How Did You Spend Your Valentines?


We are not born just so we can die
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Oct 1, 2010
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I for one continued cleaning the 1000L pond I started cleaning the day before and finally got the water clear enough to actually spy the wayward Khuli loach I had seen in there one night a few weeks ago. What should have been a simple process of cleaning was made worse by the rampant growth of the water lily that had easily 25-30cm deep thick matted roots that  had totally engulfed besser bricks, house bricks and a pond submerged water fountain.
So first job on the pond cleaning agenda was pruning a way into the pond (bathtub) that is beside the pond which had a massive lily growing in it and had a large Ixora growing over the top of it. I had no idea aside from the water lily and duckweed what else was still living in the bathtub so it was a tricky job of getting the lily out and then siphoning out the black water until it was clear and I could see any fish. Once I was sure the bathtub was clear of any fish or shrimp I then filled it with clean water in readiness for the other bigger water lily from the pond to sit in. While the lily out of the bathtub went into a large tub of water.
It took both of us and a lot of straining muscles to drag the pond lily out along with all the other bits and pieces it had engulfed with its roots. Then I was able to turn my attention to siphoning out water, unclogging the mesh cover over the siphon  that stops and fish or shrimp going for a one way ride, and carefully pulling out handfuls of dead tree leaves. All the while I was either doubled over the side of the pond or actually in it carefully sliding my feet along the floor hoping to not stand on the Khuli loach, gudgeons or macrobachium shrimp.
Finally I was able to see and catch the loach
And then we decided to move the pond around 1/2metre from its current position, that meant we needed a load of sand to make a suitable soft bed for but first we had to get to 1000L pond out of the way. Finally the sand was collected from the local hardware store and we shovelled out the sand to make the new bed for the pond to sit on. Then we moved the pond back into its new position and finally I was able to start refilling the pond while we hacked our way through the lily roots to remove the fountain and the various bricks, and the now smaller chunks of lily could be put back into the pond.
Now I just need the water to resettle and the  lilies to re-establish and my pond will be back to its over grown wild self in no time. But at least I now have a better idea of who is living in there. Namely the pond is home to Endlers, Pacific Blue Eyes, Empire Gudgeons, Cherry shrimp, Glass Shrimp (local creek ones) and Macrobachium shrimp (also local caught ones) and now less one Khuli loach. Next project is to remove all the branches in the bird aviary and replace with all new branches we have pruned from trees around the yard.
Im spending valentines day with my fish too :) We are starting off with a nice darken tank because the power surge in my house (created by my other half) caused the fish tank timer to blow as well as the heater (with out my knowledge) so the light was on all night!
Then im going to do a head count and make sure everyone is still present after they were were zapped and give them some tlc :)
What are you going to do with the loach? he looks massively long.
You sound like you had a busy day, all in the name of love for our fish.
The Khuli loach went back to one of my tanks that is already housing I think 11 black Khuli loaches and was 9 or 10 striped Khuli loaches. I suspect this guy is actually a male since its a lot slimmer than some of my fat striped Khuli loaches in the tank.
well I planned to do my maintenance too but I've woken up with such a bad back that I can't stand up straight so it looks like it's a job for another day!! 

nic1 said:
Im spending valentines day with my fish too
We are starting off with a nice darken tank because the power surge in my house (created by my other half) caused the fish tank timer to blow as well as the heater (with out my knowledge) so the light was on all night!
Then im going to do a head count and make sure everyone is still present after they were were zapped and give them some tlc

What are you going to do with the loach? he looks massively long.
You sound like you had a busy day, all in the name of love for our fish.
A power surge? wow, how did you manage that? I thought those things were a thing of the past. That said all my important electrical equipment are  fed through surge protectors - my tank included
A Valentines to remember for me - filling my 1,800 litre!
Akasha,  I have no idea, all the light bulbs in that room blew also, Im so mad with him and he doesnt even accept responsibility!!
He was trying to change over the white light switches to brushed metal ones and the house alarm kept on going off when the power was turned off, so he was fiddling with the fuse box... he said he was copying the girl on the youtube channel that explains how to change the switches so its her fault!!
Im currently looking for a new heater with some sort of safety measure so it cant happen again.
They should be ok for a couple of days till I find one.
   I'll be spending my Valentine's Day fixing things around the house, then going to dinner this eve at the restaurant of her choice. Per the norm. Being an educated and intelligent man, and being horribly outnumbered in this forum, I should be smart enough to stop talking now. But in the interest of male solidarity, I have to comment on the power surge.
   I've never been to the UK, but have been to several other countries, and have found that in countries and/or cities with modern and up-to-date utility systems, electricity works pretty much the same as it does here in the US. Also, in my experience, the laws of physics seem to apply globally. That being said, it should be nearly impossible for a home-owner to cause a power surge throughout the entire house. More likely, the surge was caused by an outside source, such as the lines feeding electricity into your house. Most houses have built-in surge protectors to prevent such things from happening, and to protect systems from lightning strikes, etc. Sometimes they malfunction however. I would suspect that is the culprit, and your "other half" is blameless.
Nic - I believe the Hydor heaters have a safety thing built in for those that forget to unplug them when doing a water change. I don't know if that would work for you but it's worth a look?
Avoid the Interpet heaters - there's a fault with them and there's been loads of reports online about them failing recently. 
I have a Hydor external heater and I love it. It's smart piece of kit. No ugly heater in the tank to try hide, no chance of electrocution either. Not sure I'd have it any other way now

sorry Baccus for hyjacking there! 
I had a good look at that filter coincidentally and I nearly bought it but I have a fluval 206 on a fluval profile aquarium and after doing so much reading about how to fit it on the canister I decided not to chance it, The out let pipe is ribbed and someone already tried to connect the hydro filter and said it just leaked until they messed around with new clips, shame though as it is a great little invention.
Ive just panic bought a TMC V2 for £27 as its free next day delivery and my fish keep on looking at me making me feel guilty! I would of got one today but my daughter has her friends round and I cant leave them here.
SherLar - :) being a female I would love for my other half to fix things around the house on valentines day, but his DIY skills are, well..... lets just say he nearly wiped out the fish, blew the lights and the switches are wonky, I dont think hes blameless, he managed it somehow! lol
Sorry Baccuss also.
As I'm single, I got to spend Valentine's Day drinking diet cola, playing World of Warcraft and listening to DragonForce.

Couldn't be improved on, tbh
Well slept in 6:30a.m. A walk with the kids, Pepperjack and Hannah, in subfreezing cold.
A trip to visit the in-laws. Lunch at a restaurant not of my choice, but we make sacrifices for love. Shopping, more sacrifices.
Another walk with the kids.
Tank maintenance. Done at 8:00p.m.
Now a nice sit down to watch a Rugby Test. U.S.A. vs. Canada, not exactly top shelf, but it's Rugby! In my younger days would be with a pint or six, but anymore the morning comes awfully early.
Valantineless... after 26 yrs together we kind of got over it... but had loads of fun getting here !!!
Lots of regular water changes and varied diet these days... !!!
Young love..................

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