My New Tank

I have NO idea, but you probably could yeah :)
Plants are looking good, looking forward to seeing it full of fish soonish! :)
Thanks. Cant wait either.

Added ammonia source this morning. Getting water test kit tomorrow to see how cycling is doing.

Think I've decided stocking on...

8 x Cherry Barb or Serpae Tetra (Can't Decide)
Pair of Apistogramma (Nijsseni or Macmasteri)
Pair of Bristlenose Plecos
1 x Gouramis, Flying Fox, Rainbow Shark or another single fish.

Sounds good, i have a pair of apistogramma and 1 dwarf gourami as my main fish, they are so pretty! :)
I really like the dwarfs but have read that they can be hard work to keep and are prone to every disease going.

How would the apisto and tetras/barbs fair with a three spot Gouramis?

I think cherry barbs are steady enough for with a gourami aren't they?


Gaz, why not replace the pots with hollowed out coconut shells? Would look far more natural.

Apisto's don't seem too hard to keep. Any idea on what your water conditions are? Have a look on your water suppliers website, they will state everything for the water in your area.

If unsure of Apisto's then consider Bolivian Rams.

Personally i would knock the Gourami on the head, but thats just me. :D
I will find out my water stats for you minnt.

I'm not concerned about the apistos and pretty set on them.

I like my pots :( I take it you dont? Haha.

What would you have instead of the Gouramis?

I'm gonna have the cherry barbs and apistos and fancied something a little larger for mid-top of the tank?


Lol, i know what you mean mate. Unsure what i would replace it with.

If it was my tank i would go with a group of Bleeding Heart Tetra's, or a group of Silver Tip Tetra's or a group of Rosey Tetra's or a group of Harlequin/Copper Rasbora's.

Let the Apisto's be the main star of the show.

Pots look good... ;)
Okay fair point mate.

Might do just that.

While you are here what's your view on the Pleco front? I was gonna go for 5/6 young albino Bristlenose and try to attain a pair and then return the others.

Good idea or bad? Would you go for just 1 Pleco? If so I would like a rarer one like a Queen Arabesque or Snowball.

And we will agree to disagree on the Teracotta pots :) haha

If going with BN's, then try and find a rarer one like the Super Red, Red or Green form or an Albino.

If wanting any others... Knock yourself out...
Would I be okay with any of them Plecos in that under 8" link mate?
I'm really having a battle with stocking ideas here.

Do I go more aggressive...

8 x Tiger Barbs
1 x Firemouth
1 x Pair Albino BN Plecos

Or Less Aggressive...

8 x Cherry Barb or 10 x Cardinal Tetra
1 x Pair Apistogramma
1 x Albino BN Pleco

Which sounds like the better tank and am I maxed out on stocking there?


Both sound nice. Thorichthys make excellent centrepiece fish, very nice indeed. :D And, with nothing to figh with, he is as calm as a cucumber. :D

Tiger Barbs really are fantastic mate. They are so active and their colouration is stunning in the right light.
Cool. Thanks minnt.

Might go with the thoricthys and a nice shoal of tiger barbs :)



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