Used Tanks


Fish Fanatic
Oct 7, 2015
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Just wondering what opinions are on used tanks.

Yes, no, depends on the situation?
Don't see any problems as long as they don't leak. Give them a good clean before using and they should be fine
I have bought several used tanks from various places such as online and boot sales (geuss they can be referred to as swap meets or perhaps yard/garage sales for those of US or Aus origins)
Common sense says that it  pays to be thorough in checking out the tanks, especially along the silicon seals at joints and edges. And also paying particular atention to any cracks, scratch marks are ok as long as not deep scores in the glass.
Its worth asking the seller what they have kept in the tank before and whether they have cleaned the tank with bleach or strong disenfectants etc I tend to walk away from tanks if owner says yes they give it a good soak in strong bleach or disinfectants. Also if they have given a strong copper based medication or other types of strong meds in the past in this tank as for example copper can be extremely difficult to get rid of and if you're planning on keeping shrimps or snails then I tend to avoid tanks that has had this.
Another thing, hard water marks on tanks is a pet peeve of mine and when comes to buying tanks I hate seeing this and can be hard to scrub off, so factor in at least an extra 30 minutes of cleaning just to get rid of hard water or salt waterline marks, may be worth watching out for this when surveying a used tank to buy.
Generally speaking, most second hand tanks will have some cleaning required and most will be fairly easy to deal with, since you will be cleaning the tank anyway before you set it up, this is no real hardship. So most are worth buying due to the cheap prices, especially compared to new preices in LFS but keep a sure head on and look out for obvious damage and ask  few questions before commiting to buy.
Good luck :)
my Rio 180 and my Rio 240 were both pre-loved. Always sterilize them and give them a good scrub. You don't want any nasties that might have lived in them surviving to infect otherwise healthy fish :)
Thanks for the replies.
As I just procured another tank, as well as a terrerium. (Package deal) It got me thinking about my tanks. Now nine, with two more taken apart to build an L shaped tank, and one I set up and maintain ar work. Only three were purchased new. And two of those were due to an emergency.
As for the silicone, resealled two tanks already. Scratches, not a big problem. As most aren't or won't be display tanks. Only had one cracked, and that is one of the ones taken apart. It was a freebie anyway.
As for stains, Bar Keepers Friend, it's safe and like using powdered white vinegar.
As to prices, have to scour around in these parts. Folks seem to think that they should get what they paid for it. Can't seem to convince them that, we'll you had it running for two years, and then put it in the shed for another three. It is just not worth the price of a new tank.
Another thing I would be careful with is if the tank comes with filter and heater, I just do not trust second hand electricals
Second hand filter may be alright, or in this case dodgy lights. But heaters go in the bin straight away.

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