2 Pairs Of Apistos In 3 Foot Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 13, 2012
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Could you house 2 pairs of apisto in a 3 foot tank with lots of caves and pots or would it be trouble?

Was thinking A. Cacatuoides and A. Macmasteri.


I think it may work but not to sure.
I'm thinking a male and 2 or 3 female of same species may be a better choice?

But I've read that multiple females can sometimes fight over the male?

Are there any apisto experts on here I can contact?


Hmm not sure you could try minnnt wills or onidrase or thereverendturtle
not sure if they know about apistos but im sure they do.
I'm thinking a male and 2 or 3 female of same species may be a better choice?

But I've read that multiple females can sometimes fight over the male?

Are there any apisto experts on here I can contact?



1m / 3f would be fine. But take a read of this - a slightly more interesting way of keeping apistos compared to the hareem that some recommend. What's the footprint of the tank?
I'm thinking a male and 2 or 3 female of same species may be a better choice?

But I've read that multiple females can sometimes fight over the male?

Are there any apisto experts on here I can contact?



1m / 3f would be fine. But take a read of this - a slightly more interesting way of keeping apistos compared to the hareem that some recommend. What's the footprint of the tank?
50 per 10 gallons? That sounds terrifying :crazy: I kinda doubt any fish would be having fun in a tank like that. wouldn't you think the tank would look kinda like those LFS feeder fish tanks, only with a dab more of color?

In other regards, apistos are the dwarf cichlids that are kind of a mystery to me, there are just so many of them and I've never seen them sold locally, so they're not something I've looked into. But I believe people keep them in trios (1m 2f) or they go for simply males, each of a different species.

I think it'd be possible to get 1 trio or as above 1 m 3 f of the species you suggested in a 3 footer, but there are other people who could give you more info than me.
Thanks Snake007 and njstockley.

Would the 1 male and 2 or 3 female arrangement work with any of the apisto species?

Thanks for the link, very interesting read indeed.

The tank is 32" x 12" and 16" high.



Onidrase - just seen your reply. Thanks also :)
Pretty much want 12"x12" per female. I've done two pairs of different species in a 36" tank without problem. There is always the possibility of hybridizing though, so I would no longer keep them that way.
Do they tend to do better as a trio that a pair?

Baring in mind I'm probably be getting them young and would be un-mated.


32" by 12" footprint. Are you aiming for breeding? If so I'd stick to one species and try 1m 2f (or even 1m 1f). I might be tempted to go for 2 pairs of different species in a 36" but would be worried about what would happen if and when breeding happened and I had something similar planned for a 48".

If you're not going for breeding then go for males of different species, and yes, I'd expect you could probably get 2 that looked different enough from each other (you could go for females if you were so inclined, but they're a lot less pretty).

As usual, it depends on the temperament of the individual fish. I have a male agassizi at the moment that's an absolute psychopath, I'd not keep him with anything that looks remotely like him (he even attacks the cat through the glass), but that's just the way it goes.

Only other question I have is whether they're going to be the only things in the tank or if it's planned to be a community.
Thanks for the great reply Dr Rob.

Im not really interested in breeding and would love 2 Males as they are so much nicer to look at but didn't realise this was possible.

I wouldnt say it's gonna be a community as such, I was thinking of 8-10 Serpae Tetra, a Golden or Opaline Gouramis and a small pleco.

Would you go for 2 males of different apisto species then?



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