Angel Fish


Fish Fanatic
May 18, 2005
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So I have 1 angel fish and 1 snail in my 25 G tall tank. I think my angel fish killed off my tiger barbs and I was wondering what other fish I could put with him? I was thinking of just going out and getting 2 or 3 more angels but I don't really want an all angel fish tank.
Angels & barbs usually won't get along, the barbs tend to be nippy. They may have gotten the angel mad, some angels can get pretty aggressive.

You could fit 2 adult angels in a 25, but you may have compatability issues if they aren't a pair. If you don't want to get any more angels, a few livebearers, corys & a small plec would do fine with the angel.

On the plec note: get otos.

Tolak's right about everything, IMO. I would try to get an angel... but you would have a 50% chance of having the right gender, and a far lower probability of having a pair. :shrugs:

It's a good breeding tank, if you can move your fish and get that pair. :p
Fish said:
Bala Sharks, and most ngouramis should be fine
Bala Sharks in a 25G tall tank is a No No.
A Bala shark grows to be 1 foot long prefers to be in groups of 3 or more and requires about 6 feet of swimming room. 125 is the smallest bala's should be kept in.
OK he was only asking for fish that are compatible and they are compatible!
Sorry, i forgot to mention about the size.
Fish said:
OK he was only asking for fish that are compatible and they are compatible!
Sorry, i forgot to mention about the size.
If you have the space(and based on your posts about a 8ft tank you do) then yeah absolutely they'll co-habitat. Just not for this member with a 25G tank.
Lone angels can be terrors. Try to get another of a similar size and re-arange the tank before you add it. Then hope for the best :p

Don't add very small fish like neon tetras or male guppies to an angel tank either. Cories, mollies, swordtails, platies, some gouramies, some barbs (non-nippy), danios (not giant danios though as they nip, make sure they aren't too small when you first add them either), larger, non-nippy tetras like black phantoms, larger rasboras (scissortails go especialy well with angels but don't confuse the scissortail with the giant scissortail or you'll over-stock), otos, medium-sized plecs like bristlenoses, non-nippy loaches such as kuhlies and any small to medium-sized peaceful catfish would all go with angels. Rsearch each one BEFORE you buy it. If you get another angel, be prepaired to have to return it and exchange it for another angel until you get a compatible pair.
So in my 25 G I have a plec, 2 angels, 1 snail, and 2 Gouramies. So far they all seem to be getting along and I think I've had them in there for about 2 weeks now.
Greener said:
So in my 25 G I have a plec, 2 angels, 1 snail, and 2 Gouramies. So far they all seem to be getting along and I think I've had them in there for about 2 weeks now.
I had Gouramis with Angels and they were very aggressive towards the Angels. I had to re-locate them. Hopefully you won't have the same problem. Aren't plecs too big for a 25 gal?
Whether the gourami will be aggressive or not depends on what species it is and its sex as well as the other fish in the tank, the decor, the order they were added, how mature they are etc. 'Gourami' describes a vast group of fishes. It isn't a single species.

Small plecs deffinately can go in a 25 gallon - take bristlenoses for example.
Most Plecs do. The Common Pleco can get to be about 18, 20 inches. I think the bristlenose gets to be about 3-5 but I could be confusing that with another type of pleco or fish.
Yep, many plecs do get huge but bristlenoses (depending on the exact species) get to between around 4" and 6". Well actualy there's also those that get to 8" but the more common ones - the ones sold under the name 'bristlenose' - stay small. :)

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