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  1. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    Here's a month of my pH data. Changed slide on the 19th. The lowest data point was on the 16th and was brief enough to not generate a time stamp. All in all pretty stable.
  2. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    I soak my new slides in the aquarium for 2 days before changing. I get good results using this method.
  3. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    Seneye is shooting for a December timeframe for the added parameter capabilities.
  4. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    Congratulations! :good:
  5. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    From Seneye: Thank you for letting us know about this issue, normal service is back. We have given the server a reboot. The problem appears to have only been with the server; the seneye back ground and database servers were unaffected. Therefore all the uploaded data is...
  6. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    I will contact Seneye.
  7. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    Mine displays the graphs correctly using Firefox but the time is the same as yours.
  8. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    Thanks Ian. I was going to contact Seneye for a response but you beat me to it. This info reinforces my faith in my Seneye. Looking forward to the new parameters later this year.
  9. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    Cool toy! :good:
  10. KISSfn

    Super Ich

    Great news! :good:
  11. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    I no longer have that email. You can call, email or Skype Seneye and they can explain the pH variations to you. Ammonia's danger level is 0.20 so at 0.007 you have no worries! :good:
  12. KISSfn

    Super Ich

    I hope you don't have any more deaths too!
  13. KISSfn

    Super Ich

    I don't like Melafix because it didn't work for me (it's just tree oil) and Maracyn and Kordon Rid Ich Plus have real medicine in them that did work. I'm pretty sure it's the salt that kills the Ich, the heat just speeds up it's life cycle so you can kill it faster.
  14. KISSfn

    Super Ich

    So sorry for your additional loss...:rip: White fluff sounds like fungus. I would use Maracyn instead of Melafix or Pimafix. If you reinstate the Kordon Rid Ich Plus it treats both Ich and fungus. Maracyn and Kordon state on the box it doesn't harm your biological filter. You may want to...
  15. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    Seneye sent me a detailed email (that I can't find) that explained how pH will vary based on numerous factors. Your pH fluctuations are not large enough to worry about. Same with your Ammonia.
  16. KISSfn

    Super Ich

    Sorry for your additional loss...:rip: If you haven't seen any spots for several days I would not add more salt. Cories don't tolerate it well as is and I wouldn't push it.
  17. KISSfn

    Perfect Water, Dead Fish

    I've learned my share and am still learning...
  18. KISSfn

    Super Ich

    Sorry for your losses...:rip: I hope you win the battle soon with no more casualties!
  19. KISSfn

    Is This A Wound Or Something Worse?

    Terribly sorry for your loss...:rip: Not even my Vet, who works with exotics, treats fish. I can see why...
  20. KISSfn

    Fin Rot. Is It Healing Or Progressing?

    Try a Seachem Multitest Ammonia kit. I always had trouble with the API Ammonia and Nitrate tests being inaccurate.
  21. KISSfn

    Rasbora Is Swimming Strange

    I think fish should be acclimated for at least an hour. Some acclimate longer. That could be the problem.
  22. KISSfn

    Extreme Rise In Ammonia

    Sounds like when you put your mature filter in your new filter and left it for a few days your mature filter didn't get fed and went dormant. You are now in a fish in cycle and should follow the instructions in the link under my tank pic. If your ammonia is high you'll need to do 95% water...
  23. KISSfn

    White Spots And Swimming Vertically At Times

    Your tank has Ich. Kordon Rid Ich Plus worked well for me. Remove carbon from filter. Raise temp to 82F. Add some aquarium salt (if you don't have scaleless fish) Treat for at least 4 days after all signs of Ich are gone. Could take up to 35 days or more depending on the strain of Ich.
  24. KISSfn

    Rasbora Is Swimming Strange

    What are you water parameters? How did you acclimate your new fish?
  25. KISSfn

    Perfect Water, Dead Fish

    Sounds like overcrowding and stress brought on a brawl.
  26. KISSfn

    Is This A Wound Or Something Worse?

    So sorry for your loss...:rip: The red spot could be a secondary bacterial infection that should respond to tetracycline.
  27. KISSfn

    Soar Fins!

    Could be an external bacterial infection. Treat with Maracyn and Maracyn 2.
  28. KISSfn

    Dropsy? Help!

    There are a number of medications available such as penicillin, tetracycline, Maracyn, Maracyn2 and naladixic acid. Salt baths can help to draw the fluid out of the fish.
  29. KISSfn

    Neon Tetra Help

    Glad to help! :good:
  30. KISSfn

    Neon Tetra Help

    Since you saw bullying, you only have 5 Neons and Neons are a schooling species, if you have room in your tank add 3 more Neons to even out the aggression.
  31. KISSfn

    Neon Tetra Help

    Yeah, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates and frequency and amount of water changes.
  32. KISSfn

    Neon Tetra Help

    What are your water parameters? Is your filter cycled? How many neons do you have?
  33. KISSfn

    Gourami Sinking, Can't Move

    Try withholding all food for 3 or 4 days.
  34. KISSfn

    Soar Fins!

    Is your filter cycled? What are your water parameters?
  35. KISSfn

    Hi, Thanks for the compliments! My tank is an Aqueon 120 gallon with 2 overflows with plumbing...

    Hi, Thanks for the compliments! My tank is an Aqueon 120 gallon with 2 overflows with plumbing type 48"L x 25"H x 24"D. The bubbler in the center bottom has 6 blue LEDs and my Coralife hood has 4 blue LEDs, 2 T5 10K bulbs and 2 T5 Actinic bulbs. I'd be glad to help if I can.
  36. KISSfn

    Super Ich

  37. KISSfn

    Fin Rot. Is It Healing Or Progressing?

    Did you test the ammonia right away after the water change? It will probably take a few days for your new filter to settle in. Retest tonight.
  38. KISSfn

    How Can I Lower My Ph, Which Is At A High 8.4?

    If that's the pH that comes out of your tap no reason to lower it. A stable pH is more important than trying to mess with it. Buffering capacity refers to water's ability to keep the pH stable.
  39. KISSfn


    Amano shrimp are great to have and they won't breed.