tetras, I have Neons in a 20 high. As well as Neons and Glowlights in a four footer. For my money they do better in a larger tank, due to more swimming area. Have you considered Lemon Tetras?
  15. P

    R.i.p Curviceps

    So sorry for your loss. Such a beautiful fish.
  16. P

    How Did You Spend Your Valentines?

    Well slept in 6:30a.m. A walk with the kids, Pepperjack and Hannah, in subfreezing cold. A trip to visit the in-laws. Lunch at a restaurant not of my choice, but we make sacrifices for love. Shopping, more sacrifices. Another walk with the kids. Tank maintenance. Done at 8:00p.m. Now a...
  17. P

    Place Your Bets

    My last success was with Java Fern. The roots are a great hideout. But then I got Angels, and the only plants not destroyed were Anubius, Amazon Swords, and a Tiger Lotus that is hanging on.
  18. P

    Place Your Bets

    Nyet on the Java Moss. Some lovely Flame Moss in another tank. But between the Corys and Angels eating the eggs I don't hold out much hope. Would be fun to spot more young ens again.
  19. P

    Place Your Bets

    That's a shame I guess. After three solid weeks of spawning I thought my Corys were played out. But this week I was greeted with the biggest spawn yet. Maybe somebody will slip through the cracks this time.
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    Thinking About ...

    Careful it's a slippery slope, scaping your quarantine tank. Surprised more folks haven't seen the purple Harleys. My local fish only shop gets them regularly, call them midnight Harleys.
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    Thinking About ...

    Definitely a giggle!
  22. P

    Thinking About ...

    Find a way! That does sound super cute.
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    Thinking About ...

    Poor thing. At least you gave it a chance.
  24. P

    Unlevel Floor And What To Do

    Shims should do the trick for leveling. Not too hard. Ran into the same problem. As for more tanks. As Far_King says, embrace it, just pace yourself. Tanks multiply like Guppies. One becomes two...then nine.
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    Mom's In Icu In The Hospital

    So sorry for your loss. You and your family remain in our prayers.
  26. P

    Albino Cories In A 63L Tank

    Have to agree on the Albonos, if anything like mine they will be chunky monkeys. And with any of the shoalers/schoolers the larger the group the happier they will be.
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    Used Tanks

    Second hand filter may be alright, or in this case dodgy lights. But heaters go in the bin straight away.
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    Used Tanks

    Thanks for the replies. As I just procured another tank, as well as a terrerium. (Package deal) It got me thinking about my tanks. Now nine, with two more taken apart to build an L shaped tank, and one I set up and maintain ar work. Only three were purchased new. And two of those were due to an...
  29. P

    How Hot Will 40L Tank Get With 25W Heater?

    Well even with two heaters, one can still stick and cook. Sadly heaters fail. It happens. I have used Fluval heaters for years without complaint. As for size, I generally go larger than needed. Heater doesn't work as hard, and maybe it's just where I have been purchasing them. But I have found...
  30. P

    Used Tanks

    Just wondering what opinions are on used tanks. Yes, no, depends on the situation?
  31. P


    Never had the pleasure of seeing glow worms. But like jag51186, fireflies swarm in the summer. Every year in late May, early June I anxiously await them in the evenings. Just not Summer til I see them.
  32. P


    Apologies, Mr. Shiny. I did allow myself to become bent out of shape. I should have countered the point rather than raise my voice. Poor choice on my part, and a surefire way to lose a debate. I shall endeavor to behave in a civil manner henceforth.
  33. P


    Hogwash! If such were the case the Armies would have been national and not comprised of state malitia units. At the time of the founding they were not Americans per say, but members of the States, such as many States Rights advocates believe now. I am an American, but first and foremost I am a...
  34. P


    Thank you, Mr. Shiny. One point often overlooked or even whitewashed about immigration is the assimilation aspect. Finland? Maybe there's something about reindeer.
  35. P

    Struggling With High Phosphates Again

    You would be surprised. Mine aren't as nice as Zante's, (so jealous ). But just a sprig will grow quite well. And as I found through accident it works as a floating plant as well.
  36. P


    Yes, arguments. As in debate. A premise: Leaving or staying in the E.U. Statements made for or against. A conclusion. For my part, joining was one of the worst mistakes made by Britan in at least a Century.
  37. P


    As a non Briton. I find the arguments fascinating. To a certain degree what we face here in the U.S. not just with our fights with Washington D.C., but also wit trying to cede our sovereignty to the United Nations. On a side note Far_King, Hawaii was a kingdom, and Texas was an independent...
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    Mom's In Icu In The Hospital

    Mercy, child. We'll add y'all to our prayer list.
  39. P

    Thinking About ...

    Nice. they are schooling well.
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    Thinking About ...

    Happy at you!