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it did! That's what I can't work out! Stupid thing
Akasha72 said:
it did! That's what I can't work out! Stupid thing
I meant just booing the statement you made worked! :p
I'm getting an error!  :sad:  *sniff*  *sniff*
really? umm ... don't know then
okay, might have been cos it was set to 'private'. I've changed the settings to 'anyone with the link' so try again Eagles :)
Try reposting the link.. (Thanks for the effort!)
Akasha72 said:
yey! hope your enjoying the cuteness. It still makes me giggle now. They're playing in the flow again tonight
Akasha72 said:
yey! hope your enjoying the cuteness. It still makes me giggle now. They're playing in the flow again tonight
indeed.  Well worth your effort.  Makes me miss having harleys.
they are lovely. The last lot didn't play in the flow like these new one's. They should love the big tank as there's loads of flow in there to play in but right now they'd be angelfish food so they can play safely for a lot longer!

glad you enjoyed PJM :D
NIce :)
Are these are Trigonostigma heteromorpha harlequins?
They are real neat, I have espei harleyquins, a smaller version of your harleys, sometimes known as Lambchops. Anyway, I find that harleyquins are a nice colourful shoaling specie addition for any suitable tank imho ;)
Thats a neat little QT by the way.
I don't know what their latin name is Ch4rlie, I call them gold headed purple harlequins, my lfs call them midnight rasboras. I believed they were a hybrid and so couldn't breed but Zante found an online post from someone who had fry so now I'm very confused what they are. 
It doesn't matter of course, they are lovely and by upping my number to nearly 20 I should start seeing better things from them one these new one's grow on and can go in my big tank :)

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