How many bettas?


Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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Ok, so a soon as I get my larg tank situation figured out, I am going to turn one of my 10Gs into a betta tanks. I was thinking a couple females and one male. Is that ok? I KNOW that you cant keep 2 males together, but what about females and a male? How many can fit in a thickly planted 10G?
no matter the ratio of females to males in an undivided tank, it'll all have the same out come. Chaos and death of bettas...So, unless you plan to divide your tank, I wouldnt recommend you to do that
Males can't be mixed with other bettas of either sex, I'm afraid. They can be just as aggressive towards females as they are towards other males, and the females will likely shred the male's fins. You could safely keep anywhere between 4 and 7 females in a 10 gallon, though :nod:
you should never keep males and females together in the same tank. If you are going to keep just the females thenmake sure you have more than 3/4 in one tank and that it is heavily planted
For a 10 gallon, I'd go with 6 female Bettas. That tends to reduce the overall aggression levels so no one Betta is being picked on, and they're all happy that way.

No males with the females, though. That's the recipe for somebody's death.
I agree w/Kiarra - you would love a female betta tank.
I have one w/6 girls in it and it's my favorite tank.
Just make sure you have plenty of hidey places and just overall places for them to "escape" to if one of them is being an ultra b*tch.

I have 1 male betta (Vader) and 2 female bettas (Sidious and Tyranus) that are in a 2 gallon tank and I've had them in there since december. The male chases the females out of his rock sometimes and intially it looked like the females were biting at the male and had shredded his fins so I put betta fix in and he's back to normal and the females haven't gone after him anymore. So I guess it all depends on the individual fish that you get and if you can luck out and get compatable males and females, and I also see the female bettas at the petstore and they always have one male in with them. My friends also got 1 male Betta and 2 females at the same time that I did in the same 2 gallon tank and one now only has the male betta and my other friend has no bettas so like I said before it's the luck of the draw. I now also have 2 more male bettas in vases in my kitchen because I went to a wedding and they used them as the centerpieces and so I took 2/25 home and I'm looking into getting them most likely 1 gallon or 2 gallon tanks but that may take a while because my mom likes them in the vases and my dad doesn't want anymore tanks in the house.
I have kept a male betta with my females in a community tank with no problems at all. As long as they have plenty of places to hide, and preferably a well planted tank, you should be ok. Though, the male betta i kept with them was fairly non-aggressive. He would occassionally flare if one came too close but that was about it.

As your tank is fairly small though (i kept mine in a 20 gallon) you may be best going for a divided tank, or putting the male in his own tank, unless you're sure he's not going to be very aggresive :) Its up to you, but good luck with them! :D
3 bettas in a 2 gallon? :crazy: They wouldn't have any room to escape from each other. Please, atleast get the male out of there. They may be getting along fine at the moment, but one day you'll look in the tank and somebody's going to be hurt badly, or even worse, dead. :-( You could even divide it and half a put the male on one side and one of the females on the other, and you can buy a new tank for your other female or find her a new home. Thats what I would do.
What happened to your friends betta? You said one only had a male left and the other had no bettas left...did they all die?
I'm looking to upgrade the 2 gallon tank but the problem is I have no room and my dad doesn't want anymore tanks, because I have 4 in my room at the moment, but the bettas have been fine together for about 6 months now, but I'll keep my eye out for any trouble and if worse comes to worse I'll put them in their betta condos, but those aren't that big. I have no idea what happend to my friends bettas, my one friend who had the 3 die on her didn't even have them for a month, but I never saw them in their tank so I don't know what happend, and the other friend who lost the 2 females did so within at least a month or two I think because the male was chasing them around and stressed them out but I'm not totally sure, mine very rarely chase each other around and then like I was saying sometimes the male flares out at the females to get under the rock and then other times I'll see all 3 in the rock together. It also seems that they tend to stay in their own sections, the one female likes the top, the other one the bottom and then the male is more of a middle swimmer.

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