R.i.p Curviceps


Warning - Mad Cory Woman
Oct 24, 2011
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I lost my beautiful boy today after a week or so of him looking tired and sickly. I was going back on some photo's and pictures of curviceps started late 2011 - early 2012 so he must have been about 5 years old which from research seems to be about the average age.
Anyway, I wanted to share a photo and say R.I.P my beautiful boy. Your little smiley face will be very much missed 

Thats a shame Akasha, its plain that you cared for him. These are a fish I really like the look of  and have wanted to keep for many years but could never find any at the right time/place.... one day !!!
you could get a replacement one and name it the same thing. it would be like you never lost him
Sorry to hear that Akasha - he was a very beautiful boy 
Laetacara curviceps is a rare find now. I was lucky to find him and his lady (she died last August after jumping out of the tank when it was unattended with the lid off) He just pined for her after she died. He was never the same again. More recently he'd become stressed by my angelfish and a couple of days ago I took the opportunity to net him and move him to my fry tank. He wasn't happy in there but I knew he was dying and at least he got to die in peace. In the end I think it was a heart attack that took him. One minute he was sitting in the mid level the next he twitched and hit the sand and passed away.
I am very upset. The smiley face on these fish brightened my day. He was my favourite fish. I cried when I found the female on the floor and I shed a tear yesterday too.
I didn't think it was possible to get attached to a fish but curviceps got me. They were lovely fish to have. It is such a shame that they are so unpopular. I would recommend them to anyone. They are such lovely fish with such character.
Thank you all for the condolences 
Aww sorry to hear this Akasha :( RIP little curviceps. It's very hard to lose a fish you get so attached to.
thank you flubberlump. I know you were attached to Alan so you'll know how I'm feeling today
Ah, i am sorry to hear of that Akasha, take some consolation in the fact that you gave him a good life :)
thanks Ch4rlie, I am. I'm telling myself he was treated well, was fed quality food and was much loved. I'm still feeling sad but I woke up to cory eggs so it's onwards.
I will have curviceps again but not until I've moved house and know whether I have the space for a second tank. I know of somewhere fairly local that sometimes has them in stock so there is some hope
Yes I do. I still miss him swimming to the front of the tank to greet me.

Curviceps are beautiful fish!

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