Gourami Sinking, Can't Move


New Member
Jun 17, 2012
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My baby blue gourami has been sitting at the bottom of the tank for about 2 weeks now, either on his side or upside down. Has to swim is circles (upside down) to move to get food. Looks miserable.
  • Water chemistry is perfect
  • 80 degrees
  • Have had him for about 6 months - history of floating on his side, but never sinking like this - one time it was a fungal infection, successfully treated with bay tree extract
  • 16 gallon tank with 2 upside-down catfish, 2 bamboo shrimp and a 3-inch albino loach
  • tried feeding him mashed frozen peas once a day for 2 days - no effect
  • Currently in 6th day of bay tree extract treatment - no obvious effect
  • Lowered water level slightly to increase distance that water has to drop from filter so as to increase water oxygenation - just did this about 4 days ago, so I know it's not the cause, but it's not helping, either.

What do I do?

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