Is This A Wound Or Something Worse?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 6, 2012
Reaction score
North Alabama
Tank size:29 gallon
gH:not sure
tank temp:82F

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior):Fish is a female german blue ram. I've had her for about 3 months. She eats well and is active. Recently I have noticed this small section over her belly that seems to missing some scales. Here are some pictures.


I have tried to point out the section where the wound is.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: Recently I have been doing two water changes a day. 3 days ago I changed my substrate. My normal maintenance would be a 20 percent water change every 4 days.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: I use a biowheel 350. It has 4 filter cartridges in it. No other chemicals other than dechlorinator.

Tank inhabitants:2 German blue rams. 2 Electric blue rams and 4 angelicus loach.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):While the tank was down for the substrate change. I had the fish in a large rubber container full of water I siphoned from my tank. I attached the filter to side of the container, and put the heater in to keep the temp consistent and the filter from crashing. My filter was only off for 5 minutes at most during the change. I seeded the substrate with a sock full of old gravel. After 24 hours of the change I noticed a slight ammonia spike, not quite .25 but higher than 0, so for the next week or so I will be doing 50 percent changes twice a day.
I have noticed that she has become a little aggressive to my male EBR. She gives him a few nips here and there and she kind of gives him a little chase every now and then. I think that may be where the wound came from.

Exposure to chemicals: None.

I'm just wondering if there's any treatment I should give her. Mostly I am posting in case this is not just a small wound and it is something someone more experienced than I might recognize as a more serious injury or disease.
Since she's eating, active, a little aggressive and by the pic I would say it's a wound. Treat with a combo of Melafix and Pimafix.
Here's a new photo. I don't think she's getting any worse, not sure if she's any better either. I did notice her gills are little puffed out? I was thinking it may be from the ammonia spike. Still hungry and active. I did like you said and treated her with melafix and pima fix. I had some lying around.

Thanks for the help.
Glad to help! :good: Might need some more time for the Melafix, Pimafix combo to work. If her gills are puffed out (not closing all the way) she might have gill disease, treat with Maracyn 2.
I need a little help. Another one of my fish, an electric blue ram, got pop eye. I noticed when I got home from work when I usually feed. The night before I'm positive I saw him out and eating. I quarantined him and the female with the wound. Her wound didn't seem to be getting any better. I read about the many causes of popeye and thought my bet shot was an antibiotic to treat bacterial infections. I thought that explained my rams wound and swollen gill, as well. After a day of treatment my Electric blue died. After three days of treatment, my females fins have been looking better. Her wound also looked better but I don't have the best light on my hospital tank. Today I noticed a red spot, like a blood drop, near her wound. Her gill looks a little better too. I am treating with tetracycline. I'm using one packet on a ten gallon but doing 50 percent water changes in place of the 25 percent. I have read that the dosing can be a little high.
I'm just wondering what this spot is near the black spot on her back? Should I be treating with a different medication?

So sorry for your loss...:rip: The red spot could be a secondary bacterial infection that should respond to tetracycline.
The little female ram died last night. I think she may have had a parasite. The tricycline didn't help a whole lot.
Terribly sorry for your loss...:rip: Not even my Vet, who works with exotics, treats fish. I can see why...

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