Fin Rot. Is It Healing Or Progressing?

Did you test the ammonia right away after the water change? It will probably take a few days for your new filter to settle in. Retest tonight.

No, I tested it the next morning. So, I should do another water change if it's still at .25?
yes! keep it under .25 ppm :good:

Keep your ammonia at the level in your tap and the nitrites below .25 ppm. I have ammonia in my tap and when I fishless cycled water changes would add ammonia. There's nothign you can do about that but you can keep the nitrites low. good luck :good:
yes! keep it under .25 ppm :good:

Keep your ammonia at the level in your tap and the nitrites below .25 ppm. I have ammonia in my tap and when I fishless cycled water changes would add ammonia. There's nothign you can do about that but you can keep the nitrites low. good luck :good:

It's already lower than my Tap water. My Tap tests at .50ppm. Eventually, will the cycled filter take care of the baseline ammonia? I should expect at some point ammonia & nitrites to be zero, right? Just not immediately following a water change?
right. It takes my filter up to 12 hours sometimes to clear the ammonia from my tap water completely. When I am fully stocked and my filter has a large bacteria colony, my filter clears the tap water ammonia in 6 hours. As long as you use a water conditioner that says it neutralizes ammonia and nitrites then you will be fine. The conditioner works for up to 24 hours.
right. It takes my filter up to 12 hours sometimes to clear the ammonia from my tap water completely. When I am fully stocked and my filter has a large bacteria colony, my filter clears the tap water ammonia in 6 hours. As long as you use a water conditioner that says it neutralizes ammonia and nitrites then you will be fine. The conditioner works for up to 24 hours.

Ok. Thanks. I use Prime, so I should be good for 24 hrs. Tonight will be about 24 hts since installing the new active filter. I'll test it then and see what I get.
What is going on? I recieved the active filter, cut it and put it both my son's & daughter's tanks. The next day my son's tank had a .25 nitrite reading and .25 ammonia reading. Now, the past few days of testing and the results are holding steady at .25 ammonia, 0 nitrite and 10-20 nitrate.

Obviously something is working because prior to this I had nitrite readings of 1-2. Shouldnt the ammonia be at zero? Or maybe there isnt enough ammonia eating bacteria to handle what's in my tap water? The baseline of my tap water, untreated is .50 ammonia. His tank is holdinh steady every morning at .25, maybe slightly less.

My daughter's tank is a different story. Her ammonia read at .50 this morning, but nitrite was zero and nitrate was 10.

I did do a full water change, and added stones and plants to her tank. Her fish once again is in a quaratine tank being treated for fin rot. We had a set back after being gone for 2 days. He lost half his top tail. So I back to daily water changes and salt water baths. Hopefully, he'll start to improve.

Am I doing this right? Is there anything else I should do?
Try a Seachem Multitest Ammonia kit. I always had trouble with the API Ammonia and Nitrate tests being inaccurate.

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