Albino Cory Replacement Sand


Dec 29, 2015
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I am curious as to what is a good brand of aquarium sand to be used on with a cory/snail tank. As i had done a half sand/gravel substrate and it seems to have caused a recent cory to die due to an infection on his whiskers. 
So my question is. Since i go to Petco/Petsmart which brand would be better suited for breeding and health of a cory/snail tank
Basically any type of sand that isn't sharp. Chain stores will likely charge you more for a branded type. You could probably get something a lot cheaper at a DIY or gardening store.
Play sand works just fine. Have it in all my tanks. Corys snuffle through it just fine.
Make sure you rinse it thoroughly, as it does contain a lot of silt.
As for breeding Corys, clean water and quality food. Keep them fat and happy and they'll breed.
PepperjacksMama said:
Play sand works just fine. Have it in all my tanks. Corys snuffle through it just fine.
Make sure you rinse it thoroughly, as it does contain a lot of silt.
As for breeding Corys, clean water and quality food. Keep them fat and happy and they'll breed.
I have play sand as well, and you should know that it is really dirty when you get it. You should keep rinsing it until its clean and then rinse it again. What I find works is to put the sand in a bucket, add a whole lot of water, let it settle, and then pour the water out from the top. You probably want to do it 5-10 times.
would you guys recommend a brand for this play sand as i dont know what types are out there
Quickcrete playsand. Picked up at Home Depot, Lowes, or your local hardware store.
Forgot to say, I agree with Blough. A bucket and hose works well. Using that method now to rinse another two bags. I always like to have extra prewashed on hand.
20 Gallons, and looking over the type it says they use quartz instead of real sand, is this true? or old information
PepperjacksMama said:
Forgot to say, I agree with Blough. A bucket and hose works well. Using that method now to rinse another two bags. I always like to have extra prewashed on hand.
 you couldsend me the extra XD JK
Sadly won't be much extra. Still in the process of setting up a 20 long and a four footer.
As for quartz or real sand, couldn't say. Been using it for years with no problems.
One note, it is inert, so root tabs are recommend for plants.
I second the use of Quikrete Play Sand.  I now have this in all seven tanks in my fish room.  The first I tried with this sand was five years ago, and I have had no issues.  Rinse it well, but remember that the "dirt" is not going to hurt fish so I never fuss too much, but I do five or six rinses of each batch.
I went into detail with the Quikrete manufacturer, and this sand is frankly the best you can get for substrate fish without spending bags of money.  You will only need one bag (you said 5 lbs, I wasn't aware they made this small a bag...I find it comes in 20 kg (about 44 lb) bags at Home Depot and Lowe's.  And it costs a few dollars ($6-7 in Canada, will probably be less in the US).
You really do not want 3-inch depth, in a 20g tank.  I would say no more than 1 inch to 1.5 inches overall depth (meaning, spread out before you aquascape and build it up in the back, etc).  I don't even have 3 inches in my large tanks (70g, 90g, 115g).
Root tabs are fertilizer tabs for substrate-rooted plants like swords.  The best I have found is Seachem's Flourish Tabs.  The API brand I do not recommend as it can be extremely messy if disturbed, and others who have used them tend not to like them anyway.  You place one next to the large plants, and replace in 3 months.  I only use these for large swords, aponogeton, red tiger lotus.  Obviously if you don't have substrate-rooted plants you don't need tabs, as they do not feed floating plants or those attached to wood or rock.  Now,having said all this to answer your might not need tabs in a 20g as you are not going to have really large plants, though one sword can be nice.

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