My New Tank

Thanks for the input dude.

How do you wash the sand? Just keep rinsing in buckets?

I'm swapping that big pot for 3 small terracotta pots and a nice piece of bogwood.

Anyone know anywhere reasonable l can purchase bogwood from? They wanted £10 for a small plain piece today, I want a really nice fancy piece.



:) Yeah, put it in buckets and rinse and rinse and rinse until the water runs clear :) That sounds good, i have quite a lot of terecotta pots in my tank, the fish love them :) They've also grown algea all over them so look quite natural haha :D Try ebay, depending where you live some people sell MASSIVE lumps on collection only :)
Thanks mate.

I'm getting the sand tomorrow and i will wash it and put it in the tank then.

I've also stumbled across 3 nice pieces of bogwood this evening so will put them in and take some updates photos.

I think I will be all ready to add my ammonia then and start my fishless cycle :)

It looks better already with bogwood and smaller pots I think :)

Yeah that looks good :) You gonna get some plants in there once you've got substrate and your cycle done? :)
Thanks. And yeh I definitely am.

Never had any luck with plants when i kept fish before so will have to do some research into easy plants and lighting etc.

Awesome, real plants look great :) I've got a big mix, eleoda are VERY fast growing and will quickly take over your tank so watch out with that, cabomba is pretty nice and easy to care for, could look at amazon swords and java ferns too - those look good on driftwood :)
Thank you, I will check out those that you suggested.

Thank you for the input.

I was gonna get 1 male and 2 female but read various posts about the females fighting to the death so decided a pair would be better?



Not read that myself, but probs worth a question in the New World Cichlid section, to be on the safe side.

Might have been me mate, i had 2 females before xmas despite 4 times the amount of caves no line sight they fought to the death. In that size tank a pair is fine, harem's should really be in long tanks with a big footprint :)
Regarding the Stocking Plans:

Please don't add Serpae Tetras with a Gold Gourami. Serpaes are very nippy & the Gold Gourami's feelers will be too much of a temptation for them. Black or Red Phantom Tetras would be a better choice in my humble opinion. An even safer bet would be Lemon, Flame or Black Neon Tetras.
Another suggestion:

You could try cutting those pots into half circles so they stay where you want them.
Thanks for replys.

I really like Serpae tetra so will give the Gouramis a miss then.

I've got sand in the tank now so the pots are partially buried :)
Still cloudy from the sand but looks better already.

Thinking of scrapping the plant background and painting the back black. Any suggestions on what paint to use? Can you get glass painf?



looks good! :D black background could be pretty cool, though i'd probably go for buying a black background to stick on rather than painting, just incase you ever changed your mind! :)
Thanks. Will look into black backgrounds.

I think you can get a type of paint that would scrape off at a later date? Not sure.

Added a few plants tonight and it's a little clearer today...


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