Search results

  1. Boxer_Gaz

    Best Dithers And Target Fish?

    Well I was lookin at Serpae teta or cherry barb due to the aggressive nature of the tigers but I think a shoal of 8-10 should keep the aggression between them and also will look quite stunning. Just going to have an RTB, Firemouth and couple of BN plecos in there. Gaz
  2. Boxer_Gaz

    Best Dithers And Target Fish?

    Is that to me fishprotector? Im just getting the normal black and gold tigers. Gaz
  3. Boxer_Gaz

    Best Dithers And Target Fish?

    I'm getting 8/10 Tiger barbs for in with my Firemouth :)
  4. Boxer_Gaz


    Where abouts are you? I would love that rainbow shark :)
  5. Boxer_Gaz

    My New Tank

    Thanks Minnt. Would a Firemouth eat young guppys?
  6. Boxer_Gaz

    My New Tank

    Cool. Thanks minnt. Might go with the thoricthys and a nice shoal of tiger barbs :) Cheers Gaz
  7. Boxer_Gaz

    Firemouth And Tiger Barbs

    Thanks. I really like the Elliotti :)
  8. Boxer_Gaz

    My New Tank

    I'm really having a battle with stocking ideas here. Do I go more aggressive... 8 x Tiger Barbs 1 x Firemouth 1 x Pair Albino BN Plecos Or Less Aggressive... 8 x Cherry Barb or 10 x Cardinal Tetra 1 x Pair Apistogramma 1 x Albino BN Pleco Which sounds like the better tank and am I maxed out...
  9. Boxer_Gaz

    Firemouth And Tiger Barbs

    What is more aggressive? T. Meeki or T. Ellioti?
  10. Boxer_Gaz

    Firemouth And Tiger Barbs

    Cool. Thanks :)
  11. Boxer_Gaz

    Firemouth And Tiger Barbs

    What about the RTB? Is that likely to fight with the F/M? And would the tigers bother a pair of BN plecos?
  12. Boxer_Gaz

    Firemouth And Tiger Barbs

    Thanks I thought it probably would.
  13. Boxer_Gaz

    Firemouth And Tiger Barbs

    My mate has got a 48" x 15" x 15" and it's sole occupant is a young Firemouth. He wants to add 8-10 tiger barbs, a red tail black shark and a couple of BN plecos. How compatible are these? I've said he would probably be okay. Gaz
  14. Boxer_Gaz

    My New Tank

    Okay thanks a lot for the help.
  15. Boxer_Gaz

    My New Tank

    Would I be okay with any of them Plecos in that under 8" link mate?
  16. Boxer_Gaz

    My New Tank

    Okay fair point mate. Might do just that. While you are here what's your view on the Pleco front? I was gonna go for 5/6 young albino Bristlenose and try to attain a pair and then return the others. Good idea or bad? Would you go for just 1 Pleco? If so I would like a rarer one like a Queen...
  17. Boxer_Gaz

    My New Tank

    I will find out my water stats for you minnt. I'm not concerned about the apistos and pretty set on them. I like my pots :( I take it you dont? Haha. What would you have instead of the Gouramis? I'm gonna have the cherry barbs and apistos and fancied something a little larger for mid-top of...
  18. Boxer_Gaz

    My New Tank

    I really like the dwarfs but have read that they can be hard work to keep and are prone to every disease going. How would the apisto and tetras/barbs fair with a three spot Gouramis? I think cherry barbs are steady enough for with a gourami aren't they? Thanks Gaz
  19. Boxer_Gaz

    My New Tank

    Thanks. Cant wait either. Added ammonia source this morning. Getting water test kit tomorrow to see how cycling is doing. Think I've decided stocking on... 8 x Cherry Barb or Serpae Tetra (Can't Decide) Pair of Apistogramma (Nijsseni or Macmasteri) Pair of Bristlenose Plecos 1 x Gouramis...
  20. Boxer_Gaz

    My New Tank

    Thanks. Will look into black backgrounds. I think you can get a type of paint that would scrape off at a later date? Not sure. Added a few plants tonight and it's a little clearer today...
  21. Boxer_Gaz

    Which Master Kit To Buy?

