Firemouth And Tiger Barbs


Fish Fanatic
Jan 13, 2012
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My mate has got a 48" x 15" x 15" and it's sole occupant is a young Firemouth.

He wants to add 8-10 tiger barbs, a red tail black shark and a couple of BN plecos.

How compatible are these? I've said he would probably be okay.

I think it will work
What about the RTB? Is that likely to fight with the F/M?

And would the tigers bother a pair of BN plecos?
What about the RTB? Is that likely to fight with the F/M?

And would the tigers bother a pair of BN plecos?
a RTBS would be fine. it may try to chase the FM or vice versa, but that's to be expected of territorial fish. With a 4 foot long tank, there's plenty of room for both of them to take their places. Just make sure you have plenty of decorations and such.

BN Plecos will be fine as well. Tiger Barbs may try to nip at them now and then, but they're freaking armored catfish, IME they don't even care if something is trying to pick on it :lol:
What is more aggressive? T. Meeki or T. Ellioti?
Yes of course but in general the firemouth would be classed as the more aggressive of the two.
I still don't think so... Having owned both i don't really see any difference tbh. People think that because they have a more aggressive name and have a brighter coloured throat then they are the aggressor, but i disagree.
Im just going on my experience with my Firemouths, never owned an Elliotti, people have always said they were the firemouths peaceful cousin.
Hows the firemouth pairing going?
Good. :D gonna move them to their own tank hopefully this weekend.

Maybe I just have a balshy ellioti then?

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