Super Ich

Do not assume its gone after three days spot free. Keep on treating for a week at least. You need to kill ich during the free swimming stage. You could still have cysts that hatch out new free swimmers. Its best to be safe rather than sorry.

White spot disease (Ichthyopthirius multifiliis) is caused by a protozoan with a life cycle that includes a free-living stage. Ich grows on a fish --> it falls off and attaches to gravel or tank glass --> it reproduces to MANY parasites --> these swarmers then attach to other fish. If the swarmers do not find a fish host, they die in about 3 days (depending on the water temperature).
LALALALALALALA (ears plugged) - I'm not LISTENING! (yes I know, very mature.) I REALLY hope you're wrong, no offense. Today is day five with no signs of white spots. I did a massive water change yesterday and am gradually lowering the temp in the aquarium. So far so good--keeping fingers crossed.
Oh dear GOD! Inspected fish after work. All looked good until I carefully inspected ALL the neons. One of them has a tiny white spot on his/her tail. Oh, PLEASE let it not be ich!!!!! :shout:

Honestly, this HAS to be the most resistant strain of ich EVER in the history of the world.... One month of meds and high temps over 86F, including several days of 88/89F and then continued treatment for over three days after no signs.... it's been six days with NO white spots! COME ON! :angry:

Well, TwoTank, I was hoping you were wrong, but it looks like I'm in for another LOOOONG haul. :sad:

This time it's WAR!! If this IS Ich, I'm blasting the heat and dosing with salt this time (sorry cories), and removing my plants so at least they survive..... :grr:
UPDATE -- Today is day four with 90F and salt. I haven't seen any white spots for three days. I did a HUGE water change today and plan on lowering the temp down to 86F over the next couple of days and keep it there for a week. Hopefully, maintaining that temp with salt will do the trick and I can start getting my tank back to normal a week from today. Unfortunately, I lost one otto and one neon during this treatment. :sad:

My plants have been in a bucket near the front bow window since Tuesday. Hopefully they will survive another week or two in there.... :unsure:

On the bright side, since I took most everything out of the aquarium for treatement, it was a breeze cleaning/vaccuuming the tank and I was able to rid my tank of most of the nasty hitchhiker snails. :)

I hope I don't loose any more fish during this treatment.
Thanks KISSfn. Unfortunately, I lost another neon. It's taking me longer than I thought to lower the temp with the summer heat, but it's slowly going down. Hopefully the remaining fish will survive another week of high temps. I'm definitely investing in a 10 gallon quarentine/hospital tank--there is no way I'm EVER going to introduce another fish to the main tank without putting them quarentine first--THIS STINKS! :angry:

Thanks for sharing your experience treating your tank with heat & salt--it really does beat the med route--even if I had to take all my plants out of the tank. :rolleyes: So far, so good, though with the salt and super-high heat method. I haven't seen any white spots for several days. :good:

As for the salt. Do you think the cories would tolorate a bit more salt? I've been maintaining approx 1 Tbs of salt per 5 gallons during water changes. I was thinking of adding 1 tsp extra per 5 gallons once the temp goes down to 86, since that temp didn't seem to eradicate the ich the last time (had it there for a month previously), so the salt will really have to do the job. :unsure:
Sorry for your additional loss...:rip: If you haven't seen any spots for several days I would not add more salt. Cories don't tolerate it well as is and I wouldn't push it.
Ok, I was thinking the same thing--so I'll just keep everything the way it is as far as the salt and heat (right now it's at slightly over 86F). Unfortunately, another neon bit the dust. :sad:

I think I'm dealing with yet another issue too. On closer observation this morning, I noticed that the remaining two neons have started flashing again, and one of them has what appears to be a white fluff here and there. It definitely doesn't look like ick, but I'm guessing fungus? :unsure:

NOW what do I do? I have some Melafix and Pimafix in my arsenal. The last time I used them both at the same time, it damaged my biological filter, so I'm hesitant to use them both. Is it safe to use Pimafix with high heat and salt? :huh:

What the heck, will this ever end?! :/
So sorry for your additional loss...:rip: White fluff sounds like fungus. I would use Maracyn instead of Melafix or Pimafix. If you reinstate the Kordon Rid Ich Plus it treats both Ich and fungus. Maracyn and Kordon state on the box it doesn't harm your biological filter. You may want to lower your heat to 82F. That temp worked for me. When fish are ill they are more prone to secondary infections, Ich led to fungus. Ya gotta hang in there, it will end eventually.
Thanks again. I really hope that's the last one. I feel so bad for them!

I lowered the temp again--it's now 84/85F, but I'm going to have to try the Pimafix for now. We're tight on $$ and since I already have it on hand, I might as well use it up. Hopefully it will do the trick. Why do you not like Pimafix or Melafix?

I've never used Kordon's Rid Ich Plus. I used the Ich Attack. I'm not going back to that--it took waaaay to long, stunk, and made by tank water so brown, I could barely see the fish. And it never really irradicated the ich. It seems as though I'm having more luck with high temp and salt. Hopefully, the Ich won't resurface now that the temp is being lowered. :unsure:
I don't like Melafix because it didn't work for me (it's just tree oil) and Maracyn and Kordon Rid Ich Plus have real medicine in them that did work. I'm pretty sure it's the salt that kills the Ich, the heat just speeds up it's life cycle so you can kill it faster.
Ok, well, we'll see if it works--hopefully it will. Worse case, I'll pick up some Maracyn.

On the bright side, there have not been any further deaths, so I'm happy about that!! :good:

WHEW!!!!!! :kana:

Looks like we FINALLY beat the 'Super Ick.' I haven't seen any white spots for over 10 days. Also, the Pimafix seems to be taking care of the fungus, as I haven't seen any more white fluff either. :yahoo:

Picked up a 10 gal tank at Petco in the $1/gal tank sale so I can use it as a quarentine/hospital tank instead of having to treat the display tank--what a PAIN that is!

Now I'm looking forward to rescaping my tank with PFS, putting my plants back in, and adding more fish (eventually). :D

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