Place Your Bets

got up to 2 cory eggs on my glass. There had been three but it looks like the third has fallen off. I've rescued the two and put them in my pot with an airstone. The only problem is what to do with them when they hatch!
I've currently got some juvenile harley's in my little tank so they can't be released into there as the harley's could eat them. They can escape a breeder - been there done it - I havn't anywhere to put a third tank ... 
I need to move somewhere where I can have a fish room!
What you need is another tank for sure :)
Do you not have room for a small one somewhere....just for fry?  25 litres or so?
no not really. And it's the cost of running too.
I'm beating myself up a bit over fish tanks at the moment. I've got problems with the main tank. The female angel is being a nightmare and my curvicep dwarf cichlid isn't a happy boy, my harley's are sick too and that appears to be stress related and all in all I'm wondering what to do. I was going to make a post about it but I don't want to be a pain
You most definitely would not be a pain.  You provide enough help on here, why shouldn't you get some when you need it?
We'll do all we can.  If you were closer I'd re-home the eggs for you.
I'm actually considering the unthinkable .... re-homing my angels
The curvicep and harleys in with the angels?
I had the same thing when I had a pair of Sailfin plecs.  They were fighting and stressing the other fish out :(
They were re-homed with a friend of mine.
yes, curviceps and harley's are in with the angels - and a group of palmeri tetra's that are constantly sparring. Curviceps has gone into hiding, only coming out when lights are out or when he's hungry. I've lost two harley's in a week to some kind of cyst like thing and I'm being told it's stress related.
Common sense says re-set up my 110 litre tank and move all the harley's, juvi's included, into it with curviceps and let them have a quiet life. Trouble is I'm waiting for a call to say a ground floor flat has come available and moving with one tank is gonna be a nightmare without having to break down three (if I include the little tank with possibly 2 cory fry)
Plus if I'm to run three tanks where are the electrics coming from. I only have 2 double sockets in my living room and each socket is running an extention lead now. There isn't space, nor electrics anywhere else in my flat either
That's a tough decision.  Especially as you're hoping to move fairly soon.  Got any friends or family that might like to foster some fish for a while?
unfortunately not. My Dad keeps fish but he's got less space than me really and I wouldn't consider asking him to look after babies. It may be that these eggs don't hatch or I might be able to come up with something. Alternately the baby cories will have to take their chance
both eggs were infertile which was a blessing in disguise really :/
That's a shame I guess.
After three solid weeks of spawning I thought my Corys were played out. But this week I was greeted with the biggest spawn yet. Maybe somebody will slip through the cracks this time.
PepperjacksMama said:
That's a shame I guess.
After three solid weeks of spawning I thought my Corys were played out. But this week I was greeted with the biggest spawn yet. Maybe somebody will slip through the cracks this time.
Do you have any java moss in your tank?
PepperjacksMama said:
That's a shame I guess.
After three solid weeks of spawning I thought my Corys were played out. But this week I was greeted with the biggest spawn yet. Maybe somebody will slip through the cracks this time.
oh congrats!! I hope some survive :D
Nyet on the Java Moss. Some lovely Flame Moss in another tank.
But between the Corys and Angels eating the eggs I don't hold out much hope. Would be fun to spot more young ens again.
My best success with spawning cories occured with a nice 'ball' of java moss in the tank.  I think the fry hatched and quickly found their way into that mass (or mess, if you prefer!) and found food and shelter there rather easily.  Then when they were big enough, they ventured out and found other places to hide most of the time (other than feeding) until they felt they were big enough to mix in with the adults.  
In my case, I only saw 'eggs' in the tank on maybe two or three occasions.  One long egg on a plant leaf (conspicuously sitting ON TOP of the leaf) and another time a pair of them on the glass.  Neither were present the next morning, but I have no idea where the panda mother put the rest of the eggs... apparently she was successful in hiding a few.  I went from 3 to 12 in a span of about a year.

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