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  1. G

    Oh no I went into a pet store

    It seems everytime I go into a fish store I walk out with another fish or another tank, I don't think my parents are going to let me leave the house anymore because I always seem to come home with more tanks or fish. I now have a 25 G, a 5G, a 10G, a 2 G and a bowl in my room and then a 2.5 G...
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    Ok so my 25 G tank is full with 2 gouramies, 1 snail, 2 angels and a pleco. My friend is trying to convince me that I can get more fish because I have an air stone, penguin filter and an undergravel filter and I'm just wondering if this does indeed increase the 1 inch of fish per gallon ratio...
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    Gold Fish

    yeah he has no tail, just a stump where the tail was. I'll tell her what to do and I'll hopefully be able to get over there with my test kit if she doesn't pick one up at the pet store when she goes to get some meds and such. Thanks for the help and lets hope for the best for this little guy
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    Gold Fish

    My friend has a gold fish and being the fish lover that I am when I go to her house I like to sit and stair at it, well today I noticed that his tail is no longer there and I was wondering what if anything could help get rid of this and grow his tail back. I told her to do a water change to get...
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    My son wanted a closer look at the little girl

    My mom has been known to take matresses, blankets, foam pieces etc... wash them and put them out of the deck on a windy and or sunny day to dry. That always seems to work.
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    He got stuck in a pot

    When I got back from work this evening he was dead :-( My parents said he went downhill after I left and was flopped on his side.
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    Angel Fish

    Most Plecs do. The Common Pleco can get to be about 18, 20 inches. I think the bristlenose gets to be about 3-5 but I could be confusing that with another type of pleco or fish.
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    He got stuck in a pot

    Yep those pots are history, took the one out from the other guy as well. I think I'll put back their sea shells to make a cave for them, that's what they came with. I got them both at a friends wedding, they were being used for the center pieces. If only my mom could hurry up with the betta fix...
  9. G

    He got stuck in a pot

    One of my male bettas in my 2.5 G tank got himself stuck in the little hole of a potting pot, I told my mother that I needed to block or make those bigger but she said they would be fine. I got him out but the top of his scales are shredded, my mom is on her way home from work and is going to...
  10. G

    Angel Fish

    So in my 25 G I have a plec, 2 angels, 1 snail, and 2 Gouramies. So far they all seem to be getting along and I think I've had them in there for about 2 weeks now.
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    1 male 2 females

    Since december I've had 1 male and 2 females living in a 2g tank peacefully and I've been looking to upgrade them to a larger tank and yesterday there was a 5G tank on sale so I bought it and now I've moved them into the 5G tank. I've lucked out with these 3 getting along, but I also think it...
  12. G

    THe most Unique Fish

    Isn't the albino gene not the dominant gene thefore it would have to be albino or else just a carrier and if it were a carrier of the gene it wouldn't show any signs of being albino, but I haven't taken bio in a while so I could be wrong.
  13. G

    Replacing Filter?

    The only time you have to get a new bio-wheel is if the old one stops turning. I have the same filter and I change the sponge whenever the water seems to get dirty which I've only done once and that was after about 3 months of the tank running and what I did was I put the new sponge in and the...
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    I had mini crabs in a tank all to themselves and I wouldn't recommend them unless you have them in a well ventilated area because they get really stinky, I was sad when they passed but the upside was that my room wouldn't stink anymore.
  15. G

    Penguin Bio-wheel filter

    In my 25 G tank I have a Penguin Bio-wheel filter and I was wondering if I should just take the filter part out and put in a brand new one? Or should I stick the old one in front of the new one or something to that affect for a week or so to allow for the beneficial bacteria to transfer onto the...
  16. G

    A new 10 G tank

    I got a new 10 G tank the other day from Pet Cetera for $40 Canadian and it came with the hood/bulbs and a 5-10 G filter that mounts on the side of the tank. Just wondering if this was a good deal? Are there any other pet stores that have good starter kits for a good price?
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    Just wondering what I can feed a pleco when there isn't enough algae in the tank for him to eat? I know about zuccinni, are there any other fruits/vegtables that they can be fed?
  18. G

    Neon Tetras

    Would Neon tetras go well with a) A betta or B) A black red tailed shark? Or would a Betta and a black red tailed shark get along?
  19. G

    dividing tanks

    So I'm going out to Lewis Craft or Michaels today, my fav craft stores, and getting that divider piece and hopefully some decorative rocks. My tank has notches to divide the tank into thirds but not half. So do you guys think 0.75 G is too little for a betta?
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    dividing tanks

    I was wondering what you guys use to divide your tanks? I have a 2.5 G tank that I want to divide to put two male bettas in so I can get them out of their vases. I saw a divider at the petstore but it was $22 dollars canadian and for a 10 G tank so I didn't really want to get it and thought I'd...
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    Angel Fish

    So I have 1 angel fish and 1 snail in my 25 G tall tank. I think my angel fish killed off my tiger barbs and I was wondering what other fish I could put with him? I was thinking of just going out and getting 2 or 3 more angels but I don't really want an all angel fish tank.
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    theme for betta names

    I like the Greek Gods. Or you could use movies like Star Wars, Lord of The Rings. Personally my Bettas are named after the Sith in Star Wars, I have Sidious, Tyranus, Vader and then I have a shark named Maul.
  23. G

    Angel fish and Snails

    are angel fish and snails a good match? I have 1 angel fish and 1 snail in my 25 G tank. I had 2 tiger barbs as well for a couple days but one died and was stuck to the filter and the other is MIA. Anyway the angel fish really "likes" the snail and noses it or is always around it. Is he trying...
  24. G

    How many bettas?

    I'm looking to upgrade the 2 gallon tank but the problem is I have no room and my dad doesn't want anymore tanks, because I have 4 in my room at the moment, but the bettas have been fine together for about 6 months now, but I'll keep my eye out for any trouble and if worse comes to worse I'll...
  25. G

    How many bettas?

    I have 1 male betta (Vader) and 2 female bettas (Sidious and Tyranus) that are in a 2 gallon tank and I've had them in there since december. The male chases the females out of his rock sometimes and intially it looked like the females were biting at the male and had shredded his fins so I put...
  26. G

    25 gallon 7/8 fish dead

    I've already taken the tank apart, there was small debris floating around that wasn't getting sucked up from the filters I think it was from the rocks that were supposed to get rid of the ammonia, and then I'm going to add different decorations and then some marble styled rocks to the gravel...
  27. G

    25 gallon 7/8 fish dead

    I set up my 25 gallon tank about a month ago, put in rocks from another tank, it has and undergravel filter, put in an airstone and left it for about a week, then I put in 3 tiger barbs and one pleco and they seemed fine after a week, so one day after work I decided to go and buy 4 more fish 2...