    I was told the API would be £30 ish but just found this for £16... Is this the one?
  22. Boxer_Gaz

    My New Tank

    Still cloudy from the sand but looks better already. Thinking of scrapping the plant background and painting the back black. Any suggestions on what paint to use? Can you get glass painf? Thanks Gaz
  23. Boxer_Gaz

    My New Tank

    Thanks for replys. I really like Serpae tetra so will give the Gouramis a miss then. I've got sand in the tank now so the pots are partially buried :)
  24. Boxer_Gaz

    Thoughts On The Sex Of This Rotkeil Severum

    Sorry haven't got a clue but they are stunning fish. I'm so jealous. Cant wait to have a 5 or 6 foot tank and a few decent cichlids.
  25. Boxer_Gaz

    My New Tank

    Thank you, I will check out those that you suggested. :)
  26. Boxer_Gaz

    My New Tank

    Thanks. And yeh I definitely am. Never had any luck with plants when i kept fish before so will have to do some research into easy plants and lighting etc. Gaz
  27. Boxer_Gaz

    My New Tank

    It looks better already with bogwood and smaller pots I think :)
  28. Boxer_Gaz

    2 Pairs Of Apistos In 3 Foot Tank?

    Thanks for the great reply Dr Rob. Im not really interested in breeding and would love 2 Males as they are so much nicer to look at but didn't realise this was possible. I wouldnt say it's gonna be a community as such, I was thinking of 8-10 Serpae Tetra, a Golden or Opaline Gouramis and a...
  29. Boxer_Gaz

    2 Pairs Of Apistos In 3 Foot Tank?

    Do they tend to do better as a trio that a pair? Baring in mind I'm probably be getting them young and would be un-mated. Thanks Gaz
  30. Boxer_Gaz

    2 Pairs Of Apistos In 3 Foot Tank?

    Thanks Snake007 and njstockley. Would the 1 male and 2 or 3 female arrangement work with any of the apisto species? Thanks for the link, very interesting read indeed. The tank is 32" x 12" and 16" high. Thanks Gaz Onidrase - just seen your reply. Thanks also :)
  31. Boxer_Gaz

    My New Tank

    Thanks mate. I'm getting the sand tomorrow and i will wash it and put it in the tank then. I've also stumbled across 3 nice pieces of bogwood this evening so will put them in and take some updates photos. I think I will be all ready to add my ammonia then and start my fishless cycle :) Gaz
  32. Boxer_Gaz

    2 Pairs Of Apistos In 3 Foot Tank?

    I'm thinking a male and 2 or 3 female of same species may be a better choice? But I've read that multiple females can sometimes fight over the male? Are there any apisto experts on here I can contact? Thanks Gaz
  33. Boxer_Gaz

    2 Pairs Of Apistos In 3 Foot Tank?

    Could you house 2 pairs of apisto in a 3 foot tank with lots of caves and pots or would it be trouble? Was thinking A. Cacatuoides and A. Macmasteri. Thanks Gaz
  34. Boxer_Gaz

    My New Tank

    Cheers will give it a try :)
  35. Boxer_Gaz

    My New Tank

    Thanks for the input dude. How do you wash the sand? Just keep rinsing in buckets? I'm swapping that big pot for 3 small terracotta pots and a nice piece of bogwood. Anyone know anywhere reasonable l can purchase bogwood from? They wanted £10 for a small plain piece today, I want a really...
  36. Boxer_Gaz

    My New Tank

    Okay so I've just been to get my heater, thermometer and background from LFS. Im running a fluval U3 which I have had off my mate until I decide wether to keep this or go down the external route. I may stick with the internal and go down the external route next year when I upgrade to a 5 foot...
  37. Boxer_Gaz

    My New Tank

    Cheers will do :)
  38. Boxer_Gaz

    My New Tank

    Thank you for the input. I was gonna get 1 male and 2 female but read various posts about the females fighting to the death so decided a pair would be better? Thanks Gaz
  39. Boxer_Gaz

    My New Tank

    Just given the tank a good clean, put a new light and starter in the hood and filled with water. Experimenting with this terracotta pot I found yesterday, think it will look pretty cool with a small terracotta plant pot the other end and a piece of bogwood in the middle. Gaz
  40. Boxer_Gaz

    16 Gal Stocking Advice

    Sorry for being an absolute noob and Hyjacking your thread. When you say 16 Gallon. Is that US Gallon or Imperial, everyone on here seems to use Gallon except me who uses litres. Lol. Thanks Gaz