Thoughts On The Sex Of This Rotkeil Severum


Fish Herder
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
Tahoe City, CA USA
This rotkeil is about a year and one half old. I thought it was a "she". "She" is in the tank with a super red severum whom I'm calling a "he". BUT, they have been together 6 months and there is little aggression between them (a wee bit of chasing initiated by the smaller but older rotkeil) but no breeding behavior at all. I started wondering if they were both "he" fish. What do you think? I know the super reds are hard to sex and I'm just saying I think it is a "he"... probably because his name is Tony. :hyper: The rotkeil has beautiful blues and long fin extensions that don't come out well in the photos. Thanks


Sorry haven't got a clue but they are stunning fish.

I'm so jealous. Cant wait to have a 5 or 6 foot tank and a few decent cichlids.
Red looks male Rotkiel looks female - The red has the marking across his nose where as the Rotkiel does not which is usually a good indicator.

Thanks everyone. Here is an interesting thing. Another forum, whose name shall remain unspoken, decided after a bit of debate that the rotkeil is a male. The reason they arrived at that is that most females do not have markings on the cheeks and near the eyes but are totally blank like the area between the eyes currently. Sort of a poorly marked male or perhaps given the state of the chemicals in our waters, a male with changes toward females because of the chemicals? Just a thought there. I just remember reading studies about this issue in salmonid species... males with too much estrogen.

Just found a link in case:

Either way I guess there is enough there to be questionable? I don't really care. Personally I don't want breeding in my tank because I like the peace. But we will see. In the mean time Bean (originally Mr. Bean and then because I thought it was a female, Bean) is beautiful regardless of sex.

Thanks everyone.
The red one looks male and the rotkiel looks female

cause wills said so :look:

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